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Monday, October 7, 2024


I did get to have a little bit of respite on Sunday, despite having some company.  Our illustrious chainman of the board came to the pool and although, at first, appeared to be totally non-communicative, suddenly went into a tirade!  I was laughing tears, as he recalled previous events and in particular a previous resident who was prone to 'in depth' research on everything.  I am not sure what it was that had him on a roll, but it brought back some memories that were, indeed, highly amusing.  Laughter really is a good medicine and whilst I was not so much in need of pharmaceuticals, I felt much better at the end of the session!

Monday morning was not as easy as it would have been with our 'man Friday'.  It would not have been quite as bad if we had confidence that he would return on Tuesday, but we knew that would not be the case.  Perhaps Wednesday!

"Nope.  Still not back. You can speak to me!"  There was still some resistance, although some people had come to terms with the fact that I actually do know what I am talking about, and can deal with things in the absence of anyone else!  Anyone!  Anyone will do!  Someone from another office, as long as it is not the Englishwoman!  I can laugh or I can get angry.  A wise person, (actually, one of the promoters at Costco,) coined a phrase.  Anger can be your best friend or your worst enemy!  It is so true!  (The young man in question has autism, and is very open about his 'condition' - He quoted this to me and I asked who originally said it.  "Me!" he said.  When I said it was a very deep thought, he asked me to explain why, and then asked me to explain my interpretation, as although he understood it, obviously, he needed to make sure that I understood it! I gave him my understanding of said phrase and he was happy!  I digress!)  Mostly, I laugh!  However, I need not linger on the subject!

By the time Tuesday morning came around, Thursday was looking unlikely!  Could I last two weeks being two people.  Two and a half people if you consider I am still taking on some of Dana's old tasks (which I think are being slightly more efficiently run, but that is my opinion!)  Yes, I am on a self-promoting (or is it a self-preservation,) roll!  

"A wise man told me that anger can be your best friend or worst enemy", I told my maintenance man.  He was a little upset by something that had taken place a few days earlier.  I did give Shawn the credit, and then explained what I meant by this borrowed quote!  Raul laughed and found it rather a good phrase.  I wondered if it would get lost in translation, depending on whom he told!  

"Northwest London", I told a new client who had decided that I was proficient enough to take care of his business.  "Twenty years", came the next answer.  "Then you know the ropes!" he stated, rather than questioned.  I tried not to get too excited, and told him that I had a very good teacher!  I have learned a lot, and studied a lot.  After all, if I am going to live here, I need to know how!  I remember hearing someone commenting on how people who have lived, or travel around a certain area for a long time, will not always notice a new road sign.  The newcomers will notice it as they are more aware.  I am amazed at what people here do not know, but then again, they are natives, and maybe have had no need to know!  They have no need to prove their rights.  

I spent my 'home' time ant-proofing my kitchen!  Sugar ants have been my enemy this year, and although I think I found the source, I wanted to make sure they will stay out of my house!  Reorganising my kitchen was not too difficult and I was in one of my rare 'throw it all out' moods!  Not having to prepare for my usual Wednesday gathering was definitely a blessing, especially during one of my 'rare' moods!  

My confidence was slightly shattered on Wednesday morning.  I had been dreaming about something that I could not recall, but I did perceive it was to do with my ability to cook.  I could not remember how to make a simple stew.  Of course, by the time I entered my kitchen, made breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher and mentally ordered my tasks before going to work, I had remembered how to make a simple stew!  It was rather odd.  I tried to think what it was I was watching on television, or what I had heard that would have filtered into my night visions, and caused me to have this block.  However, dinner was delicious, even if I say do myself!  

What a wonderful surprise it was to see Grant back at his desk on Thursday.  I had bought flowers and cakes to welcome him back, but of course, I anticipated a Monday arrival, Tuesday at the latest.  The flowers were now in full bloom, and he thought they were beautiful.  However, the muffins were slightly on the stale side, but we all partook of some!  He told me about his nightmare of a vacation, and i filled him in on the gossip!  I continued to cover him for a while as I know what it is like to come back after a week or two, and I did not want him to get overwhelmed.  Of course, we joked about the fact that he would take off again seeing all he had to do, but it appeared that despite the non-compliance of some, I had 'done good'.  He was just as glad to be back as we were to have him back!

The week came to an end, as it always does, and we packed up for the weekend.  I felt quite exhausted, but I think it was due to the destress!  Saturday was the usual shopping day, where I was able to tell Shawn that he had become quite famous.  He seemed delighted!  I spent the afternoon reading.  There was a sense of calm, despite my neighbour's grandsons splashing in the much cooler water.  It was fun to watch the boys, and listen to their jokes and antics!

I overslept, slightly, on Sunday.  It mattered not as it is a self imposed 'get up' time.  It was only fifteen minutes, but it was worth it!  I got up and felt quite refreshed.  Knowing that next week will have a full compliment of workers (hopefully) there was a sense of calm!  I spoke to my sister and we swapped our week's stories.  Although I am not always a fan of technology, or should I say the liberties taken with technology, I do like the aspect of being able to chat with my family face to face!

Will I have an exciting week?  Will I have an easier week? Will I have an enjoyable week?  I will let you know in .......... another story!

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