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Monday, October 14, 2024


Both Grant and Samantha received emails on Friday.  Two sets of winning tickets.  I was in two minds whether I wanted to attend the Usher concert.  I knew he was a huge name back in the nineties, and still, apparently, draws a crowd.  His 'sound' was not unappealing.  However, the 'huge' name, and a 'school night' do not necessarily mix.  

After a reasonably relaxing afternoon on Sunday, I came back to reality and headed into the office Monday morning.  The email had said that a reply was needed by 10am, on Monday, and then the offer would be passed on to someone else.  I waited, checked both emails and found nothing.  The absence of a response now had me wanting to go to the concert.  Grant was not too keen, but would go if I wanted to. I assured him that if he didn't want to go, that was okay.  I could travel with Samantha and Edward, and would not mind sitting on my own.  I sent an email to the radio station, from Samantha, asking quite politely, where we were to retrieve the tickets, as my 'plus one' was quite pumped and raring to go!

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, the radio station responded.  The promoter was very sorry, but her team had not yet sent out anything, and she had instructed them to do so immediately.  Had I not emailed, I wondered if they would have remembered at all!  However, as they are freebies, I was not in a position to demand, or at least I felt as if I was not in a position to demand!  Around four o'clock, the tickets arrived.  Amazingly enough, they were not only on the same row, but both sets were side by side!  I assured Grant I did not need him to escort me, and Edward found a replacement.  One of his older ex-work colleagues.  The lady in question is not quite a senior, but heading that way, but she was very excited by the prospect of seeing such a 'huge' star!

As both parents were going to be in attendance, the little chap came with!  Armed with snacks, milk, and the obligatory headphones, to protect his ears.  The theatre was packed to the rafters.  We were actually in the rafters!  The only seats that appeared to be vacant were those on our row!  I think they could have been winning tickets either not claimed, or not sent!  

Oh, how I would have minded sitting on my own!  Although definitely not my type, and although it may seem like 'the lady doth protest too much', I really have never found the man to be appealing in that way, but to put it bluntly, 'sex on a stick!'  I know the modern day vernacular would not approve of what I am about to say, but it was very obvious, before my own eyes, women really did want to feel like women within this arena.  I have never, never, been able to gyrate like that!  What is more, the few that were selected to sit on the VIP stage, gyrated like their life depended on it!  In fact, I don't know that I could even begin to move as they moved!  I think I would be unteachable on some of those moves!  Good for them!  My grandson loved the show!  Roller-skating across the stage brought claps from the little boy, obviously oblivious to the sex appeal!  However, I was definitely ready to leave before the end!  There were only about four more songs to go, according to the 'app' that showed the playlist.  

No doubt, or perhaps it is just my opinion, the performer was quite influenced by the late Mr. Jackson.  It was a great show, but enough is as good as a feast!  I was definitely pleased I went, as it was an experience.  It definitely was an experience!  It was not as good as Tears for Fears, nor Boy George and Squeeze, but it did rate with one of the most energetic, and to a point, enjoyable.  As Grant did not join me, we did not go into the discussion of how amazing it was to be able to attend these shows, which always seems to be our 'post mortem'.  However, I did contemplate the difference in my life, here, again. My mother (perhaps my father, too) considered concerts to be dens of iniquity.  One way or another, she was concerned I would be lured into something. Perhaps, go with a strange to goodness knows where! (I would never have done that.)  Perhaps, take some drugs. (I would never have done that.)  Perhaps, do something unsavoury! (Her list was amazingly long in this category, and I found all an abomination!) I think my mother used reverse psychology to frighten me, rather than just did not trust me.  I will never know! I remember her telling me I was 'not a big enough fan', when I asked if I could join my friends at a concert.  Perhaps they just could not afford the tickets!  However, I digress.  As I merge into my senior years, I am reliving my youth, and attending concerts and shows that I probably would not have enjoyed more as a teenager!  An Englishwoman abroad am I, and loving it!

I wondered if Grant was slightly disappointed that he did not join us.  His 'maybe it would have been fun' was not overly emphasised, but he appeared to half-heatedly feel he lost an opportunity.  There is always the next concert!

As much as I had wanted to leave, and as much as I did not want to subject myself to anymore of the sensuous performance, I was definitely on a bit of a high!  I got in just before midnight and could not sleep for hours!  When it was time to get up, I was exhausted!  The whole day was a bit of a blur, and the last thing I wanted to do when I got home, was continue to work, but I had left my kitchen in a bit of a state and had to clear up and prepare for Wednesday evening!

My age probably has not a thing to do with my inability to 'work' things.  I received a message from my neighbour asking if I could water her plants.  She was out of town for a few days, and had not realised that the temperatures were going to be quite so high.  I assured her that this would not be  problem.  I asked if she wanted me to look out for packages or deliveries, but she said a friend was coming in a couple of times to water the indoor plants!  Is everyone on the same page as me?  My first impression was the impression of everyone else I told. "If she is coming to water the indoor plants....?"  However, it made no difference to me, as I am only next door!  I am happy to be neighbourly!

Turning the hose was easy.  Trying to work the nozzle was something else.  I pressed what I thought were buttons, turned the head, pulled on the trigger. Eventually, I did something that caused a trickle, but failed to activate it!  I was not going to give up!  Time was marching on and I went in search for Raul, but he was nowhere to be found.  As security conscious as the pair are, I assume they have cameras all around their patio, and laughed heartily at my efforts.  Eventually, I found the secret!  Push the bit that on every other nozzle is solidly stuck to the head!  Oh joy!  Of course, I told my story to all and sundry, and of course, all and sundry laughed!  

I promised I would look after Teddy on Friday, as Samantha was going to have an early birthday celebration, and had invited some of her friends over for the evening.  Her friend Cori arrived and they told the story of how they met, and how we had been invited to her baby shower, not having ever met her!  "Not only were they strangers, but they didn't speak my language!" said her now very close pal.  That would be us!  Foreigners!  English is our language. American English, not so much!

The weekend came around, and it was hot.  Austin was set to hit the century today, but I am not sure it got there.  It was close!  The University of Texas beat their rivals, Oklahoma, on Saturday, so all restaurants were packed!  Next week promises to be cooler. Perhaps it will be, perhaps not.  Nothing on the menu as of yet as far as reliving what I would have loved to do in my teenage years, but then again, next week is ........... another story!

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