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Sunday, March 10, 2019


The big freeze came upon us over the weekend, and continued into the first couple of days of the week.  We returned home on Sunday evening after popping out for a while, and the wind was quite vicious.  "But you grew up in these kind of temperatures", came the comment from my husband.  I asked him where he thought I grew up, as it was not the northern borders of Scandinavia, nor Siberia. Sub zero temperatures were perhaps known during the winter months, but if it was cold outside, I would wear a long coat, woolen tights, a hat, gloves and a scarf.  I would not venture out in a thin pair of trousers, short sleeved top and a cardigan!  Admittedly, the temperatures did not drop severely within twenty minutes or so, as they do here, but I would be properly dressed!  I then apologised for being so sharp!  I was cold!

Monday morning was not quite freezing, but it was heading in that direction.  Our walk was more of a march, to keep up with the strong breeze that was bringing the temperatures down further.  The 'feels like' factor dropped faster than the 'actual', and by the evening, it was very unpleasant.  Walking into a warm house was enough to zap what little energy I had left, and I was asleep before 'lights out'.

"Oh wow! Oh wow!  Again, "Oh wow", was all I could say.  I received a call on Tuesday to let me know that I had won tickets to the live performance of 'PJ Masks'.  I would probably not have a clue as to what, or whom this, or they were if it were not for my grandson, who is an enormous fan.  I had entered two contests for live shows, one of them being the previously mentioned, and the other for Paw Patrol, which is another one of my grandson's favourites.  The reason for my entering was two fold.  Firstly, and probably foremost, because it was a contest, and I seem to be unable to not click on the button on the contest page.  The second, which in retrospect, should be the first, was because Grant (our office dynamo) has a nephew a few months older than Ollie, who is just as enamoured with the above mentioned.  My excitement was two fold.  Firstly, and probably foremost, because I had won a contest.  The second, which in retrospect, should be the first, was because I could make a child very happy!

Image may contain: dogWe didn't walk on Tuesday.  Instead, we drove to the radio station to pick up the tickets.  The wind was howling and we ran from the car to the building, with Samantha cradling Sparks.  As we got to the door, my phone rang. It was Richard.  We did not venture inside as the acoustics would have made it impossible for a private conversation.  My younger grandson had turned two and he was going to tell us all about his day.  As we stood in shelter of the door, out of the howling wind, people were coming and going, and wowing over the little puppy who was enjoying the attention, albeit from the inside the sling on my daughter's shoulder, that was his sleeping bag and protection.  After a long conversation with the boys, it was time for them to go to bed, and for their mum and dad to relax after what had been a very eventful day.  We went inside the building and up to the third floor.  "Oh no, no, no", said the lady who was waiting to enter the lift.  "We will take the next one", she continued, and then wowed over the black and white puppy who was now making the most of being the centre of attention.  Not at all overwhelmed, he let everyone pet him and was the picture of perfection. I retrieved my tickets, whilst Samantha stood in the middle of a circle of admirers.

Temperatures rose gradually, and the week progressed.  I was starting to get anxious about the weekend.  Why?  I have no idea!  It is totally irrational, but it seems the older that I get, the more averse to I become to what can only be described as 'tampering' with routine.  SXSW was in full swing by Friday afternoon, it appeared, and many downtown roads had been closed, causing havoc with the locals.  My Saturday was going to consist of a trip to the centre of Austin, and probably a lot of walking, neither of which was a problem, other than it was a break from routine!  

By Saturday morning, I was looking for every excuse I could not to take part in the days events!  Samantha chastised me when she called, as I told her that if there was not enough room in the car for all of us, I would not go.  I really did mean it.  Over the past couple of years, the lure has not been there!  Perhaps it is because the routine has changed, the venues have changed and the dates have changed.  I was collected at eleven and we drove to the office, where we met our chaufeur, to wit, Dana. Edward's friend TJ came with as he needed some 'chill' time, due to events that have happened in his life, and Edward thought it might be an excellent way to forget all his woes.  In the event, it added to mine.  TJ is a very nice young man, a former marine, who is in no way offensive but but he does not know the drill.  My drill!  There is structure to these events.  We do not 'drift'. We have a purpose.  Of course, the others in my party may see this as my structure, my purpose, but it is what it is!  Dana dropped us at the Events Center, and we started our tour at the 'Wellness Expo'.  It did not take long before we 'split into groups',  Edward and TJ went their way, and Samantha and I went ours.  It worked better for me that way.  We have a drill! I did not mean to be contrary at every stand, but it appears that I was perceived as being so.  "Would you like to spin the wheel?"  Spinning the wheel normally means prizes, so I did.  I won a tooth.  "Tommy the tooth.  He is a stress ball".  Actually he was a rubber tooth, but whom was I to argue.  "We are local healthy dentists".  What is an 'unhealthy dentist'?  Time to move on!  

