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Sunday, July 21, 2024


An announcement went out that there would be a private party at the pool, with a 'horror' film being shown. "Will you come?" asked the hostess.  I said that I don't do 'horror' films.  She told me that it would probably be 'Jaws' or something similar.  Her penchant for really gruesome was off the table, as despite being a 'private' party, it is 'common area' and all can access at any time.  The reason for the 'announcement' was because there would be more than eight, which is our limit before having to ask permission!  The reason for permission is, quite simply, if everyone brought eight (or more) guests to the pool, it would be overcrowded!  Obviously!  "Will you come?"  she asked, again.  Why would a young (relatively) girl want me to come to her party?  Dana said it is because I can 'blend' with anyone.  I wonder if it is like a child wanting an adult to be present, 'just in case'!

My age came into question, a few times this week.  I am under no illusion that I look like a 'spring chicken' but it is nice to see the shock on some (some) faces.  I am also not 'taken in' by the comment occasionally made by salespeople and the like, of "'Is this your sister?" when Matnee and I are out shopping.  Grant and I were discussing the difference between men and women. (Not all, naturally!) A few men that I know, are sometimes flattered by the 'eyelash' brigade.  The saleswoman's flirt technique has been used on at least one of our servers, when I have sent them out with their proverbial tail between their legs, pointing out that the 'no soliciting' sign, means exactly that.  We are not interested!  It is tantamount to a 'no trespassing' sign, and is legally binding.  "Oh, but she just wanted to show you these great deals", comes the comment.  They don't get to speak to my husband, despite the staring through the glass partition.  If I do not call him, he is aware of the fact that it is being handled!  This is not the 'Englishwoman Abroad' approach.  I have always been the same.  Like Kathy Bates, in the movie 'Fried Green Tomatoes....', age gives you  better 'insurance'.  However I digress!

"What is your date of birth?" asked the delivery guy.  I looked at him with my head cocked to one side.  "Why do you need that?" I asked.  He responded that the screen had required an age, before he could release the package.  "I am over 21" I said.  He asked for the year of my birth.  I did not see the harm in giving it, so I did.  "Really?" he said.  He was quite a bit younger than me, and often the younger the person, the younger they see you!  "I would have said you were born in the 80's", he said, perhaps being honest, as his twenty odd years perhaps cannot see anyone past 50.  "You mean I look in my forties?" I said, "That old?"  For a moment, he stuttered, and then saw my smile.  He laughed, and understood the joke.  I thanked him for the compliment.

As usual, the weather took precedence.  Many people were still without power at the beginning of the week and were looking forward to having it put back very shortly.  Thankfully, we had electricity.  The temperatures were not too bad, although the 'index' saw us in triple digits.  I decided that I would take a little time to myself, and after work took to the water and then to a lounger, and read a chapter of my book. It worked on Monday!  

"Hello" said the voice on the other end of the phone.  I was unsure as to whether it was a 'spam' call.  As I have mentioned, sometimes 'spam risk' is shown and it turns out to be a client.  A client's number turns out to be spam.  We also have a 'call centre' ring on a regular basis on behalf of a client.  "Hello" I said. Not mentioning the organisation he represented, he continued.  "You sound very nice.  You have a nice voice".  A little apprehension was present, but again, sometimes, I have been told something similar.  In fact, Grant told me that a Sheriff from Alabama had told him to tell me that I had a lovely voice.  Telephone voice!  Back to the caller.  I thanked him for the compliment, although did not say 'compliment'.  "Yes, a very nice voice.  You sound very young.  How old are you?"  I took a deep breath.  "Is this a dirty phone call?" I asked.  The phone went dead.  Of course, it was not, or at least I assume it was not.  It was another slant on the 'spam' calls from the 'medical department'.  Which medical department?  Who knows!  

The call that told me that my television was going to just give up the following day, came just in time.  "I do not have a problem with my television", I responded.  "Ma'am!  You need to listen.  Your TV will not work tomorrow".  Considering my need for a 'medical alert system' the terrible injuries that I sustained during the accident that I supposedly had last year, which I may not remember, my apparent diabetes, and various other ailments that I have (again) apparently applied for help with, my television going off air is the least of my problems!  I may be old(er) but I am not that old!  My mind is still, as far as I am aware, functioning properly!  

