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Sunday, September 15, 2024


I have excuses.  Four, in fact.  My son, daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.  My excuses for lack of posts.  I know, I made a resolution, but it would have been impossible.  Two young boys, with boundless energy, made it so, and Grandma loved every minute.

The 'surprise' that was supposed to happen four years ago, was burning through my oldest grandson, as he had kept the secret from me several months, and at the time, it was a huge thing for him.  However, I had to be told about this trip, as I would have to prepare for their arrival.  Keeping the secret from my daughter was not so easy, and I nearly let the 'cat out of the bag' on several occasions.

We knew the boys wanted to come and visit, but due to one thing and another, on their end, it seemed less and less likely that they would make it, but in the end they booked their flights, and the plan was put into motion.

A little over two weeks ago, on Friday, they landed in Austin, went to get their car, and were making their way to the office.  Their flight took off late, and I was messaging with Steph throughout.  My daughter was sending her videos, as this time last year, we were at home!  Steph could not see the videos and we were waiting to see if she would send me the same pictures and videos, so I knew how Steph should comment.  In the end, Steph said she would facetime with my daughter later that evening, as they were going to a barbeque and would be back late!  My phone was 'pinging' constantly, and I thought Samantha may have become suspicious, as she misses nothing!  Tangled webs were being weaved!  

My daughter disappeared, and sent me a message to say she was going to the Vet, and had gone 'out the back way' to avoid my youngest grandson  wondering where his mum was going, without him!  I panicked. The English family would be arriving at any minute, or so I thought, and the messages were not going through to their phones! I had visions of them meeting in the car park, and whilst it would s\till have been a surprise, I would not have seen it. They did not arrive, but instead, my daughter sat in the front office for a while, playing with her son, who was sitting quietly watching a movie.  Thankfully she went back to her office, and I watched as the clock fast approached six!

The doors to our office building lock at six, and when they arrived I had to go out and open them.  I quickly ushered them in, and the boys walked past their cousin, who was unperturbed by their arrival, still focused on fish on the television, through the corridor and into her room.  I knew she was surprised, by her lack of vocal excitement. Instead, she took a huge sharp intake of breath and was speechless!  The boys were delighted that it had worked, and I was amazed that she had not guessed!  I was finally able to give them all a big hug.

Dinner was at the taco place, and then we all came back to my house, dumped bags, and went for a swim.  It was wonderful to have them here.  Edward had taken the baby home, so Samantha could 'play' with the boys and her brother.  It was a fun evening.

Of course, IHOP was the first port of call on Saturday.  Pancakes galore!  It was a full day, and from there we went to Walmart.  Perhaps not the most exciting trip to those who live here, but essentials were bought.  I had gone with Dana a couple of weeks ago to buy some toothbrushes and a mini fridge!  My middle grandson had expressed a want for one of these in his bedroom, but his parents had firmly put their feet down!  However, at Grandma's anything is possible!  It was a great hit!  I think their M & M's would have been eaten far more quickly if they had not been refrigerated, but they were rationed!  A neighbour arrived at the pool a little after us, with her child, and her 'boyfriend' with his two.  Ollie was the same age as the boyfriend's son, and they spent the best part of an hour discussing football!  Or soccer as it is known here.  Interestingly enough, my neighbour's grandma was originally from Tottenham, not far from where my father lived as a child.  Although we have passed the time of day before, we have never really 'chatted'.  Now we had something in common!

Samantha had asked one of her friends to come to the pool on Sunday, and she had asked if her sisters could join.  I had told our esteemed Chairman of our association, that I may be entertaining more than the 'allowed without permission' and he had told me to 'go for it!   

I did have to go to work, but joined them by the pool after they had finished 'the rounds' during the day. There were lots of things they wanted to do, places they wanted to visit, and I wanted them to have some 'family holiday time' as well as extended family time.  Thankfully, kids had gone back to school here, so many places were not overly packed!  

Ollie was celebrating his birthday while they were here, and of course I wanted to make it special.  We started at Mozart's coffee shop.  Samantha and Teddy joined us, and we enjoyed breakfast and feeding the ducks.  They went go kart racing then Ollie chose the restaurant for dinner.  Although the venue he chose does not provide 'birthday dessert' as do most others, the waiter was very gracious, and brought out a huge piece of chocolate cake, with several spoons.  It was a memorable day for Ollie!

The week marched on and I juggled work with play, and restaurants with home cooked food.  My living room was stacked with flotation devices and other pool toys, as well as goggles, snacks, water bottles and a variety of clothes!  I had made up my mind to ignore the mess and enjoy the boys!  I could clear up when they left!  

Dana and I had brought all we needed into our room, so that they could have the full run of the rest of the house.  I had told my daughter, in preparation of an inquest as to why things were being moved, that our friend was coming to Austin as he had an interview, and wanted to stay the night.  That was also my excuse for not having the baby to stay on the first Friday!

By the end of the first week, I was exhausted. Happy but exhausted!  We all went our own way on Saturday night, as Samantha had her 'mum's night out', and I had not been able to tell her to postpone without giving anything away!  Richard was due to leave on Sunday, as he had to be back at work on Tuesday, and that was part of the reason why we thought they would not be able to come.  Dana and I took ourselves out for dinner!

