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Tuesday, May 21, 2024


I am not sure if time runs away from me, or if I run away from time! I sat and wrote my last week's post, about my previous week's adventures, and suddenly, there I was, on Sunday morning once again, and nothing was posted.

Admittedly, I did not give it much consideration last week, when I arrived back at my computer, having spent the afternoon planting and doing little else, as I had decided I would like to watch a film and just have a very relaxing evening.  Samantha had dropped off a present from Teddy for Mother's Day, and I was really wanting to enjoy the cooler day before the heat started to rise during the week.  I planted some flowers at the front of my unit, and tended to those I am nurturing at the back.  

Rain was in the forecast at the beginning of the week, with the possibility of hail.  I had parked my car quite tightly in a corner, had not 'backed in' as is my usual way, and put some cardboard over the windscreen, in case there was any large rocks of ice falling directly through the gap in the foliage.  I did think that, perhaps, just perhaps, it was a mistake to park where I did, as there were rocks, which are not cemented, and trees, that were not well established and a large gap in between.  The rocks could be dislodged in a storm, the limbs of the new shrubs could breaks, and the small area of no coverage was directly above my bonnet!  However, I thought that if things run according to the norm (although nothing appears to run according to the norm anymore) Austin will miss the brunt, and we may not even get any rain!  

We got rain!  It poured!  However, we did not get hail, and whilst there were a few tornadoes around, we were not affected. Houston, on the other hand, received another battering!  Slightly south of us also had a tremendous tempest that took out electricity, and enormous hail stones caused a lot of damage.  My 'inconvenience' was peeling away the soggy cardboard that had slid down onto the bonnet!  I wondered when it slid, and if it would have been of any use, if a hailstone had managed to come through the gap in the trees, on to my windscreen.

The 'spam' call community must have been on an 'employment drive'.  On average, before a legitimate call is received, I answer between ten and twenty from  'the silent witness', 'compensation for my accident', (of which, apparently, I have had many, but none of which were my fault,) or someone who is very excited to tell me about my eligibility to received a 'safety alarm' because I am now very old and need to be monitored.  This week saw an increase!  I did start to count them at one time, but gave up. One line after another lit up and as I put the phone down from someone wanting to upgrade my television signal (as my unit was going to be worthless within a few days) and answered another call letting me know that the local pharmacy was concerned that I had anything ranging from allergies to bubonic plague, and I had not come in to get myself tested!  The problem lies in the fact that sometimes a call that is displayed as 'spam' is actually not!  The same applies to those displaying the name or number of several of our clients!  Technology is a wonderful thing, and sometimes it is not!

I spent a good deal of time explaining to a 23 year old, that whilst I was born a few decades before him, we did actually have electricity in the 60's!  We had cars, and people travelled in aeroplanes, (rather than 'airplanes',) and we had television.  Admittedly, I was the remote control!  If we wanted to know who was calling, we would have to answer the phone!  "But what if you didn't want to talk to them?" he asked.  "To whom?" I responded.  "We didn't know who it was until we answered!"  Telephones were attached to the walls by cables and if you wanted someone else to take the call, they had to walk to you, rather than you take the phone to them!  I was all a little too much for him to comprehend!  I suppose it was like my father attempting to explain the concept of a 'cordless' phone to my grandmother!

However, I digress.  The week continued, and threats of hail were once again on the menu for Thursday. Once again, I parked in the same place, and once again, I put cardboard on my windscreen.  Thankfully, despite having horizontal rain, the hail did not come our way.  Lashings of water skipped across the ground and the lakes did fill up, just a bit!  I had a message from my ex-sister in law, who said her husband had heard there were bad storms and wanted to make sure I was okay.  I told her that we did have storms, but this was 'tornado' season, and we (including myself with the rest of the state of Texas) were used to it.  It was nice to know, however, that we were being thought about.  

I received a second reminder that my driving license was due for renewal.  Although not for a couple of months, I thought it might be prudent to at least make an appointment, and happened to mention it to our maintenance man, and one of my neighbours, when passing the time of day on Friday.  "I have heard there is a laurnge wait!" said Raul, emphasising the need to make the appointment sooner, rather than later.  