Thunder rolled in on Thursday morning.  The rain poured for about an hour, and then cleared up.  It was a beautiful day.  The temperature had dropped very slightly, but 'we' will take any degree drop!  Just as the lack of sun causes 'sad' syndrome, excessive heat causes a slight agitation.  Everyone takes the 'degree' drop as a sign to smile.  The office banter was up to its usual standard, and as usual I was given the opportunity to answer with 'quick wit' and amazingly getting 'the better' of the Brit happens so rarely that it is not even on a scale!

Friday rolled around.  It appeared that a lot of people had taken Friday afternoon off, and we were able to catch up quite a bit.  We left the office and headed home.  I was looking forward to the weekend.  

Samantha had a prior engagement on Saturday morning, so I said I would meet her later.  I took my new and improved old lady on a run, and coasted along the road with ease.  I shopped and headed back, once again loving the way the car handles.  I am not a naturally aggressive driver, but I remembered what the examiner told me when I took my Licensed London Cab Driver test.  "I know you can drive.  You passed your driving test years ago.  What I want to see is how you drive, and how you handle the vehicle."  I just handle the vehicle.  I came out of the parking lot and saw the traffic on the main road was rather heavy.  I looked at the four lanes of traffic sitting behind a red light, and saw the four lanes that sat in my path.  I moved out of the 'lot' and entered a lane, moving into the next and then the next, until I got into the one in which I needed to be, leaving those behind me sitting in the 'lot' waiting for a 'space' to exit.  The highway was quite busy and I pulled off the slip road, behind a car, that was behind a big red truck.  Could it be?  It was! My daughter!  We shopped and went on to the next stop.  I filled up my car with petrol, the price of which was lower than most petrol stations, but still outrageous in my opinion!  I know it is nothing compared with other places, but I am entitled to my opinion.  

Raul had told me that the young (relatively) girl hosting the party, was celebrating her 30th birthday.  I bought some flowers and a card.  When I arrived back at my complex, I drove to her house and walked up the steps.  "A little bird said it was your birthday", I said, handing her the card and flowers.  "My birthday was in June" she said.  "I shall have to have words with that little bird!" I said.  "Spreading false information!"  She laughed, and thanked me for the flowers, which she said were always welcome.  "You will come tonight, wont you", she said, making it more of a statement than a question.  I said I would try, but being 'older' I may fall asleep!  She made me promise I would let her know if the noise was too loud.  I promised.  I did not attend, as I did actually doze after dinner,, but heard nothing!

Sunday arrived, and I went for an early morning swim.  It was like nothing had happened.  I felt as if I was walking into a house, having been away, where there had been a teenage 'rave' and the house looked neat and tidy.  In fact, it looked too neat and tidy!  You know if there has been a party as the clean up is too immaculate.  The chairs around the pool were all perfectly placed.  The rubbish had not been crammed into the bins, but taken away.  There was one chair that was slightly askew.  She didn't need me to be present 'just' in case. I can hear her now, asking if everything was put back okay!

I had just a few pages left to read when the storm rolled in.  I sat for as long as I could before giving up.  I walked back with a wet towel, wet bag, and under an umbrella, that was dripping.  The rain was far too heavy for me to sit under the umbrella on a lounger, and wait for the storm to pass.  I did not feel a sense of loss, as the rain cooled down the temperature quite a bit.  It felt a long way from feeling upset if it rained during a summer holiday when living 'at home'.  I constantly realise how blessed am I!  Having access to a pool, having weather to enjoy, and having the opportunity to sit for a while after work in the warm evening air!

Next week shows rain for most of the time.  Once again, everyone is quite happy!  If it keeps the heat down, it is good.  If it fills the rivers, it is good.  How my life has changed!  I am not sure if I have anything exciting planned for next week.  Another way my life has changed.  Who knows what we will win!  However, I am quite happy to sit and watch the rain and think about ..... another story!

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