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Sunday, March 26, 2023


Expecting a quieter week was more of an assumption than a whim.  I knew that the weather was going to be a little cool on Sunday, and my time in the garden would be optimised.  That much was true.  I laid some of my new patio 'tiles' which will add to the appearance, not necessarily value of the house!  Apparently, they are reconstituted rubber!  I am not sure if that is good or bad, but they do make the old fashioned stone path look so much better!  I am not sure how much it would cost to redo my small area in the back, but the thought of another upheaval, dirt, dust and various other components is not appealing.  My 'makeshift' tiling will do for now, and looks fairly effective.  

Unfortunately, the repotting did not go particularly well.  I should have thought it through a little more thoroughly and not taken the seedlings outside to transplant.  Starting again will not be a problem, it is just a shame to lose so many seedlings, but it is all a learning experience.  My 'outdoor' plants that started in the larger pots are doing well, but the tomatoes and peppers did not fare as well.  

I did wonder about the fate of the seedlings on Monday, as they looked like they were wilting.  I know it takes time for them to 'bounce back', but the withered look was a little too terminal for my liking.  I did find two of the pots that were not transplanted contained rather healthy looking seedlings, but I had moved them around a little too much and was now unsure as to what they were.  I know it will be fairly obvious, once repotted and growing, whether they are (very) hot peppers or Japanese eggplants!  My money is on the hot peppers, as they seem to be the more hardy of the two.  However, the garden would have to take care of itself as there were far more interesting things on the horizon; unless of course you are a gardener, and other activities are not attractive!

There was a lot to do on Monday, and the emails to say that both Grant and I had won a place in the live audience on Tuesday was quite exciting.  Grant was familiar with the singer, Vance Joy, but I was not.  What excited me more was the caterer!  As I have said, on numerous occasions, I do not use my posts to promote, unless I find it to be worthy!  

It was not hard to find something 'suitable' to wear on Tuesday, as it was damp and relatively cool.  We were exceptionally busy, and I was wondering if leaving Dana alone for a couple of hours would be a good idea.  Of course, as he has told me on many an occasion, he was more than capable of doing so.  However, if he was able to cope with all, he would not need to employ staff!  However, I digress.  Grant drove me to the radio station, and I was delighted that I would have the chance to savour one of the 'ranch waters' that were on offer.

The greeting was as warm as it ever is.  "Where is the baby?" asked the lady behind the desk.  "Next time, tell her to come, bring the baby, and if he cries during the performance, I will take him out and he can sit with me!"  Everyone else had to show ID, and give their names to ensure they were winners.  Guests of the artist had to give their credentials!  It is always amusing to be treated as if we 'belong'.  Grant told me that he would never have 'done' anything like this before he met me, and was quite unaware as to how many contests there were to be entered, and probably would not bother even if he was aware!  Obviously, compared to what I enter, the percentage we win is small.   However, it is a percentage.  

Lunch was served.  It looked delicious.  As we stood in line (and the line was long as the staff partook) Grant looked at his phone.  He had received a text from Dana.  "Is everything okay?" I asked, hoping that we would not have to miss the culinary delight.  "Yes", he said, with a puzzled look on his face, which turned into a smile, with a look of "Why am I surprised".  He continued.  "Apparently, I have won pizza for the office tomorrow.  I went in for a contest!  They will call me with the details later".  I confessed, although confession was not needed I thought.  After all, I explained that whilst I had the radio on a couple of weeks ago, should the pizza come as a 'surprise', I had heard the 'codeword' for the rodeo!  

