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Sunday, October 20, 2019


Cold, cold, cold was the water on Monday, despite the constant calling from the sides, "Mind over matter".  In my sixtieth year, I hardly need to torture myself  just to make a point, and say, "I did it!"  I did it fifty and change years ago!  I plunged into icy cold (probably icier and colder) water. I would have done so ten years ago, maybe even five, without hesitation, but then I asked myself a very simple question, "Why?"  To whom did I need to prove I was crazy. After all, it more stupid than brave!  If I were to see someone dive into a field of ice and continue to swim, I would turn away and say, "Why?" rather than "That was very brave!"  However, I am not quite at the stage where I cannot stay away when the outside temperature is post 90 degrees.  Perhaps next year.  Suffice it to say, I went swimming on Monday!  Samantha watched!  My 'things I never thought I would say', thought came back, over and over again.  

When I was a child, (and I do not know about now,) outdoor swimming pools would not be open in October.  

"It's getting chilly", I said to Raul.  My neighbour, Cathleen, was by Raul's shed.  "How was the water?" she asked.  "Oh, I think they drained it and refilled it with ice.  But it appears to have melted now!"  How blessed am I?  A lunchtime swim, in my (yes, my) pool in the middle of October.  

Returning to the office on Monday afternoon, it took some hours before 'the feeling' returned to my legs.  Perhaps this was the clue to give up swimming when the water feels cold!  

I had forgotten to send around the 'office' card for my daughter's birthday, (shame on me!) and managed to get all to sign it on Monday before the big day, Tuesday.  I had made the cake, iced it and Dana had taken it with him when he left for work.  It was not a masterpiece, more like a variation on a theme, which I thought my daughter would appreciate.  Tuesday was a relatively warm day and one where I could have perhaps enjoyed swimming, as the overnight lows were not too low and the high was back up to the mid nineties, but we had other plans for our lunchtime break!
Image may contain: 2 people, including Samantha Furstenau, people smiling, people standing
We, that is Samantha, Grant, Blake and I, arrived at the radio station a few minutes past 11:30, and were not surprised that no one had been invited to go through to 'the back'.  We all had to 'sign in', and were taken to the 'waiting room'.  Cold pizza, most of which had been eaten, sat looking up, quite unappealingly.  However, we do not come to these events for the food, do we!  Do we?  Heck yeah!  It was unusual, but we survived!  After deciding whether we wanted to eat or not, we were ushered into the 'studio/' and awaited the star!  Dean Lewis had performed at one of the other stations last year.  In fact, it was Grant's first 'meet and greet', and he, Grant, was rather excited at the opportunity to meet him again.  We exited the 'waiting room' first, as Samantha had commandeered the table nearest to the door, and were, therefore, afforded front row seats, or at least a place on the couch directly in front of the singer.  Adorned in birthday accessories, the 'DJ' (or however they are known now) was unavoidably observant, and commented on the 'birthday girls' presence.  

The performance was just as I remembered.  He sang the first song, which was the first song he sang last time, but his attitude was different in the preamble.  Still reeling from a heartfelt heartbreak last year, it now proved to be a blessing (or at least that is how I heard the introduction) and the sad melody started.  I sat there with a grin from ear to ear, as all I could think of was how we had completely butchered the lyrics when making a recording during the karaoke session at SXSW.  How would the writer, and singer, react if he had heard.  I realised that my beaming smile was probably not appropriate for the occasion, and tried to pull my widened beam from across my face into a more suitable expression.  

The second song was the same as last time, as was the third, but they are the hits, and this is what the folks want to hear.  Half way through the third song, however, he stopped singing and asked, "Can you hear me?"  I was completely unaware of any mechanical failure, as I was still trying to compose my facial features and was concentrating on the assistant musician who was strumming the guitar at intervals and although this was no doubt how he should be playing, I was wondering why he was there.  Of course, I am not a musician, and I have no idea as to the 'set up', so my opinions are just that!  No doubt the assistant is just as talented as the singer, and he detracts not an atom from the main man, therefore making him the perfect accompaniment.  (There, did I manage to redeem myself?)  Back to the story...."Can you hear me?" said Dean.  It appears that the microphone had blown and a new one was given to the artist.  He picked up the song exactly where he had left off, with the same emotion and tone.  It was very impressive!  

The 'meet and greet' part was next.  The DJ insisted the 'birthday girl' go first, and as she approached the star, he said, "I remember you from last time!"  He wished her birthday felicitations and they chatted for a brief while.  Then he said the same to Grant, (minus the birthday greeting,) which was amazing.  Considering all the people he must meet, and see during his busy schedule, it was quite fantastic that he remembered them.  Me?  No.  "Hi.  Good to meet you.  Thanks for coming".  I commented that we had, indeed, met and that I was 'with them'.  He was very gracious.  "Oh yeah!" he said, although I am sure he was being polite.  However, credit where credit is due.  He is now a much bigger star than of a year ago, and yet he still maintains the grace and presumably gratitude for his fans, and has not let stardom spoil him.  Again, I only know what I see!  
Image may contain: drink
We arrived back at the office, and cake was presented to the birthday girl.  Instead of recreating 'Buccee' the beaver, from Samantha's favourite 'gas station convenience store', I had just made the teeth, and (apparently very bad) cap.  She could not see what it was at first, but then laughed quite appreciatively.  It was a success, and the cake was, by all accounts, very delicious!  

The evening was also good fun.  Grant joined us, that is Dana and me, with Samantha and Edward, at Estancia.  The Brazilian Steakhouse was not particularly busy, being a Tuesday, but the food was flowing, and the company in good humour.  

