Sunday proved to be the day that I found to be the most challenging. It was Easter Sunday, and as was expected, a lot of placed closed. There is still an element of tradition left, and despite us being used to shops opening seven days a week, and restaurants catering to our every whim, at whatever time of day we choose to partake, many chose to take a day of rest. No matter what your chosen belief, indeed, whether you have a 'religion' or not, that is your 'chosen' belief, personally, I found the day of partial closure to be quite refreshing. It causes one to stop, at the very least, and ponder why are places not open. I am not, however, talking about religious beliefs, but just an opportunity to realise that sometimes things just are not available! However, I digress, and do not need to go off on an "I remember when..." post!
Sunday came and went, and Monday came upon us with a mighty thud! The weekend was over for some, but there were many that chose, as in England, to take a day off in lieu. Despite the day being quite busy, there was a slight lull to catch up, and it did feel like a holiday.
My first port of call was the dentist, where I was, as usual, warmly greeted, told I looked so pretty, and all were shown my shoes, which were purchased a few years go on my Christmas trip to Las Vegas. They are pretty spectacular, and the kind I always 'wow' over when I see something similar. My usual penchant for letting everyone know that I shop at the 'dress for less' places, did not kick in and I let all 'wow' as do I! The experience, the main experience of completing my appointment was quite quick and painless. I returned to the office in record time!
The stories of 'what will happen' next Monday went from 'advice' to 'bizarre' in no time at all. Austin, along with many other cities in Texas, is in the actual 'line' to experience a total eclipse of the sun. This event, apparently, happens at least every other year, although not, (surprisingly to some,) in Texas! Usually, it is over an ocean, but when it happens over a land mass, there is a mass gathering to see it, as 'it' is quite the phenomenon. The fact that it wont happen for another four hundred years, here, is misinterpreted to mean 'it' wont happen for another four hundred years! Hey! This is Texas! It wont happen for four hundred years, period! Sensible questions such as 'will the street lights come on' or 'will the bats fly' have been thrown around, but then the conspiracy options arise. Will the world come to an end? Hardly likely, unless coupled with a cataclysmic event of which the masses have no knowledge! There is a sadness at the ignorance of youth, but more so the ignorance of the more mature! Are people my age really that gullible? It appears so. What happened in Angola, Brazil and all the other places that it was experienced over the past few years, or prior to that, but I suppose anyone can find something that is altered. Of course, conspiracy theorists may have a point! However, I digress!
Samantha received a call on Wednesday to say she had won lunch, with the DJ on Friday and would she like to accept. She had to call back and say, "Yes, please". She had won before, but I had been commissioned to call and reject as she was in labour at time! She offered to take me, per the rules of entry, that whomever wins takes me!
We wondered if everyone was going to be off on Friday, again, this week, as Thursday was one of the busiest days I can remember. I did not stop all day! The phone rang constantly, and although most of the calls were 'spam' it is unwise to ignore them, as some turn out to be 'not' spam, as those who come up with numbers that we recognise, turn out to be so. For every one real call, I receive ten or so that are not. I exaggerate not! The time wasted taking the calls adds up, and quite often, I will have the phone to my ear with the mouthpiece under my chin, not hanging up, because the time it takes are precious seconds. The fact that my television is going to cease to work, or my claim for my accident (which was not my fault) is now being assessed is of little interest to me. "Do you remember the bad accident in which you were badly injured?" One would think that if the accident was that bad, I would! With all the accidents, ailments, diseases and various other elements that have either happened, or from which I am suffering, it is a miracle that I am still able to sit on a Sunday and type! I should be hailed as a scientific phenomena, greater than the total eclipse! I wish I had time to see where the 'spam-scam' was going as it could be amusing, but I do not!
Friday was quiet, thankfully, and Samantha and I took off at lunchtime and met with the DJ. He was a charming fellow and was accompanied by a colleague. Both gentlemen had connections with England through family members and we enjoyed lunch at Smokey Mo's barbeque. Teddy was also treated to a plate! As Teddy flicked some mac 'n cheese at Samantha, the 'colleague' showed him how he could be more affective! It was a fun lunch, and we brought quite a bit home, as the portions were enormous.
I returned home after shopping on Saturday and ventured down for a swim, The water was still a tad chilly, but not to the degree it had been a last week, or the week before. It did not burn! I swam and loved every minute. However, it was a little chilly when I got out and sitting down to read was probably not the best idea.
Once again, it is Sunday and breakfast was, as my sister said when she saw the picture, a 'heart attack on a plate!' It was delicious! Choosing to go out for breakfast could have been a mistake, with all the crowds expected over the weekend, but I think people have headed to the 'hill country' rather than the big cities! Hotels are quite full, and we have noticed an increase in traffic, but Tuesday morning will be the real test, when everyone leaves! It pays to have an office 'around the corner'!Exciting as it may be, clouds have threatened to shadow the event. Although storms that are passing through have appeared to have been pushed back to the evening, we are not expecting the bright sunshine that would have given the greatest 'wow' factor following the purchase of my shoes! (I jest, of course!) Cloud coverage I can cope with as the skies will be slightly dull, rather than stormy dark. A total eclipse will still be able to be experienced as the sun will 'go out' for a few minutes. Yes, I am here, in Texas where it all happens and tomorrow it is, apparently, going to all happen! Whether it is the fantastic sight we are hoping for, the more 'low key' experience, or the total non-entity because this is Austin, and storms can come from nowhere, will be revealed in ............. another story!
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