"Would you like to spin the wheel?"  Of course I would.  "No!" said Samantha, realising that this stand did not have 'prizes'.  I am still unsure as to what the people were promoting, but it was something to do with childbirth.  "Gender norms", said the lady behind the desk.  Do you know what that means. I perceived a discussion coming on, and one in which I was, again, going to be considered a dinosaur.  "What do you think about roles.  Women cooking, men taking out the trash?"  Apparently, "I think it is personal, and if you and your spouse are okay with it, and you have an agreement or understanding between yourselves, then it is your prerogative", was the wrong answer.  I must not be okay with making dinner, keeping the house clean, washing, ironing, etc.  Why?  If it is my choice.  I was told I was wrong.  I conceded, not wanting to continue with the argument as I knew it was futile.  Then came the question of pregnancy.  I almost walked away, but was curious.  Should men be allowed to become pregnant?  Okay, now I was intrigued.  "How?" was the wrong question.  I launched into my 'old fashioned' tirade of how I thought a woman's 'dna' was different and how we were made to have babies.  Oh dear.  I had a bunch of twenty year old girls staring at me as if I had just said the most horrendous string of cuss words, and repeated them a dozen times!  The older lady in the group then said, "Okay.  I always ask my 15 year old son's friends the same question.  'What are your pronouns' and wait for their answer".  The look on my face must have been a picture.  I didn't understand the question.  It was like saying, "Hello.  What is the answer?" or "Hello, What is it?"  All I know is that if I said that to my son's friends at fifteen, they probably would have responded with, "Huh?" or "What's a pronoun?"  Suffice it to say, I was removed from the area, and considered a pariah. It appears that 'opinion' is a bad word! On to the next stand.  I smiled and did not say much.  I continued around, collecting a few souvenirs, and finally came to a coffee stand.  "Why do you call it Mushroom Coffee?" I asked.  "Huh?" said the girl.  I repeated my question.  "Because it is made with mushrooms!" she said, without adding the words, 'stupid', 'duh', 'idiot', but they were tucked away behind her tongue, screaming from her eyes.  "Why do you use mushrooms?"  She looked rather blankly at me and again used the vague sound, "Huh?"  I repeated my question.  It took a while but eventually she gave me an answer.  Bottom line is that mushrooms are good for you!  Am I wrong for wanting to know, or wanting to be me without questioning why?  

We left the building and headed across the river.  After a tour of the most up to date in 'Airbnb', and receiving an ice cream for looking around, we stood in line for the 'next big thing' that will hit the television airwaves sometime next month (I think).  As cold as the weather was at the beginning of the week, so it was hot today!  I had dressed accordingly and smothered my shoulders in sun-cream, so as not to burn.  Staff from the exhibit were handing out large bottles of water to those in the line, and it was gratefully received. Inside the fabric wall and scaffolding was a little 'village'.  Free manicures, massages, hairdos, and food was available.  We stayed for a while and ate some sliders and sushi, washed down with some rose.  Actually, I washed down some of the food with my rose, and washed down me with the rest, as I spilled the remainder down my shirt whilst trying to hold everything else that was being thrust upon me.  Umbrellas, bags, journals, and other 'bits'.  

photoTJ had booked himself in for a manicure, and was going to wait around whilst we left the area, and made our way back to sixth street.  Thank goodness for normality!  Although, in my opinion, (don't shoot) there is nothing normal about Sixth Street, it remains the same.  A little bit of crazy!  It is the very essence of 'Keep Austin Weird'.  In the middle of 'sublime', I felt very calm and at ease.  I was home!  We walked up and down for a while and finally TJ appeared, nails beautifully buffed and polished!  With not a many bags as usual, we made our way north and called Dana to come and pick us up!  As we walked along, we were stopped by some young men with chalk in their hand.  "Do you want to write something on the sidewalk.  Something inspiring".  I took the chalk.  'I am so tired!' was not the inspiring thing they were looking for to add to their 'website picture-board'.

Our clocks sprung forward overnight, and two o'clock was non-existent as it went to three.  I had put my clocks forward at a quarter to nine on Saturday night, so that I could get used to the hour's difference before the morning.  

Although I have no intention of hitting downtown today, I know we will make several trips during the week.  We have already told Grant of our plans, and Dana has agreed that he should experience the festival with us. (Dana not being included in the 'us'.)

I am not sure as to what I am going to do with the rest of my day, especially as I have lost an hour, but I am sure that there will be plenty going on this week, and perhaps a little more to add to the diversity that goes on in my town.  Who knows, perhaps I shall stay sober, literally and passively!  Life in the fast lane, or at least once a year!  Another week and ........... another story!

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