Checking on-line to see when the next available appointment would be, at my local office, I saw that it was a few days past my 'expiration date'.  However, there were limited 'walk in' appointments available, but they were to make appointments for a future date!  I saw there would be one next week at another office, which would take me about twenty minutes to drive, and I tried for that.  Unfortunately, by the time I read the instructions, and clicked on what I was meant to click on, the appointment was gone!  So back again, I went to the 'start' page, and clicked on the available appointment which was after my 'expiration date'.  It would appear that there was a cancellation, or perhaps it was a 'saved for emergency' appointment, as at 9:15 I was offered a ten o'clock appointment!  I clicked as quickly as the rodent would allow, and ran out to get into my car!  Arriving at the location, I walked, (as my heels reminded me that running was not a good idea,) and entered the main building, where apparently, everyone has to report.  "No, you don't have to come here to renew your license. It's two blocks down.  Have a nice day ma'am".  I was glad I had 'run' out when I did, as time was ticking by.  I drove the two blocks down, and went into the other building.  I was greeted by a rather tall, well build security guard, who asked me the purpose of my visit.  When I responded, he replied, "Do you have an appointment".  I said I did.  He led me to a screen and asked for my phone number.  "I didn't put it in" I said, "I put in my email address".  He looked at me a little strangely, but shrugged, and said, "Okay".  I did not see the reason for the smirk at first, but later it dawned on me.  I was 'dressed' for an occasion!  Any occasion other than this.  A bright orange dress, shoes that really should be kept for best, and of course, my wide brimmed hat!

Sitting down to fill out the form became a bit of a challenge.  None of the pens worked.  Thankfully, despite having a lot of, perhaps, useless things in my bag, I do carry a pen.  It is a generational thing, I think, remembering the amount of adverts for washing powder (detergent) that promoted themselves by showing a man having a pen leak in his shirt pocket.  (What's a shirt?)  I filled out my form, loaned my pen to my neighbour and waited.  "621" came over the public address system.  Oh good, I thought, I was 623.  "622" came over the public address system. I put my bag on my lap, replaced my hat, and was ready to go.  "624".  Of course!  

I was finally called and went to the desk.  "Good morning", I said, very cheerily.  He looked back with barely a smile.  He asked me a few questions, we argued 'the toss' on a couple of things I did not fill out, and as I knew I was right, (I never push the point unless I am quite certain,) he acquiesced and asked me to stand in front of the 'backdrop' to have my photo taken.  It was not particularly flattering, but then that is part of an ID photo.  My mother looked the image of a convicted mass murderer (although her hair colour was different) for ten years on her passport photo!  British customs always did a double take!  "That's fine!" I said, still very cheerily.  He asked me to read the eye chart, which I did.  He pointed to one letter.  "It isn't very clear. is it!" I said.  It looks like it could be a piece of dust!  He looked and shrugged.  I think he saw what I meant, or he thought I was completely mad!  It occurred to me, afterwards, that I looked as if I was going to a wedding, or a cocktail party, perhaps!  He gave me my receipt and out I went.  "See you in six years! I said, as I waved my receipt in the air, before placing it in my bag.  Again, he looked at me and shook his head.  I did not realise they had changed the renewal dates to eight, but I doubt that is why he shook his head!

The rest of the day flew by, and the weekend was upon us.  I really, really didn't want to do too much and was looking forward to a nice relaxing afternoon.  I have never trained to be an agony aunt, but it appears I have the appearance of one!  I nod, and smile, and say the appropriate thing at the appropriate time, and suppose I should feel blessed that I am considered a confidante, and a 'safe place'.  Sometimes, just sometimes, I wish they would find someone else, but if I can be of help, just by listening, then I will do so.  

Dana and I enjoyed a lovely dinner, and came home to enjoy a nice relaxing evening.  He did not spill all his woes, and we dozed in front of the television.  My idea of a good time!  

Sunday was a beautiful day.  Once again, I thought I could sit and relax but it appears a lot of people have problems and, apparently, I have good advice!  Perhaps I should take some myself!  I suppose it is nice to be wanted but perhaps when you want to be wanted!  Perhaps I should just stop complaining as I appear to be treating my readership as my agony aunts (or uncles!)  Suffice it to say, I did not have a particularly relaxing Sunday, but it was enjoyable.  

I am currently sitting, waiting for Dana's car to be 'inspected' and hope it will not be the same wait as last year!  I have filled upon coffee and pastries and am ready to leave.  As I followed suit, and forgot to post, it seems a good time to make up for my tardiness.  Plans for next week?  I have none.  So watch out.  I might actually remember to post ............. another story!

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