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Monday, July 10, 2023


My lazy afternoon, was not quite so lazy.  Samantha came over with the baby, and her friend joined us with her little one.  The little girl is a month older than Teddy, and they are best friends.  We took enough items to the pool to set up a home for a week.  A cooler with chips, dips, fruit and vegetables, several floaties, and a 'pack and play' cot, in which the two infants sat and chatted for a long time.  When it was time to leave, the two mums took everything to the truck and I had a child on each knee.  Singing worked for a while, but when the little girl's lip started to quiver, I realised a more lively activity would be needed, and I started to tell them a very animated story.  By the time the mums had finished loading the truck, the two tots were smiling at my every word!  Perhaps I have found my vocation at last!  I did have to make a slight adjustment, as the two main characters in my story were Teddy and his girlfriend.  Samantha reminded me that when I took the part of the little girl, she was American, with American parents, and so would obviously talk with an American accent.  I conceded and relented!

Work happened.  I had a mayday message.  Having a four day weekend sounded like a good idea, but I had no plans, whatsoever.  We had considered taking up an offer, by Dana's old friend, of going to his lake house for the weekend, but he had not responded to an email my husband had sent very late Friday night.  He was probably 'on the road', and would not be checking his mail on a regular basis.  Us old school people do not necessarily feel the need to see what is in the 'post box' on a regular basis.  Having the ability to do so, and actually doing so, are two different things!  However, I digress.

"What are you doing?" was the message.  I responded that I had just finished my housework, had cleared away some things, and was about to check my emails, then who knows!..  (Okay, okay, it was a Monday, and not an official holiday, so I may have something in the 'post box'.)  "I'm swamped", came the next message.  "I'm on my way."  Swamped was not an overstatement.  I worked furiously until about four thirty, when I came home, and took a well earned rest! We had given the rest of the office staff the day off, as it was going to be quiet.  Friday afternoon had simmered down, and normally the day before Independence Day is either completely dead or we have a manic rush up to midday.  The fact it was on a Tuesday, and Friday afternoon had been a bit snoozey we considered it a safe bet that Monday would yield no work. 

Tuesday morning started as usual, although I did not set an alarm.  Up I got and after pottering for a while, Samantha came to collect us and take us to Mozart's.  A tradition that started with us taking her and Frank, her first dog.  He would arrive wearing a birthday balloon, and being very unimpressed with having to wear a hat!  This time, she had left the gruesome twosome with Edward, and just brought Teddy.  The little boy was quite content to sit with his Poppa and watch the turtles, while we went and bought coffee and pastries.  Another tradition!  

Samantha had gone to see what she wanted, and I went to join her.  I walked up the steps, and into what I thought was the main room where ordered are taken.  However, I did not see the steep step, almost fell, but managed to regain my balance, most ungainly, and in doing so, ran a few steps into a room full of people, sitting in front of laptops.  I stood up straight, got my bearings, and noticed a staircase going up to the next level.  My mind assured me that I did not need to go up, and that there was not a counter, nor a refrigerated section containing an abundance of delightful cakes, and mainly, no smell of coffee.  "I am in the wrong place!" I announced.  The faces of the 'Midwich cuckoos' stared back at me.  Although not children, and indeed none had white-blonde hair, they made me feel quite uncomfortable.  (I am still not sure into what I (literally) stumbled!)  I backed out, up the step and found the entrance to the real shop!

Our repast cost a lot more than I remember.  Dana had given me a note, which did not cover the bill, and I looked at my daughter and asked her if she had her wallet with her.  Taking her out for coffee was not a happening thing.  She took us, and then paid for herself!  It was, despite all the negative aspects, a delightful morning. 

My telephone rang, and I answered.  Ollie and Jamie sang to me, with Steph joining them.  They were delighted to see their cousin, and also delighted that I had not opened my present from them as of yet.  They were most impressed with what they bought, having no idea they had bought anything!  I now had two beautiful glass frames with my three grandchildren.   I was a happy lady!

Richard rang later, and then we spent the afternoon by the pool.  It was just perfect.  Samantha went home to change and collect Edward and we met them for dinner.  

