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Sunday, August 11, 2024


As if on cue, the first couple of drops of rain fell to the ground in front of me, as I descended the steps.  I wanted to have a swim and, perhaps read, before the onslaught of visitors that were expected.  Samantha and her friend were going to join me, together with their offsprings, and whilst the friend and son would have been respite, as they would have 'each other' to keep company, I was sure that I would be involuntarily included in the festivities!  I really should not complain, as I know how blessed I am to have a grandchild living so near, and whom I see often, but I do relish my 'time off'.  However, I digress....

I descended the steps as the first couple of drops of rain fell to the ground in front of me.  Our beloved, esteemed and honoured chairman, (his diligence in keeping our community in good standing really does deserver a huge vote of thanks, together with that of our secretary, who is also 'on the ball' at all times, all on a voluntary basis,) was swimming laps.  I would have to wait my turn. Quite happy to do so, as he was there 'first', I made my way to the second chair (which is mine) and planted my stuff!  The first couple of raindrops were succeeded by heavy pelts and by the time I was 'set up', the tempest was almost in full swing!  I took my spare umbrella from my bag, (one I have failed to take out, and perhaps with good cause,) opened it, and placed it over his phone, book and t-shirt.  "Has there been any thunder?" came the question from the corner of the pool.  "Not yet", I responded, as I sat, knees to chest, under my slightly larger covering, reading my book.  A couple of laps later, the thunder rolled in, and out of the water leapt our chairman.   He strode quickly to his chair, picked up the umbrella, phone, t-shirt and book, and knees to chest clutched at the handle of the Union Jack covering.  "Welcome to England", I said, tongue in cheek. We sat for the next fifteen minutes, chatting about 'current affairs' until the rain petered out, slightly.  He thanked me for my umbrella, and left.  I sat and waited for the clouds to part, but instead they got darker, and I too left the area.

Two and a half hours after the initial couple of rain drops that fell to the ground in front of me, the clouds finally parted and the sun shone.  I returned to my 'happy place' got into the pool, which was still surprisingly warm!  I read a little, and then swam a little more, enjoying one of the things I would probably not have, had I stayed in England.  I say, 'probably', as who knows what would have happened if I had.  Perhaps I would have remarried a millionaire, or a prince, and lived in the lap of luxury.  I have a strong suspicion that would  not have been the case, but I did not, and here I am, and grateful every day that I am blessed with what I have been given!

Although it did little to reduce the temperature, everything was blooming and I could smell the grass first thing in the morning.  I did not have to water my plants, and I had all my wares to take with me to the office, so I felt as if I was off to a good start.  Naturally, I ended up being late, due to 'circumstances beyond my control', which probably could have been 'within' my control, had I put my mind to it!  Time is not always my friend!  I had taken 'something' out of the freezer for dinner, and was not confident that it was what I thought it was!  I thought I might be picking up my car from the 'shop', and wanted to be totally prepared.  However, the 'shop' was still trying to solve the problem of the 'electrics' and the central locking.  The fact that the passenger side does not automatically open when the key is turned, is probably a good thing, as I tend to drive the car when alone, and whilst I feel quite safe when shopping alone, I know that no one will be able to just 'jump in'.  Once again, who would want to just 'jump in'.  An old car, an old woman....I am sure there are better options!

I did get the opportunity to 'unwind' after work.  However, I was not alone at my 'happy place' and did not get the chance to read very much.  Finding it hard to put a book down, because it is compelling, or just a very good read, has become a thing of the past.  "What do you think.....?" is a question I am asked on several occasions, normally about my homeland, but sometimes my 'English' perspective on 'other' issues.  Always, the questions are asked when I am finding it hard to put a book down because it is compelling, or just a very good read! 

When I purchased my cherries for the black forest gateaux last week, Grant had asked, excitedly, if we were having 'cherry lattice pie'.  I had not ever considered making a 'cherry lattice pie', as it would require 'cherry pie' filling, and that is something I do not generally buy, (despite the fact I had a can in the pantry, who knows why,) as I am not a 'pie filling' maker of pies!  However, I decided to make one for Wednesday.  I drove across the river on Tuesday and found I had time to spare.  I sent my nail lady a message to ask how traffic was on her journey, and she said it was very light.  She asked if I was nearby as she would like to stop and pick something up. I told her to go ahead, as I was extremely early and would stop to get some cherry pie filling, and would she like a coffee from the 'heavenly bright shining dot, with the slang for dollar', coffee shop.  (I have been looking at too many cryptic crosswords.)  Six dollars for a small iced coffee seemed quite extortionate, but it is not every day that I buy coffee!  I must have looked quite surprised, as the girl behind the counter asked, "Is that okay?"  I bought my cherry pie filling and then headed to the salon.  I said I am grateful every day that I am blessed with what I have been given!  I did not say it was always exciting!

