It was an amazement that I could not find the words to complete a post last week. I started several times, but found that most of what I wrote was not particularly interesting, or in my opinion, of little literary value! I remembered that I had something of interest to impart, but could not remember why I thought it would be of interest! Then I thought I would tell the story of my car, and how it had to be taken into the shop, and what transpired, but that too did not transport to the page as it did in the mind! Perhaps another day!
The week started off quite positive. I spent a goodly portion of Sunday afternoon cleaning out my sunroom. Despite having washed a lot of pots and emptied the deadwood at the end of last year, I still had several plants that I had hoped would produce a late crop. My spring onions (scallions) proved to be a late bloomer and my oregano plant has a mind of its own! All possibilities had been brought inside during the freezing weather a couple of weeks ago, and were taken back out when the temperature rose. Getting rid of a lot of deceased fruit shrubs took less time that the vacuuming of the grass. Despite the sparseness of the garden, everything looked very neat and tidy by the time I had finished. A good job done!
I went into the office on Monday raring to go. There was a slight lull first thing, which was a blessing, but as usual, throughout the day it started to 'heat up'. Leaving late has become the norm, and leaving at five seems very early. We are not the only people in the building to work late, but most do not come in until later.
My knowledge was tested several times during the week, and once again, I was amazed at what I knew. My confidence continues to grow as I no longer feel the need to double check with Dana as to whether my advice is legitimate. I know stuff!
Samantha called me on Tuesday to say she was on her way. Her and Edward were going to meet some friends after work, and she was leaving early; early as in around a quarter to six! As she was on the phone, I received an email. I had won a prize! This, in itself, was quite exciting. After Thanksgiving, I had stopped entering contests on a regular basis, as there was no time. I started back when Dana came home. Jerry had made a comment that the 'woman up front' had not been doing a very good job of keeping everyone supplied with prizes, and I had made some sarcastic comment about 'doing it yourself', all in jest, of course! However, I digress. I received an email to say that I had won two tickets to see Bryan Adams, with special guest star, Dave Stewart! "I love Bryan Adams", she announced. "When and where?" I was unsure how to answer, as I had planned on repaying the favour to Grant. Every time he wins something, the deal is, as I entered for him, he take me with! Thankfully, Grant had no interest in the concert, and was happy to let his work partner go in his place.
I found Wednesday to be particularly taxing! During his 'rough' days, my husband had lost his taste for a lot of food, especially favourites, so I decided to make his preferred dessert, which meant making pastry. It took me much longer than I had anticipated and the clearing away took even longer. My longing to go on a TV cook show really only hinges on the fact that someone will do the washing up, rather than to see if my skills are worthy! We left the office early, or earlier than usual, and came home to a full house! As I think I had mentioned, one of the things that was absent from both hospital and rehab was salt. Salt could not be found in containers, sachets or any other receptacle on the premises. They did have an alternative. The sachet that was provided as a 'salt substitute' was basically pepper! It flavoured little but burned the mouth so that you were not aware of the lack of salt as you could taste nothing anyway! The said sachet was, therefore, quite good as an alternative to pepper! My beef with peppers was enhanced by the 'salt substitute', and I used several sachets to achieve the desired affect. Admittedly, I had other herbs and spices that counteracted the 'burning' but 'waste not, want not' as my mother used to say! My husband enjoyed his dinner, and dessert, which was a good thing, as he would be eating left overs alone on Thursday!
Leaving work early on Thursday was necessary. Grant had commented that the turns in the car parks were a little tight, so Samantha asked if I could drive. We headed out a little after six thirty and followed her trusty system, that took us to the venue. Of course, the venue itself was inaccessible by car, and neither of us could remember the street on which the car park we usually use was located. However, we turned where forced, and found a place to put our vehicle. I drove around and parked by the exit, in case there was a mass exodus when we left, or in case we should break the habit of a lifetime and leave at the end!
Our seats were very good. Not on the floor, but on the first level, with a great view of the stage. A young woman came on to the stage with a backing group, and started to sing. I thought I recognised the guitarist, and when he introduced himself as Dave Stewart, I was very excited. The singer was apparently his daughter, and whilst none of the girls who sang were Annie Lennox, (a unique voice in my opinion) they all had a good sound. They sang a lot of Eurythmic songs, and finished with 'Sweet Dreams'. I was ready to leave! The main act would have to be spectacular to beat the 'opener'.
Bryan Adams came on to the stage with vigour and enthusiasm, and started to belt out many tunes. He played some old and some new, which was a good mix. We decided to leave before the end, because it was late, and Samantha had the additional drive home from my house. "I am a mum now, and it is a school night", she said. I thought Bryan may end with 'Everything I do, I do it for you' and that was the song I was waiting for, but I was willing to forego, as he had sang many favourites and Samantha had heard hers. However, using the ladies before leaving was a very good choice. "They are playing it!" my daughter announced as I exited. We ran back and went into a section that was not ours. "You can't stay here" said the lady at the door. It seemed a bit silly not to let us just sit in the area for ten minutes, but the volunteers are very, very important people! We adhered to her instructions and ran round to our section. We caught the best part, which was both singer and audience participation and a crescendo at the end.
We left the theatre and headed to the car park. Our inbound journey was interesting, as I had lost all sense of direction and could not think how to get home. Samantha kept asking, "Do you know where you are yet?" As I pulled into my car port, she asked again!
It appears that one of her friends was also at the concert, on the floor,
near the front, and she told her what songs she missed. We cared not. We had a great time and left at a good time. Of course, it would have been good to hear some more, but enough is as good as a feast!
Playing some of the videos the next day displayed the amazing sound quality and even more amazing performers. It was a good place to 're-start' our concert season! May the prizes keep flowing! As Bryan Adams sang his song, 'Eighteen till I die", I thought of my age, where I was, what I was doing (e.g. being at a concert on a school night, watching a 'pop' star) and thought of the different life I lead. I had made the comment when we left the venue, and told Samantha that Grant and I always discuss the prizes and how amazing it is to see all these stars, especially at no cost to us, but having the opportunity either paying or not! She said "so the speech is a tradition as well then!" I suppose it is!
Saturday was not the norm! The 'Walking mums of Austin' were celebrating their 1000th walk. I am not sure that the walk was actually their thousandth or whether it was just a celebration but as my daughter was co-opted on to their 'admin' section, she felt she should attend. It was a five mile walk around the lake. The attendance was very good, and a convoy of push-chairs (strollers) were pushed (strolled) and a very spectacular sight it was! I was glad I went. Along the way, we saw the 'Dance walk', which was quite the alternative. Rather than just walking, they danced with a bubble machine and various tapers that they whirled and swirled. Austin!
Once again, we are back at Sunday, and it is February. Whilst the sun is shining, the wind is quite strong and making it feel cooler. It looks pretty but is a little chilly. (No I am not starting a poetry blog!) My week was rather amazing and back to the glory days! I would like to promise another post next week, and believe I will have some things about which to comment, but as I have found out, nothing is certain! I have decided that perhaps I have to record rather than remember what I should do to make sure that there really is ............ another story!
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