Unfortunately, dinner was not all we expected, but it mattered not as it was a lovely evening.  Dana and I had ordered a dish with a 'topping' which we had asked to be put on the side, and whilst his was, mine was smothered with something that I did not find particularly appealing.  The waitress, who had a hard time hearing anything we said, so perhaps it was not surprising, called the manager, who assured me that my dinner would be out forthwith!  Fifteen minutes later, we espied the manager talking to the chef, and heard, "Any progress?"  The chef looked at the manager with an expression of, "You mean today?"  Shortly thereafter, my dinner arrived, and went straight into a box, as everyone else had finished. Much as it was not the intention to take it all home, I was not dissatisfied, and found it all quite amusing. 

The heat was rising and when I came downstairs on Wednesday, I noticed that the temperature on the thermostat was rather too high.  Cold air was not filtering through and after I had done all my diagnostics I came to the conclusion that it was busted!  Wednesday evening was very warm and Dana called a company on Thursday. Thankfully, they could come out within a couple of hours, their call out charge was not exorbitant, and it would be put towards any repair. However, as I opened the door to the engineer, I felt that something was not quite right. He was rather perturbed that my main unit was on the roof (which he would have known due to having all the installation information, despite his company not being the one to fix it) and did not have the correct equipment.  I called Raul, who came to help.  Eventually, another engineer joined him and up they went.  "We are running a test", he told me, and continued to show me his electronic pad, which had a lot of dials.  I felt as if he was checking my knowledge, and when he perceived I knew not of what he was talking, he went slightly more technical, showed me (rather than verbally communicating) the price of his three different options, and then said that my system would have to undergo a test that would cost quite a lot of money.  I called Dana, to say that someone needed to be here, other than me!  Unfortunately for the young man, he did not realise that I knew what he was thinking.  "Old lady, no knowledge." Dana said he was sending Grant home.  "Who is Grant?" asked the engineer. It may have been a wrong perception, but he seemed almost nervous.  "He is our surrogate son, who takes care of us!" I said.  "What does he do?" he asked, again in a slightly apprehensive tone. I explained what we did for a living, and then asked again, "So what does Grant do?"  When my 'surrogate' arrived, I let him do the talking. It was a little off putting when the engineer rang his boss to tell him what was going on, (as he knew because he had spoken to him earlier to ask for another ladder and companion,) and told him that 'someone was coming'.  His boss called back a little later, and he said in hushed tones, "He knows about air conditioners".  Everything pointed towards a scam.  Much as the company has been around since 1939, I now had my reservations.  I took the cheapest option to get us back up and running, and vowed to get someone else in to check my system, run a test if necessary, and go from there!  

Cool as it was on Thursday evening, I was expecting something to go wrong.  It did not.  I think the fact that we had a 'Grant' stopped any hi-jinx!  Perhaps there would not have been any, but there were too many 'variables'.  I am not as green as I am cabbage looking, and whilst I may not have known (because I am more au fait with the system now, due to a little bit of research) what the engineer was talking about, I am experienced with those who try to take advantage of a novice!

The weekend approached, and I was pleased to get out of the office on Friday evening, albeit much later than we expected.  I read for a while and vowed to take note of how the 'Swiss Family Robinson' managed to stay on an island, totally self sufficient, for a decade, without the need for an air conditioning engineer, plumber, electrician, or any other maintenance man.  Their knowledge was endless!  I have not learned much, but there are a few pointers!

Temperatures are still rising outside, and triple digits are in the forecast for the foreseeable future.  We are hoping for some rain.  On a positive note, my late planted tomato plants have flowers, and my squash are producing more fruit.  The garden is slightly scorched but I am learning (somewhat from Mr. Robinson) on how to discern where and whether to plant.

Sunday afternoon is still a mystery.  I do not plan to do too much, after such a hectic week, but after talking to my sister, and reminiscing about our Sunday evenings as children, perhaps we will go for a walk along the lake, or to the park, or perhaps we will do not such thing!  The week was long, and both arduous and fun.   Next week, of course, will be ..... another story!

1 comment:

  1. What a talented writer you are! I always enjoy reading your stories x
