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Sunday, June 23, 2019


Once again, the storms gathered and the temperature dropped on Sunday night.  Monday was quite cool in comparison to the weekend, and a walk was rather pleasant at lunchtime.  It appears that after nearly fifteen years, I have acclimatised!  A drop to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (around 24c) is not conducive to swimming.  Of course, there would have been a time when it would have been a most favourable temperature, but now it is simply too cold!  The week had just begun and it was going to be run on a different plan to normal!  

The 'difference' with an 'English twist', to which I alluded at the end of the last post, was that my very old and dear friend, (to be interpreted 'one whom I have known for years',) Lynda, was coming to Austin.  I first met Lynda when I was about seven.  Our parents' had known each other for years, previous to our meeting, as my parents were very friendly with Lynda's cousin, and our dads were on 'the knowledge' to become London cabbies together!  Lynda, Lesley, (another very old and dear friend, whom I have known since I was four) and I were inseparable as teenagers, and both were the subject of a post written some nine years ago, when we all met met in Vegas.  However, I digress!  Lynda has been in the USA for the best part of forty years, and currently lives in Oregon.  To cut a very long story short, one of her daughters was coming to see her comedic hero in Houston, and we were going to meet for lunch half way, but they then decided to come and stay for a couple of nights in the capital of Texas; my hometown!

Lynda messaged me throughout the day on Monday, letting me know her progress.  Eventually, she arrived in Round Rock, checked in, and then quickly out of a motel that was rather 'sketchy' and finally set up camp in Austin.  It was late when she finally arrived, so we arranged to meet the following morning.

Reunions are always wonderful, emotional and joyous!  Although we did see each other three years ago at her son's wedding, and a few years prior when Dana and I went to Oregon on a three day weekend, the meetings are few and far between, so hugs last that little bit longer and memories flow immediately!  Cassidy, Lynda's daughter, is a walking miracle.  Having survived a near fatal accident a year ago, suffering a broken neck and I believe I am correct in saying the same injury as the late actor Christopher Reeve, she is not only walking, but other than a few restrictions in her neck movement, I would not have been able to tell that twelve months ago the predictions were nearer to her demise than life!  And I knew the story!  Our daughters have met before, but it was lovely to see them hug each other like old friends themselves!  

We spent a good part of the morning wandering around the State Capitol building, and even more time congregating in the halls as we chatted and caught upon what was happening in each other's life.  After we left the building, we walked along Congress Avenue, and Sixth Street.  Lynda left her iced coffee outside one of the small shops, so that it would 'melt' a bit, only to find that it was not there when we left.  I explained that any food or beverages left unattended were considered blessings to the homeless who frequent the area.  Welcome to Austin, Y'all!  We watched the girls walking  in front of us, deep in conversation, and laughing at regular intervals.  

Back in the car, we drove to Mozart's, the coffee shop on the lake, and during the journey, Samantha and I bantered as we do, which sounded very much like bickering.  "We are like a bad husband and wife!" I said, when Lynda asked if we always argue.  "No we are not!" said Samantha, keeping up the pretense!  The weather was beautiful, and rather warm.  

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, outdoor and water'Seeing Austin' is always easier said than done.  I am constantly saying, "There is always so much to see and do in Austin", and yet when someone comes for a day visit, I am stuck as to 'where to go next'.  Twice I have taken people to see 'the bats' fly from under the bridge at Congress Avenue, as dusk turns to dark, and twice they have 'had the night off'!  When summer comes, and temperatures rise about 90, it is not always pleasant to walk, and by 2pm, it is a chore rather than a pleasure.  We could have hiked up our mountain, (which is more of a hill, but 'welcome to Austin, y'all!,) or climbed the rocky steps to look over the lake at the Iron Bridge, or done any number of things, but the heat was sapping and an afternoon by the pool seemed like the best option.  

Having the day off on Tuesday did not exactly go to plan.  I had started preparations for Thursday evenings neighbours' soiree, and Wednesday night's dinner, and as we were not meeting Lynda until around ten, had promised to put in a couple of hours work.  Hence, my kitchen was rather less than tidy, and my kitchen table stacked with boxes and tins.  The bedrooms were in disarray due to my being in the middle of 'de-cluttering', and although my sun room is now somewhat organised, I had swept up a pile of leaves, and not taken them out to the dumpster.  In short, my house was somewhat less tidy than I would have liked should visitors appear!  However, I am no longer bound by tradition, and I knew with my schedule as it was, it would be Friday until everything was back in its place and my home would be ready for inspection!  (By whom?  No one!)  Suffice it to say, Lynda and Cassidy walked into a metaphorical 'bomb site', and although I felt the need to make excuses, they were feeble and took up too much precious time! 

