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Sunday, September 29, 2024


When my daughter told me that her father had planned a visit, I was very pleased for her.  He has not seen his grandson, in real time, since last year, and it would be a good experience for them both.  When she told me that her father had planned a trip to Las Vegas, I was a little less pleased, as I knew what they probably entailed.  When she added that he had asked her little family to join them, I knew this meant a few days watching the dogs.  There would be no, "would you mind"; it would be "We are going away", and included in that statement would be an assumption, nay and expectation that we would look after the quadrupeds.  A long weekend was not my idea of bliss, but this turned into a week, which ended up being ten days!  

Dropping them off on Thursday was always going to be the plan.  An early morning flight does not leave time for deviation, especially when the drop off point is in the opposite direction from the airport.  We were given a list of 'do's' and 'don't's'.  However, I gave my disclaimer in return.  If I am looking after them, at my house, I am not going to, necessarily, adhere to all aspects.  

Thursday night and Friday morning was not a problem, apart from the walks, which are more of an inconvenience than an issue.  Looking after two dogs is not always easy, especially when one wants to go out and the other doesn't, and despite being in charge, and letting them know, "It's time to go out", you can lead a horse to water but can't make him drink!  Three times around the block does not always have the desired outcome, and a stubborn beast, who is a little perturbed at being sent away, may take a couple of days to settle into the new environment, despite having been there many times before.  As I was holding down her job as well as mine, I told my daughter that I needed to sleep at night and could not spend the early hours of the morning dealing with anomalies.  

To the rescue came Cori.  My daughter's friend came and collected one of the dogs. The little one.  It was thought that the older, and slightly larger animal would stress if he was abandoned yet again, and if he was taken away from his parents, and then from his beloved Dana, he would just fret continually.  As Cori has a pack of (fixed) females, the little one would probably enjoy himself more.  I felt as if I had failed.  Failed my daughter, failed the dogs, and failed in general.  However, I did feel far more relaxed, as did the 'big one' as he was more inclined to do as he was told.

I received daily updates, and did not feel too bad about letting one of them go.  It would not be forever.  I had to remind myself that I was the one who was originally 'put out'!

We dropped the 'big one' back on Sunday morning, and apparently the 'little one' was collected soon after.  All appeared to be well!

Dogs are not really my 'thing'.  I have never had dogs, and although I am one to say, "Never say never", I do not think I will ever own a dog. Perhaps I am too selfish.  Perhaps I just do not want the hassle, but it is my choice.  However, the guilt is quite debilitating!  They are like family and when I had to give one away (albeit for a few days) the pain was excruciating.  Exaggerate do I not!  Not quite Sophie's choice. (I thought long and hard about making that comparison, but figured my readers would understand it was the nearest I could make, not diluting the severity!)

I failed to feel the benefit on Sunday night, of not having to take a long walk in the humid evening temperatures, and I felt little relief Monday morning, when I did not have to venture into the wooded area behind the office.  It was if I was being punished for not keeping the two of them, and not experiencing the usual euphoria of being pet-less!  

Our following week started with a bang.  Grant was off for a week to help his friend, and I was dreading having to be him, as well as me.  I knew I could do it, but it felt a little daunting.  With everything that has happened over the last year, my confidence levels have surged, but once things 'settle down', and I get back into a normal(ish) routine, going out of the frying pan, back into the fire, heightens the tension slightly.  Of course, we managed.  The worst thing was the 'newbies' not knowing who I am and what I know!  "But we need to speak to someone about ......". Try me!  Oh wow, did I answer your questions?  Are you not amazed?  Apparently not.  Oh well, your loss!

The maintenance man at our office walked into my room and asked, "Can I be Frank?"  I resisted the obvious.  "Or you can be Bob, or Steve, or Mark".  I responded that I would be delighted if he would be 'Frank'.  (Or Bob, or Steve, or Mark.)  Apparently, there had been a 'solicitor' who had been coming into individual offices and promoting his communication company.  In doing so, he has stated two untruths. Firstly, (and this is heinous, per our maintenance man,) he has said that said solicitor has claimed that the managing agency has asked him to come and let the occupants know of his company's new and improved technology.  Secondly, he has been telling individuals that their neighbours have all (all) said they are having problems with their current company, namely ....! He (the maintenance man) wanted to categorically (my word, not his) state that management would never (NEVER) do such a thing! I told the maintenance man that the fellow had indeed called, and I had told him that firstly, (reversing the subject) I was unaware of everyone having a problem with their current (named) provider, as we did not share a current provider, and secondly, the management would never (NEVER) ask a provider to solicit their wares.  There is a very plain 'no soliciting' sign on the front door, as well as on mine.  Why would I trust someone who starts their pitch with a lie!  The maintenance man (who has become somewhat of a groupie as he loves the accent) was delighted.  I further told him that the younger generation (not all, I might add) do not appear to understand what 'no soliciting' means!  With the maintenance man smiling happily, as he left my office, I felt I could face the world, or at least do my job a well as Grant's!

Our homeowners meeting was quite the event.  The managing agency who is supposed (supposed) to work for us, has not really been doing a good job.  Actually, the point person has really let us down.  I  rarely say anything at the meeting as I feel she thinks I am somewhat naïve,  and is occasionally quite curt.  I did wonder if I was being over sensitive, but did have the fact confirmed by our esteemed chairperson.   However, when I know I am right, I will state my point.  The Englishwoman did not hold back!  I did not receive a standing ovation, but was told I was 'in order'.

The overnight temperatures dropped somewhat dramatically, and the water temperatures did the same.  The season is now the 'shape intake of breath' period that goes from summer to fall.  It is not quite 'wet suit' weather, but we are approaching fast!  "Wet suit?" whispered a neighbour's friend, as she asked me if it was cold enough yet.  The smile, nod and widened open eyes assure me that the friend thought I was a little insane!  Moreso, the friend appeared concerned for their friend for asking the question without thought.  Had they bought into my madness?  I am used to that!

Grant's plans, apparently, did not go to plan.  He had gone to help a friend load up a truck and move back to Texas, but the friend was supposed to be packed when he arrived.  Not only was he not fully packed, but he had not started!  We told him that if he had to take some more time, it was okay.  Really, we told him that!  I did not know for whom I should feel bad!  Him, or me!  

We did survive (of course) without our dynamo.  There was little time for much else than work, but we ended the week taking our grandson to dinner, and having him stay overnight.  Thankfully, he sleeps like a log!

Saturday morning was fun.  Dana and Teddy thought it would be fun to have a pillow (cushion) fight, or at least a throwing fest!  It was good to see them playing together.  We went to get our groceries, and all was well.  

I do not miss the dogs, and I do not miss having a (nearly) two year old around this morning.  I do not crave discussions with solicitors, nor do I miss my groupie.  Today, I am just going to have a 'me' day.  Or at least that is the plan.  Will it happen?  Watch out in .... another story!


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