Grant, very kindly helped me downstairs with a broken wardrobe door on Wednesday.  It has been resting up against the other doors for the best part of six months, and I have been unable to access my wardrobe without great difficulty.  (Still not exciting.)  He was rewarded with the 'American' cherry lattice pic for dessert.  "Yes, it is American, as it has pie filling!" I announced ,somewhat disparaging of his culture, and of course of that of my husband!  It was a great success, I am happy to say!

My after work leisure time was not to be again, on Thursday, as not one, but two neighbours were at the pool.  Our esteemed, honoured and beloved chairman was swimming, and another neighbour just sitting debating on whether to get in the water. Our chairman stopped, and said he wanted to do another 'set', and was that okay.  I told him that he was there first.  "If only that mattered!" he said, as we have both found people will gravitate to 'our end' when we are swimming and as soon as we are finished, they gravitate back.  Normally visitors!  I waited patiently to swim, and after was brought into a conversation about 'community' matters.  My book remained closed for the longest time, and when I did open it to read, I noticed the time, and if I wanted to eat at a reasonably hour, I would have to make a decision to shorten my 'me' time.  I should be grateful every day that I am blessed with what I have been given! Good neighbours are a blessing!

"Are you English?" asked the man at the 'shop'.  I had gone to collect my car, which apparently was still in the 'bay' despite being told it was ready for pick up.  Apparently, the part for which they were waiting, had arrived, after I had called to ask if the work was completed.  Instead of having to pick it up, and return it to have the extra part fitted, they went ahead and prepared it for the next step.  However, no one told me!  I do like the 'shop'.  They are efficient, they do not overcharge, and they have a guy who is a specialist who loves to work on it.  However, their powers of communication leave a lot to be desired.  U am very happy with the work, but need to be prepared to wait!  You can please some of the people, some of the time!!  However, I digress.  "Are you English?" asked the mechanic.  I replied that I was, and he asked about the recent general election.  He did not understand how British politics worked.  I spun my yarn, which took all of two minutes, and he launched into a monologue of what he thought, and what he perceived, and went through a ten year history of politics on both sides of the pond.  I wanted to say "My husband is waiting to see if he needs to wait fir ne, with my grandson in the car", and "Can I please go now", but his passion was such that I did not want to interrupt!  Eventually Dana called to see what was going on, and I told him that I was not going to be given my car.  "What? Why not?" I had in one ear, with 1999 being brought up in the other!  Eventually, I had to tell them both to 'stop!'.  Of course, it was in a very polite 'stop!' on both counts.

The baby stayed over on Friday night, and his mum came round to pick us both up to go shopping.  It was tax free weekend, and quite busy.  I felt little need to take advantage of the lack of 8.25 percent, and why should I!  After all, it is for those who need help with school supplies, or is it?  There were a lot of bargains, and I love a bargain, but I resisted.  Having moved thing from one place to another, to make room for 'things', I was conscious of what I needed, or did not need!  I am grateful every day that I am blessed with what I have been given, but I do not need more 'stuff'! Or do I?

I had three pages left.  My afternoon had not gone quite to plan, but I had accomplished all I needed to do, and was now enjoying a bit of respite, and had finally got to the 'epilogue'.  Three pages.  I read one. "Hello" said the new arrival.  I responded in kind.  "Feels a bit cooler".  I responded, "Yes, perhaps it will rain".  I read the first line of the penultimate page.  "I have seen you down here before.....".  So the next hour was spent listening.  I know, not the norm for one who can talk the 'hind legs off a donkey'.  I listened and chimed in when necessary.  I read the second line on the penultimate page.  "How long have you lived here?" I had given up and put the  book down despite being compelling, and a very good read!  I am grateful every day that I am blessed with what I have been given!  New neighbours included.

Another weekend comes to an end.  I did finish my book.  I read the last two pages, (including the first two lines, again,) when I came back from the pool.  I was not sure that I would actually have time to start a new one, especially as Samantha had said she would come to play!  I wasn't sure if she was coming alone or not, but I was prepared.  I spoke to my sister.  It is always a good call, and we laugh a lot.  We discussed the weather, among other things, and I know how blessed I am and am also immensely grateful that I am able to write ...... another story!

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