Joe was in Florida, and I did not have a nail appointment, so I headed to the office a little after 'opening' time.  We all felt a bit lethargic, no doubt due to the enormous amounts of meat we consumed the previous night.  I did not have quite as much as my companions, but without a swim, nor a walk, during the day, and a piece of cold pizza for lunch, my stomach was rebelling!  

"Quick, follow me!" cried my daughter, after I returned from a walk on Wednesday.  I went out into the parking lot, and there was something I never thought I would see, and I said, "Has that snake got the other snake's head in its mouth?"  Firstly, I was as close to the two snakes as I could have been.  Secondly, I was as close to the two snakes as I could have been!  I was just witnessing nature at its best, or cruelest!  Thirdly, I was as close to the two snakes as I could have been!  "I can't believe you are so close to the snakes", said Samantha!  This snake was not letting go of its prey.  Grant, who had come to witness the spectacle, lifted them up on a stick, but the 'biter' did not let go of the 'bitee'.  The latter appeared to be dead, but I am not an expert.  I returned to my desk surprisingly unflustered, and continued with my day!

I did not swim on Wednesday evening, which was a shame.  I did not swim on Thursday, as the temperature did not rise to a sufficient 'high', nor did it do so on Friday.  Walking was a substitute, but I was starting to feel the difference.  However, the weekend looked promising.  
Image may contain: dog and indoor
Saturday morning was set to be a little bit different.  I had planned to go shopping early, but this did not happen.  By the time I had taken care of all the things I wanted to take care of before departing, Samantha was on her way, with 'the boys'.  We were going to 'Dogtoberfest'.  It was Sparks' first visit, and Harry, the young eight week old puppy, was going to have to be carried, as he has not yet had his shots.  

The Domain, the now vast open shopping mall where the event is hosted, was already very busy when we arrived a few minutes after ten. Sparks was a bit hit, until everyone saw the little bundle poking his head through the papoose in which he was being transported.  There were, as usual, all varieties of dogs, and Samantha was asked if she had considered entering Sparks for the races.  She had not, but perhaps next year!  Harry (short for Harrods own sausages - my daughter's dog - go figure!) would have waddled to the finish line if he had been able to be put down!  "Is he fully grown?" asked one woman.  I thought she was talking about the eight month old who was enjoying himself as dogs enjoy themselves!  However, she pointed to Harry.  I resisted.  I have heard of miniatures, even toy dogs, but this would have been considered Pygmy!  Thankfully, my daughter intervened!  We walked around for a couple of hours, and were surprised at how quickly the time had elapsed.  With bags of samples, and pens (of course pens) we came back, and left Dana with the two animals before heading out to do some grocery shopping.  On our way home we saw 'Bevo', the University of Texas 'Longhorn' mascot, (a real steer,) being transported to the football grounds.  Things I never thought I would say!  I was excited to see Bevo!  A steer!  A mascot!  Strange how the place engulfs a person!

Dana survived his first experience with the two four legged friends, or half-brothers to be exact, and they were escorted out by their momma.  I went down to the pool, where I dropped into the water and stood for some time willing myself to put my shoulders under the water and 'push off'.  "After three", I said to myself, several times.  "Now", I said, with no response from my body.  "Okay, last chance", didn't cause a movement.  Eventually, I sunk beneath the liquid and shrieked as the cold surrounded me.  Two laps and I was still cold.  "You can do this", I said, wondering if I could!  After all, the water is at the temperature (maybe) that it was in April, or was it May, or June?  I did not read much.  I watched as the squirrels raced up and down the trees, dislodging loose leaves and acorns.  I swam again before heading upstairs, and it took me several hours to feel somewhat warm again, despite the outside temperature hitting 90!

We watched the University of Texas scrape a win in the final four seconds of their football game, without seeing Bevo on the screen.  It was a real 'nail biter', and I heard myself shouting to the player, "Get out of bounds.  Stop the clock".  He did!
Image may contain: dog

Sunday started off quite cloudy, but not cold. The overnight low had not dipped much below 70, according to my trusted phone, but I watched for the sun to come out from behind the clouds before venturing to the pool.  The water appeared to be colder than yesterday, and as I sat with my legs in the pool, wondering if I would be able to swim if I could not feel them, I spotted something trying to get out of the pool.  It was a tiny, baby snake.  No, it was not a worm.  Worms do not have heads shaped like snakes.  I went to grab it by the tail, and then realised that was not a wise idea.  I got up, managed to stand despite the feeling in my legs having disappeared, and found a stick.  I removed the snake from the pool.  Yes, I removed the snake from the pool.  Me! Yes, I!  Things I never thought I would say!

It took me as long to 'push off' again, but I did swim my laps, and after reading a few chapters, I swam again.  The squirrels appeared to be hurling acorns at me as I went under the large tree that shades one end.  I got out of the water and watched as they raced through the tree at the other end, making a very big mess on the path, with twigs, leaves and acorns scattered all over the stones.  It is autumn.  The pool looked crisp and clear, indicating cold!  The trees are losing their leaves, indicating autumn.  Even in Texas!  I read for a while longer.  I moved along the chairs, to stay in the sun, as I was a little cold, and then back again, as it sunk lower and shone through the tree on to 'my' chair.  Eventually, there was no more sunlight hitting the area, and I reluctantly left, perhaps for the year!  Another season over, maybe!  

Pumpkins are abound and 'all things' for Thanksgiving are filling the shops.  I am still nursing ant bites and other summer related stings.  However, everything here is turning a deep shade of orange! (University of Texas colours are burnt orange and white, so it is quite apt!)  On to another week, and no doubt .... another story!

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