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Sunday, June 16, 2024


I was trying to find a word to explain my absence.  'Wow' came to mind, used as an 'interjection' word.  An exclamation!  Wow! Did I really miss several weeks!  Of course I have an explanation, to which you may have your own exclamation, or not!

My excuses are in the category of 'the norm'.  Time ran away!  I started, took a break, came to finish, but did not edit, and then it was the following week.  What was I doing that took so much of my time!

The week before the 'Bank holiday', or 'National holiday', Dana decided that I needed a break from routine.  Although last year, and the events thereof, are behind us, I have been following the same pattern, day in and day out since my return from England.  Of course, I have had some time at the weekends, but there has been no 'out'.  Admittedly, this has not bothered me as much as it seemed to bother everyone else, but I was starting to feel a little 'stir crazy', despite being able to leave my 'cell'.

My daughter had been attempting to plan a trip to take the baby to see his other grandparents.  They were unsure whether to drive, or fly, but either way, I was going to have to look after the dogs.  She had mentioned that it would not be possible to go over the holiday weekend, just in case I was going away.  However, because nothing had been planned, the week leading to the holiday weekend, I was being asked, "Any plans yet?"  I made it clear that I was not going to take the dogs over the holiday weekend.  If I made the commitment, I would not be able to leave town.  She then asked, "If you do go away, what time will you be back on Monday?"  Again, I made it clear that I did not want the dogs until Tuesday.   

We did get to have a nice weekend, in San Antonio.  Near enough to drive, yet far enough to stay overnight.  The hotel was on the Riverwalk.  We walked and took in the sights, and met up with the guy who serves papers for us in that area.  It was a lovely break, and broke up my routine for a couple of days.  Before leaving the city, we met for lunch with Dana's daughter.  There was a real break in routine.

However, the holiday atmosphere was short lived as the dogs were dropped off on Tuesday morning.  "How long are you going to be gone?" I asked.  After a few, "Well"'s, I calculated it would be for two weeks.  Despite the assurances that they would 'try' to leave a bit earlier, I had my doubts, and resigned myself to looking after the animals for two weeks, counting down the night walks from the Tuesday nigh!

The first week came to an end, and the weekend was upon us.  I took myself shopping and went to all the shops I do not usually frequent when I travel with my daughter, due to time restrictions.  I had my car washed.  I went to the Indian store, and spoke to a couple about a particular vegetable that was on sale.  Neither of them spoke English and deferred to their son, who told me how to cook the said veg.  I picked up the long, cucumber type object, and the father took it out of my hand.  I was a little shocked, but rather delighted when he found a 'good one' for me!  

Unfortunately, I had to play 'pool police' when someone brought a
dog down into the yard.  I was perhaps a little harsh, but it is quite clearly written that animals are not allowed in the pool yard.  The owner was quite polite and told me that the dog was friendly.  I smiled, politely, and told her that dogs are not allowed in the pool yard.  She pointed to the sign that is required by state law, stating that dogs are not allowed in 'the pool', and looked at me, as only women look at each other, with that 'I am right, so there' smile (or sneer).  I pointed behind my head and said, "It states clearly on the gate".  Being pool monitor is not my favourite job, and I told my husband that I felt a bit bad about having to be so direct.  He told me that he would have been far more direct, and demanded they leave!  When the group of fifteen came down, I was less than happy!  I have no objection to larger crowds, but the kids were uncontrollable and having had no sleep for a week, I was not feeling charitable.  I started to read my book and tried to turn off to the noise, but when the three 'active' young boys decided that despite having the whole pool in which to play (everyone else had left) it was the corner at which I was sitting that they chose to splash down their object to see how high and far the water would go!  My toes were fair game, but when it got to my book, I shouted.  "Oi!" I said, in a very English way!  They were shocked.  I told them to "keep it down".  They stood, shoulder deep in the water, and wondered what they should do.  Thankfully, one of the adults called to them and told them to play in a different area.  Still shocked that someone had dared to shout at them, rather than 'reason' with them, they moved back, slowly.

The crowd finally left, and I made my way home, too.  I took the dogs for a walk, and then settled in for the night, with one more walk to go for the evening.  Nine more nights!  It seemed like an eternity.  

