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Sunday, July 23, 2023


 We finally had the 'pool party' for Poppa!  Samantha and the baby arrived, and Dana was able to fulfill his grandfatherly duties.  Although he partook of the activities last year, with our two elder grandsons, this was the first opportunity he had been given with the youngest.  The baby appeared to enjoy the time immensely, and had a well earned nap at the end of his adventure.  

I wondered what to wear on Monday.  Going to a concert straight from work meant that I had to take a change of clothes.  I had no idea what time the show started, how to get to the venue or when it would end.  All I knew was that I was going to be a plus one and taken downtown after spending a day at the office.  The prize that had been won, giving us a large supply of pizza, had been organised for today, as we thought it would be a good idea to have some sustenance before leaving for an evening of frivolity.  We have an unspoken rule in the office, that if one wins, all win!  The prize was won some time ago, but we wanted to make sure it was claimed when all could enjoy. An order was placed last Friday, and despite there being a slight overspend it was delivered, the young lady who graced our doorstep told us there was nothing to pay!  She was grateful for the gratuity, which was the overspend, delivery charge and tip.  In fact, she was, at first, reluctant to accept, but it was insisted upon!

Our evening was mapped out.  At first, we contemplated asking for a ride to the event, and being picked up later, but as a lot of streets are closed off during such events, and my inability to communicate with Dana when he is collecting me from anywhere, it was decided we would pay the car park fee and if we did decide to stay to the end, we would not have to worry about it getting late!  However, the tickets indicated that the show would start at 7:30 and end at 9.  It seemed rather reasonable, but as the members of Tears for Fears were barely a year younger than me, I thought it was probably feesible that they also wanted to go to bed early!  Of course, I did not take into account that their work day started much later than mine!  Also, their lifestyle was much different!  Age is a number!  

Despite being busy, we were caught up enough to leave the office earlier than anticipated, and came home.  There was not quite enough time to go swimming, but I got changed into my somewhat toned down 'hippie' outfit of a pair of cheesecloth trousers and a smock top, with my rather dowdy weekend sandals that I would not normally wear for an outing! I knew that we would have a ten or fifteen minute walk to the venue from wherever we parked, and I did not want to be uncomfortable.  Age is a number!  Experience has taught me that despite being 'able', don't push it!  Sensible shoes are worn because I have regained my 'common sense'!  

Parking was at a premium.  We decided that the $30 (plus tax - obviously, this has now become a legitimate expense, and not a 'nice little earner' for the attendant) would have been added on to any cost we would have had if we had paid for the tickets, so despite being extortionate (in my opinion) it is a reasonable price to pay for a night out.  

"Do you have enough room to get out?" asked Grant.  I did not.  The parking was not for trucks, and I was glad I wore my trousers and easy shoes.  I climbed over the centre consul and clambered on to the front seat, from where I managed to sit and slide out of the driver's door!  After walking for ten minutes, in 102 degree heat (which did not include the 'feels hotter' due to the heat index) and with the venue in sight, Grant realised he did not have his phone, upon which sat the tickets!  He started to run back to the truck.  Thankfully, I had taken a can of seltzer water, and stood under a tree, sipping.  Crowds of people walked past, got out of cabs, and shouted 'see you later' to those who could communicate with their ride home!  I tried to calculate the time it would take for Grant to return.  Perhaps his phone was not in the truck.  Perhaps he had dropped it somewhere.  Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps!  

Looking remarkably unscathed, Grant returned, with his phone.  I had an alternative plan, and was ready to call Samantha to access emails and scan over the tickets, again. We walked into the building and the cool air hit like a brick!  As Grant went to 'cool off' in the washroom, I stood and waited, in my 'hippie' outfit, and watched everyone wander past.  A small table had been set up with cans of what looked like a fruity soda.  I wandered over and looked at the pretty white cans with silver writing and tried to see what it was.  "Would you like a sample?" asked a man by the stand.  I accepted, with a a "Yes, please".  I sipped the cool liquid, and as it hit the back of my throat, my eyes opened wide, and I had gained back some of the energy that had been lost standing under the tree in post century temperatures.  "What is it?" I asked.  "Vodka soda", replied the man.   "Oh!" I said. "Oh my goodness!" he responded, looking incredibly concerned.  "Is that okay?"  I assured him that it was, thinking to myself that I could have joked that I would 'have to start again'.  I was glad I did not as I know that it may not have been a 'joke'.  Grant appeared from the washroom, and asked if I was okay.  Apparently, I looked stunned. I explained about the 'sample', and he asked if I had thrown my 'sobriety token' at the man. I suppose we all have the thought inside!

Although there appeared to be a lot of people milling around, inside was not very busy when we first took our seats.  We were seated directly opposite the stage, despite being on the first tier, and fairly high up.  I was glad we were not 'on the floor' as the seats are not tiered, and we pondered about moving down a few rows, but thought we would wait and see if anyone else came in to the arena.  However, we were quite happy with the seats as the view was great!  