It was seven before we realised that we had spent virtually five hours enjoying the afternoon!  We headed back to the condo, got changed, and went to collect the dog from Dana.  Dana could not join us for dinner, as the day had been arduous and work prolific.  He had too much to finish off, and could not spare the time.  He was delighted to see Lynda, again, and apologised for not being able to come with, especially as it was her birthday.  We drove back to the hotel, left Lynda and Cassidy to their own devices, and went to collect Edward.  Back again we drove to the hotel, picked up the girls and headed out to the Texas Roadhouse.  

Dinner was fun.  We chatted.  For the second Tuesday in a row, Edward was on 'good form', and made everyone laugh with the 'despairing of the mother in law' stories.  The evening was over far too soon, and we bid our farewell to my friend, promising to visit when we could. We had a great reunion, celebrating life, Lynda's birthday, and friendship.  

I did not go to Joe on Wednesday, as Dana had been asked to give a lecture at a paralegals' meeting!  I did leave work early and go swimming, and had dinner ready at seven, for six people.  I told my guests of my day, and not one of them had a friendship that had spanned from childhood.  They marveled at the fact that with crossing the Atlantic, I still kept in touch with my 'besties', even before the age of the Internet.  

Despite a few mishaps, Thursday went into effect with military precision.  I was in the office 'on time', and swam at lunchtime, even though I had been to have my nails painted, having altered my appointment from Wednesday.  I had prepared three trays of meringue baskets, ready to go into the over, and had placed the trays on the mats on the floor, to free up some workspace.  It is a usual practice, and normally I am very careful.  Samantha drove in to my car port, but as I was not expecting her, the surprise of a vehicle pulling into my garage space had caused a lapse in concentration, and forgetting my usual practice, I headed to the back door.  Of course I forgot about the meringues.  I now had two trays of baskets, one tray of smush, and a slipper coated in foamy, pink streaked, egg and sugar mixture.  Strike one!  I was rather less perturbed than I thought I would be, and cleared up the mess with a strange sense of calm having come over me.  Lynda messaged me to say she was back in Houston, and we exchanged messages of mutual appreciation for the previous day.  

Thursday night was quite enjoyable.  Poolside had been the first option to hold the soiree, but as it was very hot, one of my neighbours had offered to have it in her home.  I told her that my desserts thanked her, as they would have been rather compromised!  I arrived home, filled my pastry cases, filled the (remaining) meringue baskets, and put all my wares into a large box.  The walk down the steps and across the road took a long time, as I was very careful.  I was delighted when everyone tucked in, and comments of, "Ooh I remember these" and "Did you bring dessert?", were accepted with delight.  Interestingly enough, I did not 'beam with pride', but was more excited that I was able to delight the neighbours with what they call their own 'British Bake-off'!

Friday did not come soon enough!  Dana had worked extremely late two nights, and was looking forward to a weekend.  After spending a good deal of time steam cleaning my kitchen, washing floors, cleaning bathrooms and generally clearing up, my house looked fit for visitors, of whom I was expecting the nice round figure of none!  Oh well!  I went swimming at lunchtime, and sitting having lunch were a couple who had been visiting their son and daughter-in-law.  I had met the wife at the neighbours' evening, when we had discussed 'book writing'.  One of the neighbours had asked if I was going to continue with my article that I had been writing for our newsletter, and Cindy (the mother-in-law) had mentioned that her husband had written a book, self published, and had I ever thought....., etc, etc.  At the pool were Cindy and Leonard, whom Samantha had met earlier.  Leonard was quite delighted that I liked to write and encouraged me to finish my book, which I stated many years ago.  Whilst I was swimming, he left the area and returned with a copy of his book, which he presented to me, as a present!  I was thrilled.  It is called, 'The Nam Within', and is about his time, as a young man, during the Vietnam conflict.  Apparently, not about the war totally, but more about the inner feelings of a young soldier, it looks rather interesting.  I promised feedback.  (Interested?

Back at the office, I told Dana that we had met Cindy and Leonard, and portrayed them as Yorkshiremen!  Dana asked, "Do they speak like that?  Are they English?"  I replied that they did not and were not, but could be!  They both reminded me of a pair of English actors.  

Saturday was delicious!  Shopping and then an afternoon by the water.  I enjoyed it immensely!  Cindy and Leonard were just leaving as I arrived, and I was alone for the rest of the afternoon, with my book!

It was a wonderful week, despite my natural aversion to deviation from the norm, and although quite tiring, it reminded me that life is for living and perhaps I should be less 'structured'. However, I know that 'structure' is what keeps me in line, and basically keeps me sane!

The longest day, (or shortest, dependent upon your hemisphere,) has come and gone, and we have almost hit 'halfway', through the year.  Time seems to fly the older I get, and although I would like it to halt sometimes, I seem to wish away the weeks, to get to the weekend, each one passing by quicker than the last.  Hopefully, next week will have some more exciting adventures, and I can follow up with .............. another story!

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