Back we came from our evening walk, and all was well.  Just before midnight, the older dog started to choke.  He was still breathing but it was as if he had something caught. Typical!  Why me?  Up and down the stairs he ran, and in and out of my house.  I was unsure as to what to do, but eventually he calmed down.  Throughout the night, he had a few more episodes, and sleep evaded me.  Despite being better in the morning, I called the vet.  "I can come at any time", I told them. "I am just down the road". I was told to come in at four thirty, and looking at his files, please would I give him some 'calming' medicine.  Thankfully, I had been left some 'calming' medicine.  Thankfully, I had been left some 'pill pockets' which hold said 'calming' medicine, and which makes the medicine go down like a spoon full of sugar!.  When I told Samantha, she asked if I could get his nails clipped.  Great!  

Never did I ever think that I would be taking an animal to the veterinarian.  I sat in the waiting room, with the little dog on my lap.  More dogs came in, and a couple of cats.  I kept the little dog on my lap.  When we were finally called, I walked through the door, and was told to go to surgery room 3.  "I am sorry, I don't know where I am going.  I am grandma.  I have never been here". I said, wondering why I made such a ridiculous comment.  Thankfully, the people were very nice. It appears that the little chap had been affected by allergies.  They gave him a thorough examination and he came through with flying colours.  That is, until he needed to have his nails cut!  After they had completed the task, and given him a 'shot' for the allergies, I left, being relieved of a fair few dollars!  Never did I ever think that I would be paying a veterinarian bill!  My other stupid comment was, "I only ever had goldfish!"

Thankfully, the drama ended there!  Samantha informed me that they would not be leaving until Friday, as Edward's siblings were coming to visit.  They would take off on Friday night, and drive through, probably arriving home in the early hours of Sunday morning.  "Don't give me false hope!" I commented.

They did, indeed arrive home on Sunday, albeit at a time that was not convenient.  (Although getting rid of the animals is always convenient). It had been a glorious Sunday.  I was enjoying chatting with some neighbours at the pool, having had a slight nap, and started a new book.  It was like 'old times'.  "We are just pulling in!" was the statement as my neighbour and her daughter came down to socialise!  However, the priority was to get things back to some sort of normality!

At nine thirty, Sunday evening, I asked Dana if he wanted me to take him for a walk!  Monday morning, I did not have to go into the woods and cajole the quadrupeds into doing what they should do, outdoors!

The issue with my water pressure within my unit was finally put to rest on Tuesday.  I had been experiencing less and less pressure in the taps in the kitchen, and of course, feared the worse.  My neighbours had also complained about the pressure.  However, the fact that the problems were in different parts of our condos was a little disconcerting, but did prove the fact that the pressure entering into the units was not at fault.  My kitchen sink, my neighbour's en-suite shower, and another problem with the third neighbour.  Nothing appeared to be connected.  My problem with my bathroom tap was solved by Grant.  "Perhaps your water cut-off tap is off".  What a rediculous thought.  I have never touched the tap under the sink.  I didn't have to.  Each time I pulled out, and pushed back the small basket holding all the cleaning products, I was inadvertently pushing the tap to the 'off' position!  Once I turned that back, the water flowed!  Raul suggested it may be my faucet. In anticipation, I bought a new set.  Grant had attempted to remove it, and failed, and Raul had loaned him a 'special' tool to help, but he had already attempted with said tool.  Thankfully, Raul had a plan, and it worked!  I am unsure as to exactly what he did, but by Tuesday afternoon, I had running water!  Apparently, Austin has such a high calcium content in the water, pipes need unclogging, or furniture needs replacing every decade!  I felt as if I had a new lease of life!

Not having the dogs for a week did not really register the way I
thought it would.  I am usually most relaxed the first night, but somehow I did not feel the relief.  Then on Friday I was asked if I would have my grandson for the night.  It was my own fault.  I should never have entered her into the contest!  "It means you would have to go back and get his stuff", I said, naively.  "I have his bag", she responded.  What if I had said "NO!"  No doubt, she would have just taken the bag home.

The baby was great.  I got him ready for bed, read a couple of stories, put him down to sleep and did not pick him up until the next morning.  No night time walks, no early morning trips to the corner.  Making a little extra breakfast did not phase me!  

Despite not posting for several weeks, (although I had started and got most of the way through), excitement has eluded me, unless you count going to the vet, having to change my kitchen taps, and looking after my grandson, exciting!  Life at an even pace suits me.  Let's see if I can come up with something less mundane, in ............ another story!

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