A woman sat in front of us, slightly to the right.  A man entered the row, and walked up to the seat next to her.  She stood, and they shook hands.  "Oh my goodness.  A blind date!" said Grant.  We watched as they chatted for a bit.  "At least she can just say she is going to the bathroom, and not wait for a call from her friend, if things don't work out", I said.  "And she doesn't have a bag" said my observant companion.  Venue rules dictate that only a small 'clutch' of a certain size, or a 'see through bag' of a not much larger size is permitted.  Most people have pockets to carry their wallet, and it is not uncommon to take your phone with you if you 'pop out' to use the facilities.  Before the performance, the lady got up.  "There she goes!" we said in unison.  She did return.  "Lulling him into a false sense of security", I said.  "When she goes next time ....!"  Our fantasy!  

Cold War Kids took the stage at 7:30 and they obviously had a following.  I had not heard of them, and it was not until they played their last song, did Grant say, "I know who they are!"  We came to the conclusion that when the tickets said 7:30 to 9:00, the 'to' was actually 'and', as the first band played for an hour.  Shortly before 9, the crowds that I had seen entering the building, flow into the arena to take their seats.  It was a Monday night and the place was packed!

Opening with 'Everybody wants to rule the world', Tears for Fears sang to a cheering, standing, dancing crowd.  They sounded as good as they did back in the early eighties.  I had not given it much thought before, but they would now be known as 'Eco warriors', perhaps a term not used back then, but after 'heavy metal' and 'punk', the eighties brought forth a refreshing, 'save the earth' type of group that were once again, melodic.  They sang from their new album and old tunes.  I stood and danced to almost every song.  When I did not stand, I bounced in my seat.  

The concert came to an end, without them singing their big hit, 'Shout', and the crowd stayed in place and cheered for about five minutes.  We noticed that the lights had not gone on, and the curtains at the back had not been pulled.  The show was still very much active!  After several more minutes of cheering, the group once again walked on the stage to a roaring audience.  They sang 'Creep' and then played the introduction to 'Shout'.  The crowd showed their appreciation, and I don't think there were a handful of people who were not singing during the song.  After the final chord, the crowd once again went wild, but many, including us, headed for the exit.  I made my way to the restroom, after drinking a lot of water, and was thankful for water fountains and clear plastic 'sports' bottles that I have collected over time.  As I exited the ladies, I was shocked at the line that had formed and went far around into the hallway.  

Our walk back to the truck did not seem too long, and we were definitely on a 'high' on our way home.  I entered my house at 11:30 and Grant had a long ride ahead of him.  Dana had slept for a few hours, and was now wide awake and wanting to hear every detail of my night out.  He laughed as I could not stop remembering!  When I told him of the couple in front of us, and my comments, followed by Grant's, he said, "So you got him into your fantasy world".  I responded that I did not have to 'get him in' as he was 'already there'!

The lady in question, we both agreed, was a little too much 'woman' for her companion, as she danced the night away, while he sat and barely moved.  Perhaps, however, they would have another date, as opposites attract!  

Tuesday morning was tough!  I could not sleep, due to the excitement of the previous evening, and when Grant came to pick me up, he too looked like he was exhausted.  However, we relived the night and once again reminisced about all the wonderful things we have been privileged to win! 

Pizza was on the lunch menu all week. The air fryer was used a lot!  In fact, by the end of the week, the pizza tasted much better than on the first day!

My pineapple upsidedown cake was a wonderful success.  Grant had been joking each time I mentioned dessert, "Is it an upsidedown cake?"  I decided to make one, obviously mentioning that the last time I did make one, it was when I was at school!

The pool man was on site when I got there, early, on Wednesday evening.  I had mentioned to the board, that the pool was not being cleaned as it should, and that Raul had been given excuses as to why he was not doing what he should.  "You do that" had been the response when Raul had commented that certain duties were not carried out.  Our wonderful maintenance man had pointed out that it was not his job, but part of the contract with the company.  I entered the pool area as he was just finishing off.  The vacuum had obviously been used, which had not been the case the last couple of times, and the young man said it was okay for me to swim, after we had exchanged pleasantries as to our wellbeing.  "Is that a British accent?: he asked.  I said it was, and the excitement was evident!  "Wow!" came a terrifically enthusiastic response.  He asked if I minded if he just scoop up the additional leaves and I said, "Of course not!"  I started to swim, as he shouted, "You sound like Olivia Newton-John". I turned around, instantly, and rebutted, "She was Australian!"  He seemed a little confused, and continued to enthuse joy in listening to an Englishwoman.  He cleared away his belongings and as he was about to leave, asked, "Are all British women beautiful?"  I responded with "We like to think so!"  I could not believe it. Was I being hit upon for my accent?  I told Grant later, perhaps he saw us at the concert and figured I like to 'hang out' with younger men!

Once again, the week came to an end, and the heat was overwhelming.  I could not get 'Shout' out of my head, and was singing constantly.  The concert was the highlight of the week, and one that I probably would have not bought tickets to, but perhaps would have pondered about whether I should.

It rained on Saturday afternoon.  Not a lot, and it certainly did not make things feel cooler.  In fact it felt slightly hotter.  The thunder rolled in and we held our breath, hoping for some precipitation.  It was enough to make the grass smell of spring, nonetheless.

With no rain in the forecast for the next week, and high temperatures, we are welcoming the Texas summer with less than open arms; more of a shrug of the shoulders!  Here we go again!  I have no exciting plans for next week, or at least none as exciting as the week just past, but I shall be sure to think up a few things for .......... another story!

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