Diversity is my very spice of life, but diversity could be considered in the category of 'Variety', and applied to the saying put so well by Mr. William Cowper. 'Keep Austin Weird', the slogan which was apparently adopted in 2000 (and I am open to correction) could be preceded, or succeeded by the much older quote, to form a new and perfectly apt phrase!

There appeared to be no fluidity to this week, and that was okay. I found myself in somewhat of a quandary as my world has been altered once again. This did little to keep me focused! By Tuesday morning, I was what could colloquially be described as a 'nervous wreck'. Many things had altered my world. Firstly, the dog. Secondly, my new oven was turning itself on and off, and whilst my husband was certain it was a 'computer' glitch, I had my suspicions that it was to do with the wiring, and this caused the metaphorical hammer to come down on the puck and ring the bell that is my anxiety. I chose to go with Dana's diagnosis for peace of mind. My third dilemma (and you have to understand that at this point common sense has not only packed its bags, but has left without a forwarding address!) was to whom to contact about the oven. The store or the manufacturer. Problem number four was that we (being the common three in the office, Samantha, Grant and myself) had all won another contest for a 'meet and greet' on Wednesday at lunchtime! Lunchtime is usually the perfect time to go, but this was on Wednesday, my late morning and early leaving day, and it would not be possible to fit everything in and..and...and!
By nine o'clock Tuesday morning, I was a puddle on the floor that could have been scooped up and put in one of the little bags that Samantha bought to clean up after her pet. No one would have been any the wiser. However, I realised that I would be no good to man or beast (and we now had a beast for which I would be responsible in the near future) and I had to pull myself together, or at least go from liquid to solid! An adjustment was made. After all, I quote Mr. Cowper constantly, and consider 'variety' to be such an advantage! (Who am I kidding, right!)
An email was sent to the nice lady with whom I had been communicating in November, regarding my oven, and within minutes I received a response. She did remember me (of course) and asked if I could furnish her with a couple of details just to familiarise herself with the order. This I did, and again within minutes an appointment had been made for Thursday, between twelve and four. Breathe, breathe! I could cope with another day of upheaval! The engineer would call me when he was on his way, so I would not have to waste any time! I breathed!

Returning to work, I completed my tasks and left at five. Dinner was already cooking in the crock pot and I had desserts prepared, ready for decoration, before my visitors arrived. I had made it to Wednesday and all appeared to be well!
I did not have much time to do anything 'extra' on Thursday morning, as one of my visitors on Wednesday was a five year old boy, who got bored. He found my mirrors in my hallway to be quite entertaining, and pulled faces and danced. I think I was the only one who saw him paint the mirrors with saliva, and as his mum was in a very deep and serious conversation with Dana, I did not want to interrupt. Instead I sat and smiled, through gritted teeth, knowing that my face would 'give it away', so tried very hard not to make it obvious. After all, I could clean the mirrors again in the morning! I had not realised how much artwork had been achieved!
Accents are a variety! When I returned to work I received a call. "Hello. Are you the process servers?", came a very English accent across the airways. I replied that "Indeed, we are". The response was, "Oh good. Um. You are process servers?" I said, "Yes, indeed we are!" Silence. "But you are English", she said. "Yes, and so are you!" said I! It was all very amusing. Originally from Bicester, she has lived in San Antonio for twenty five years, maintains her very English accent and loves it here. "Me too!" I said! We chatted for a while and I gave her a couple of numbers for someone within the area that she required service and told her, "They are American!"
Friday was as regular as it could be. I enjoyed a routine day and left the office feeling quite refreshed!
Dana took care of the dog on Saturday. We were out for a long time. It was my sister's birthday, my daughter-in-law's birthday, Grant's mum's birthday, and Texas Independence Day! Samantha and I went on our usual jaunt. We visited several pet stores. My daughter had purchased some food in one and then found the same brand but specifically for puppies in another. Whilst she went back to the car to get the items to exchange, I stood by a selection of tanks. I noticed that they were inhabited. Frogs, lizards, and a snake. It was hard to spot the inhabitants as the lizards were chameleons, and the frogs blended into the background. I realised too late that the design on the tank below the frog was actually a creature and it started to slither. I jumped back. As Samantha came back into the shop, a young child came in between the tank and me. "Look momma", she said, and put her finger towards the glass. "Don't touch it!" I shouted, quite loudly. It had nothing to do with making the glass dirty. "It's a snake", I almost shrieked. My daughter apologised to all whom were within earshot, pulled me aside, and told me that it was in a tank. It was not loose, and it could not escape. I stood, I nodded, and I apologised. I was six! Sometimes variety can be overrated!
However, life goes on. I had survived the week that had threatened to disrupt my own 'status quo' and I was well into the weekend. Amazingly enough, I continued to enter contests for 'meet and greets', despite the fact that they would be held during the week, possibly on a day that was inconvenient for me, and at a time that would definitely be non-conducive with my plans. However, if I am to maintain the theory that I am now an Austinite, I shall have to comply with the rules! I need to keep up with the slogan! Variety and diversity are the very spice of life and here am I in the middle!
The dog appears to have settled in to his new homes. I seem to have survived catastrophes that are not, and a 21 year old was given advice from someone who never seems to practice what she preaches! Who knows what will be next in ......... another story!
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