Sunday morning started at IHOP, as they had not quite had their fill, and then we came back for a final 'all of us by the pool' couple of hours.  Then the trip to the airport.  We all pilled into the huge SUV that they had rented, and dropped 'dad' off at 'curbside'.  The policeman standing by the doors was watching as one by one, we jumped out of the SUV and hugged Richard.  I think he thought we were jumping in one side and out the other!  It was a little emotional, but we had plans for the boys!

The sunset was magnificent at the top of Mount Bonnell, considering the afternoon had been quite cloudy.  We sat and watched until it had completely disappeared, and then headed home.  We had feasted on fast food, Whataburger to be precise, which was rather amazing.  The location was a little 'sketchy' to use the local term, but despite the diversity of the patrons, it was all quite calm!  By the time we got back, it was almost bedtime for the boys, and I think the emotional drain had finally hit!  They went to bed and watched a movie.  I went to bed!

Of course, we were back to 'full on' Monday.  The early night that had been planned did not happen.  Tuesday night we had tickets for a concert!  We had won tickets to see Boy George and Squeeze.  I had told Richard that I would get them tickets if they wanted, but (selfishly, perhaps) I was not going to miss it.  I had been so excited when we had won.  I had purchased three more tickets, which gave me an idea as to how much I would have to spend if ever I really wanted to go to a concert,  

We had spent some time by the pool, and then got ready to leave.  The car park was directly opposite the amphitheatre but as we only had 'general admission' tickets, we had to walk around to the other side.  Once inside, we found that they were going to close the 'general admission' section, in case of storms, which we had encountered during the day.  We would be given alternative tickets, but unfortunately for us, they were filling the back rows first.  However, the ticket man said, "I recognise that accent".  I asked him where he was from, and he replied that he hailed from North East London.  "We are from North West", I said, with a wry smile.  "How does row B sound?" he said, taking the tickets from the bottom.  

Seated in the second row, we waited, and ate our overpriced nachos and hot dogs. I warned the boys that they would be embarrassed, as Grandma was going to dance!  Finally, Boy George came on stage, and for the next hour and a bit, we were entertained.  Teddy came with as Edward had made plans.  He was up on the screen for all to see, dancing to all the songs!  It was fortunate that Boy George was the first act, as the boys were both hot and bothered by the time Karma Chameleon was sung, and Steph took the back to the car, with the baby. I wanted to see Squeeze and she had told us to take our time.  Once in the car, the boys would feel better, in the air conditioned vehicle.  We did stay.  They were magnificent.  I was in my element, bouncing around and singing to a punk rock band!  I recalled the fear parents had when punk first hit the scenes. Anarchy!  Yet I liked some of the music, to my mother's horror!  I thought how funny it would have been to tell her.  Yet, this band had grown up with the rest of us.  Nicely dressed, they took to the stage, and a bunch of senior citizens sang and 'moved to the groove'.  It was amazing.  

As promised, the boys were doing okay when we got back to the car.  They had cooled off and were bopping (inside the car) to some drum and base, which Teddy appeared to be enjoying immensely.  We drove home and all was well.

I joined them on Wednesday afternoon and we headed out to the cinema.  Popcorn wad ordered and brought to our chairs.  We were the only people in the theatre, as schools were back, and it was a matinee.  The lady asked if we would like butter on the popcorn, and one boy said yes, whilst the other said no.  As the 'large' popcorn was 'refillable' she brought up two lots, one with butter, and one without.  When they brought out another bowl, the film was almost over.  After a big bowl of popcorn, and a milkshake with a donut on top, this bowl was not going to be eaten.  However, as ever, I was prepared.  I took a bag from my handbag and got the boys to pour it in.  Steph was doubled over with laughter, and videoed the boys pouring the goodies into the bag, all the while saying, "What happens when you have too much popcorn, Rich...Your mum!"  We went back to the office, and distributed the popcorn among the staff!

After all the popcorn, we were surprised at how much we actually ate for dinner.  We rain poured as we made our way to the Olive Garden, which was Jamie's choice.  We ate and ate, and then danced to the music, as we were the only people in the back room.  It was a great evening, and although it was the 'last supper' we were all in good spirits.

They left on Thursday afternoon.  It had been an amazing visit.  The boys wanted to go home to see their dad, but at the same time, they wanted to stay for more fun!  I told them that if they lived here, it would be like normal life.  They would feel going home would be a holiday.  They doubted it!  We swam all morning, and then got ready to go to the airport.  We told the boys they had to behave for their mum, as she was very brave making the journey with the alone.  

The house seemed very empty.  I was reluctant to clean up, as it would mean they had really gone home.  I did clear up, on the Monday.  A pair of flip flops, a pair of shorts and a pack of Oreo's were left.  I also found a tile from a game and the instructions to the same game.  Not a great amount of items, but each on a tug on the heart strings.  

Getting back to normal is, of course,  perspective.  What is normal?  A hectic, amazing and wonderful two weeks flew past.  I remember my dad saying that having the grandkids was a blessing and a miracle.  It was a blessing when they arrived, and a miracle when they left!  I get the sentiment, but after the miracle wears off, you are once again, awaiting the next blessing!  Having my house back to normal felt good, and at the same time, very, very sad!  

As we head into Autumn, and another month, nearly another year (sorry, but Christmas decorations arrive din the shops before July 4 this year) it seems time is flying by at hyperspeed.  What did I know of hyperspeed as a kid!  My intentions are there, and my resolution still stands. However, there is the tale about the dogs, but that is ...........another story!

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