November brings its own excitement. Veteran's Day is always on the 11th, and dependent upon the facility, depends on whether there is a day off in lieu. Thanksgiving is always set on a Thursday, and depending on how many Thursday's there are in November, it sometimes falls in the last week, or sometimes in the penultimate. The lead up to Thanksgiving is like the lead up to Christmas, although with a little more angst as the New Year is not just around the corner!
To say we are inundated with work would be a good statement, but somehow, 'overwhelmed' does not seem a strong enough adjective. The woodwork from where everyone has metaphorically crawled out is now a few splinters on the floor! Admittedly, for every ten phone calls only one is a legitimate person, the rest being a whole variety of spam that seems to get more aggressive and incredibly creative! I cannot fathom what they will come up with next, but I am sure it will be something quite spectacular.
Unfortunately for Anna, this week, she picked the wrong day to call and remind me about the accident I had two years ago. If I had been involved in a collision that was as serious as she was claiming, I am surprised I survived, and the compensation that I am due would indicate at least the loss of a limb, so "Yes", I believe I would recall! "Do you remember?" she asked. As I said, she picked the wrong day! "Were you responsible?" I asked her. She seemed a little taken aback, but recovered quickly. I then asked if she was okay after her accident. As English was not her first language, she did get a little agitated with me, but persisted. I hope she was given a bonus for her tenacity, but I doubt it as she did not manage to sign me up for anything. I have yet to find out the purpose of the call, as I usually hang up before we get that far! However, she was not going to be the first to put down the receiver! (Isn't that quaint! Remember putting down the receiver?)
It is impossible to tell the 'good' calls from the bad. With the advent of the 'phone screen' on all devices it was, at first, possible to see who was calling. However, the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, (the official definition of technology,) advances beyond the regular thought processes of those who are just 'plodding', for example, 'moi'! At one time, 'Spam call' meant it was that; the showing of a well known client, meant it was the client. However, as the saying goes, "All that glitters is not gold!" Perhaps not a perfect simile, but the only one of which I could think. Having picked up the phone, answering "What!" when the former showed on the screen, I was a little surprised to hear, "Hello, is that ....?" I apologised profusely to our client, who was rather shocked to hear such a greeting, and did not (hardly surprisingly) want to speak to me! I should have guessed that such a call would have come through at one time, or another, as our client's names have shown when Anna's colleagues call!
The purpose of the last two paragraphs were mainly to purge myself of the last vestige of irritation that is still lingering today! As I said, for every ten calls only one is legitimate, and when they come through every minute (and I exaggerate not) and I am tremendously busy, answering the calls is an unnecessary waste of the few seconds that it takes. All seconds add up!
Admittedly, despite the frantic episodes that made up this week, we were able to laugh quite a lot. Every emergency brings forth its unique comical aspect. Dana had exited the office for a few minutes, and the call came through to set up several 'expedite' services, in several different cities. Within a couple of minutes, and before Dana's re-entry, Grant and I had managed to get the papers to the relevant people, and report back to our client that all was in hand. Within thirty minutes five of the six were taken care of, and the sixth was not far behind! Despite the frantic few minutes of administrative pandemonium, all ended up well. However, we had no time for 'high fives' or 'pats on the back', because before Dana's re-entry, another two clients had called with similar requests. Upon Dana's return, we were finishing up the third job and reported that he would have several unread emails asking for 'rush services' and hopefully several following to say they were all completed. He was duly impressed! It reminded me of long gone days when Dana would go to the Capitol building during the legislative session, and leave me to run the show! I felt quite alive, as well as exhausted!
Having access to all work emails, I do not reply with my own name if I am responding to either Grant's or Dana's Inbox requests. Perhaps I am jeopardizing the process by admitting this, but it seems to quash confidence. As I have mentioned on many occasions, a lot of people simply do not trust the Englishwoman knows what she is talking about, much less of what she is capable! If I respond using my name, it is almost always guaranteed a phone call will follow. Of course, we cannot be sure who is on the phone until it is answered! It matters not how or what Dana (or Grant) reply, it is always accepted with a sigh of relief! "I spoke to Tracie, but...!" It is always highly amusing when they ask for Grant and he has to put them on hold to ask me! I mean not to 'blow my own trumpet' but I am good at what I do! Having done it for the past 19 years, one would assume I had accumulated some knowledge! Or would one?
Time to get off the soap box I think! The end of the week was as frantic as the beginning, and there did not seem to be a lull. There was some light on the horizon as a few people indicated that they were taking the whole of next week off, and not just Thursday, or in some cases Friday too! Most courthouses are closed for two days, so we take advantage of that.
Samantha and I went shopping, as usual, on Saturday, and my youngest grandson was in good form. Approaching his first birthday, he is suddenly a 'little boy' rather than a baby. He responds to things, and is very vocal. He will chat to people if they acknowledge him, and he is generally quite the little star! (Of course!) He is recongised at most of the stores, and the staff know him by name. The 'promotors' in the warehouses adapt their 'wares' so that he can partake!
The week flew by, and once again we are enjoying a Sunday morning! It is my mother's birthday today, and it is the last, first since her demise. It has been a strange year since she passed, but there has been an element of calm leading up to this day. The day, itself, has been drizzly and a little cool. No swimming, no sitting by the pool.
Instead of taking a couple of hours to read and relax, I am going to take advantage of the time and prepare what I can for Thursday's feast. I am looking forward to, perhaps, a couple of days off, and of course the famous 'Moaning mother-in-law day" next weekend. It should be fun. We will see in ............. another story!
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