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Sunday, June 30, 2019


Austin has not actually gone to sleep, but with schools and colleges having closed for the summer, the annual 'factory fortnight' (which is more like six fortnights!) has promoted the slight slowdown in traffic, and general 'summer is here' mentality.  Slowing down over the past fifteen years has definitely become more evident, as Austin has grown exponentially.  Although still 'laid back', the pace of life has increased to a degree that we now notice the slow down to a degree

Perhaps the lead up to 'the big one', which happens on the fourth day of the seventh month, and just so happens to coincide with the celebrations for independence day, has contributed to the decline in traffic both literal and metaphorical.  

Rain on, and rain off was the order of the week, again, and although I managed to swim four out of five days during the week, I did have to walk on Monday, albeit in the middle of a great storm.  

As I may have mentioned, I have not made myself familiar with various attributes of the dynamics of 'how things work', and my little knowledge of electrics, plumbing and the likes in England at least allowed me to solve some minor problems.  'Changing a plug', in presumably any part of this great nation, is not an option.  'Plugs' are fixed units.  If the vacuum cleaner stops, it is not an option to check the fuse in the plug.  There are many things that I would not attempt here, due to them being pretty much a 'closed shop', but then there are others that are quite 'doable'.  Having once been married to a 'jack of all trades', I was a 'plumbers mate', a 'sparks help', and a even a 'hod carrier'.  My current husband (and I do not envisage, want or plan any alteration on this front) is very much a 'protector' and despite opposition, occasionally, from the management, considers it is his job to do the traditional manly things.  Although I am not opposed to equality in theory, there are some things that I would prefer a man to do, and I do enjoy the 'chivalry'.  Old fashioned or just a preference.   Without getting political, my right as a person to choose! However I digress.  Sometimes, I like to take matters into my own hands and if I am able to complete a task, I will do it, and inform my husband after it has been completed.  Very often he will insist, "I could have done that", and I will smile and remind him that the little woman is capable!

It has long been a want to remove the textured covering on my ceiling.  I believe the term at home was called, 'artex', is called 'popcorn' in this part of the world.  From what I can see, both are a type of 'moulding' that is now very 'old hat', presumably due to some hazard, very likely Asbestos.  Most of my neighbours have removed the 'popcorn', but it is messy and laborious.  In an 'experiment', I sprayed a small area of my bedroom ceiling, with my super-duper mini steamer, in an attempt to remove a stain.  The 'popcorn' fell away.  Some years ago we had a leak from the bathroom, which came through to the dining room ceiling.  As the bathroom was in need of 'upgrading', we had a new suite fitted, and the leak stopped.  However, over the past few weeks, I have noticed that the faint stain, had started to get much darker.  Dana had suggested bleaching the stain to 'kill' any mold or suchlike!  I suggested we remove the 'popcorn'.

Challenges are something to which I react in most diverse ways.  Some I find to be too much, and others I embrace like a long lost friend.  A challenge to my schedule is not always endured with poise and decorum, and although I do not necessarily display signs of a tantrum outwardly, inwardly I am on the floor screaming and shouting.  A challenge that I have set myself is started with vigour and then can split into many different trails of ease or difficulty.  I do, however, finish a challenge set by myself, even when it poses a threat to my schedule; I just finish it with the internal kicking and screaming.  

My week, as mentioned consisted of rain on and rain off.  The first few days were comfortable, and very few emergencies came our way.  I travelled across town to see Joe on Wednesday, and was not bombarded with work when I returned to the office.  I had completed most tasks  by the time I left to go home and cook for my half a dozen guests, who arrived almost all at once.  In the middle of dinner, I could not help but make a comment about he dark stain on the ceiling, and had decided to take matters into my own hands.

I had forgotten about the time I removed the artex from the ceiling of my very first house, and had spent most of the day with a hot iron grid and a scraper, causing an incredible amount of neck strain.  I remember it well because upon my return to work, one of the employees had asked me why I was wearing a neck brace (as ordered by the doctor) and I had told him. "That's not very romantic!" he said and suggested I tell everyone it was an archery accident, or something similar.  When my boss came in, he asked me what I had done, and I told him.  "Oh, Jonathan said you had an archery accident!"  On Thursday morning, I climbed up the ladder with my trusty steamer and set to work, after covering most of my lounge with old sheets.  I manged to uncover the stained part, and confirmed that the  mold was only on the popcorn, and had not penetrated through to the ceiling.  With that fact established, I continued to scrape a little more.  I cleared away the mess and got ready for work.  I am not sure whether Dana was unpressed, but his 'protector' instinct went into overdrive and he told me that he would be taking care of the project.  He did not ask me not to do anymore, but said it wouldn't be necessary.  He smiled when I smiled my smile of "we will see".  

Friday was hot.  We left the office and headed home.  I was looking forward to a quiet weekend.  

Saturday had been the day that my husband had suggested he 'get the job done'.  Grant was coming to help him, but Dana had more work than he had anticipated and would not be home until mid afternoon.  I did not offer to take his place until he got home.  I had an appointment with my book.  

It was a glorious afternoon.  I finished my book, Sahara, and was ready to see the film, again.  I swam, a lot.  By the time the sun had started to set and the mosquitoes started to feed, I was packing up my things and headed back to my condo.  

Rain started to fall on Saturday night, and continued through to the afternoon of Sunday.  It stopped around 2:30 and I decided that although the temperature had dropped considerably, I was going to go swimming.  I am made of strong stuff!  The water was lovely.  Of course I was alone!  At 77 degrees Fahrenheit, my neighbours would be inside with a cup of cocoa in front of the fire!  

Dana had returned to the office for a few hours, and I decided to pick up where I had left off.  He had tried to scrape some more of the popcorn off the ceiling in the morning, but had decided that we needed  a 'professional' to complete the job.  I removed about a third of the plaster and satisfied with the amount I had accomplished, I cleared up and hoovered.  

Having started the 'challenge', I shall probably continue, a little each day, but I do have an extra day next week.  Independence Day is a national holiday, and if it rains, I can spend the whole day scraping away at the ceiling.  Of course, I may decide that I do not want to spend my birthday up a ladder pulling at bits of plaster, but a challenge is a challenge.  If a plumbing problem, or electrical fault should occur, I will call in the 'professional'.  I shall be sure to give a full report on my birthday activities in ............... another story!

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