Eventually, we got to the front of the line.  The food looked wonderful, and we were invited to try all.  The butternut squash with kale salad was complimented with a tahini vinaigrette.  I am not partial to kale, but I never condemn until I try!  Then came the mashed potatoes and green beans with brown gravy, apparently to compliment the meatloaf a few items down!  "We have plenty of meatloaf!" said the guy behind the table, as I tried to separate two pieces.  I took the two.  Perhaps not such a good idea, as my plate was full, and there was still more to come.  Hummas, with vegetables, was very tempting.  Mini turkey pastrami pretzel sliders, pasta with squash, and perhaps the dish that peaked my curiosity the most, pretzel rolls with provolone fondue!  The Mississippi mud pie was no where to be seen.  I did collect a ranch water, but decided to put it in my bag for a later date.  I needed to be able to taste everything.  The food was provided by the 'Culinary Dropout' Restaurant, located in the Domain in Austin.  Everything was spectacular.  Although the pizza is always good, this was by far the best food I have had at a 'station' event!  It topped the barbeque which was amazing!  Being able to sample a variety helped.  Unfortunately, however, unlike the pizza, I was unable to take anything back for Dana  I suppose I could have forgone something and slipped it into a baggie, but I needed to be able to report back that I had sampled all!  "There is the mud pie", said Grant, as we sat, barely able to move after finishing off the last morsel.  I waddled up the stairs (as we had come down to eat) and took two small pots.  The lady behind the table was happy for me to take for my 'plus one' and we devoured the small helping, which was large enough!  

The show was wonderful.  Vance Joy is Australian, and has a keen sense of humour and is a wonderful entertainer.  His songs have words you can hear, and he was accompanied by a trumpet player.  The live show was loved by all.  As we left, I noticed four mud pies still on the table.  "May I take one for our boss, who let us have time off?" I asked.  "Please do!" said the lady.

I am not sure what was in the mud pie, but my assumption is that it was the caffeine in the very rich chocolate ganache that made me 'buzz' all afternoon.  It was not a 'traditional' mud pie, although like 'triffle' I think it can be varied.  There was a biscuit base, (as in cookie,) ganache and topped with cream.  Dana thoroughly enjoyed the small treat, expressing the same thought, that it was 'just' enough!

Hungry I was not when I arrived home, and the replacing of 'knick-knacks' into my cabinet after trying to polish the smears from the glass, did nothing to improve my appetite. I picked at the offering I had provided, which Dana ate with gusto.  

The pizza was due to arrive at a little after noon.  We were asked to have the radio playing on the desired station, when they arrived.  It occurred to me that they would not just 'show up' and take it away if we were not listening, so the need to have the particular station playing all morning on a Wednesday was not strictly necessary.  However, it had won us the opportunity of an 'experience'!

At nearly one, Matt (the DJ from the shuttle to the rodeo) and Anne arrived.  They were delighted that we had 'dogs and babies' in the office, although actually there was only one baby!  They provided us with three large pizzas and a photo!  They could hear the radio playing and were satisfied.  Matt recognised Grant, and although he said I looked familiar I could see from the vague look that he was not convinced.  Perhaps it was the lack of the Stetson, or perhaps I am just not that interesting!  The latter is probably true, but I will stick with the former for my own peace of mind!

The rest of the week was comparatively quiet on the 'fun' side of things, although there was much laughter in the office due to the abundance of work, and 'sink or swim' attitude that had to be adopted.  More and more 'must have done by today' things popped in and we all made fun of each other's moans of how each was more busy than the other.  It felt good!  "I'm going for a walk. I may be sometime!" I announced, having to tear myself away from my desk to get to the post box, as our 'collector' no longer collects!  I am sure if I put a call in to my 'mate' Bobby, he will start it up again, but it seems a little unfair.  After all, on this day, I needed the break!  I arrived back at my desk in a couple of minutes.  "I thought you were going for a walk?" said Dana.  "To the postbox!" I shot back.  "No time for frivolity today!"  

Saturday morning started off a tad nippy.  I was going to swim, but decided against it as the outside temperature was very cool.  I had to wear gloves!  I was glad I chose to walk, as the water was quite cold. It was far below what I had imagined, as we had been experiencing temperatures of over 80 during the latter part of the week.  However, the sunrise is still past seven, and does not stay on the water for too long.  

I spent the afternoon 'repaving' my patio, and checking on the plants I had thrown out on the slope behind my building.  It was quite a tiring couple of hours, but well worth the effort.  

There is the possibility of another culinary delight during the week, but we will not know until mid way through.  There will be no more pizza as I believe the prize is one per office, but there will be other opportunities.  Grant and I were, once again, reminiscing over the things we have won, and how much fun we have had!  Despite all the bad news that is reported in the media, there is an opportunity to smile and enjoy the joy!  Whatever the prize, it is a prize, and enough to enter into ............ another story!

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