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Sunday, December 8, 2019


I was not ready for Monday.  Having had a three day week, and a different experience than previous years for the Thanksgiving weekend, I just wanted to do something other than work.  It was a case of 'the more you have, the more you want', and I had a list of things that I wanted to do, and did not accomplish.  Most of the things on my list can be done at any time, but once again, I could not see past the end of this week!  By Sunday afternoon, I wanted to 'do'.  I was not sure what I wanted to 'do', but I felt rather restless.  

The turkey was almost demolished.  I froze what was left, promising to use the meat within the next month or two in one recipe or another, but for the time being, the last thing I wanted was to see any more turkey!  Having had so much to eat over the past few days, we decided that dinner should be a meagre fayre, as both of us were not particularly hungry. However, as mentioned before,  'the more you have..,,'!  By seven, my stomach was rumbling as if I had not eaten for days.  I had already frozen the last of the turkey, so we could not make a sandwich from the left over meat.  Neither of us really wanted a turkey sandwich.  The mistake was turning on the television and seeing a commercial for Texas Barbecue. Salivating, we decided that perhaps a trip to Pok-e-Jo was in order. The word meagre was tossed aside, but fayre still very much in the forefront of our mind!  

"What can I get you?" asked the man at the counter, knife in hand, ready to slice through the selection in front of us.  "Turkey", I said, without a thought!

It appears we were not alone.  The restaurant had been particularly busy over the weekend, with people swearing off turkey for at least the foreseeable future, but coming in and ordering the very same.  Of course, I do not barbecue my turkey, so that was my excuse!

We ate fish on Monday!  It was a busy day, despite everyone being slightly lethargic.  Too much turkey?  Or generally too much to eat? I cannot answer for anyone else, but I definitely did not limit my intake!

The tickets were to the Jonas Brothers concert, on Saturday.  Supporting them was my old friend, Bebe Rexha.  I shrieked when I opened the email.  "Really?" said Samantha.  Yes, really!  I was excited, but was not sure how Dana would feel about the outing.  As the email to which I put the entry was the one I use for Samantha, she had to come with me at lunchtime to collect the latest prize.  We forewent our walk, and drove to the radio station.  

I broached the subject when we returned home.  Dana told me that
he would accompany me if I really wanted to go.  I did!  However, as the evening wore on, I started to have second thoughts.  How old would the average age group be?  How old would be the average age of those accompanying those that were not old enough to take themselves?  Both times the answer was 'a lot younger than you!'  Of course, it mattered little if I really wanted to go!  I really wanted to go.  Or did I?  

By the time Wednesday morning rolled around, I was in a little bit of a daze.  I wondered if the 'cedar fever' allergies that had been complained of by many residents of Austin, had affected me.  At least the 'fever' part!  Although I was not feeling feverish, I was definitely not feeling right.   My nails were a glorious navy, with white snowflakes, depicting a typical winter's night anywhere but Austin, and my being did not match the crisp, defined patterns on the tips of my hands!  However, not one to give into a blip in my well being, I continued on!

As the week progressed, so my excitement diminished.  I was not sure that I wanted to spend my Saturday night surrounded by a group of teenyboppers, but I convinced myself that this was a phase and I really, really wanted to do something different! However, the side of me that really, really did not want to go was debating the fact that this weekend was already going to be different.  It was the weekend after Thanksgiving.  Therefore, it was the weekend for highway tree decorating!  What could be more different!  We had heard that there was a group going round undecorating the trees, as they believed that this was causing a litter problem, but we had not seen evidence of this.  Everyone is most careful about their rubbish, and there are groups who go around and clear up after twelfth night, should there be anything left to clear away!  This is Austin, after all.  

The sun set on another week, and we left the office to come home. I was still feeling slightly the worse for wear and wondered how much was due to my perceiving that my husband was not as enthused as I had been about going to the concert.  We were going to have fun, right!  More to the point, we were going to have fun, right?  The question remained unanswered.

Samantha came to my doorstep reasonably early on Saturday, and we started to string baubles together, so that they could be wrapped around our preferred tree.  Grant arrived a little later, and helped with the preparations.  Edward had opted to remain home with one of the dogs, whilst the other was in the care of 'poppa Dana'.  

The three of us jumped into the car and drove to our 'preferred' spot.  Instead of parking in the petrol station, as is the usual procedure, we noticed a car parked on the verge on the highway.  Why not?  We pulled up behind said vehicle and sat for a while, as the occupants of that car did not exit.  Were they the party poopers? Were they the tree 'undecorators'?  Apparently not, as another car came up behind and the occupants of both cars disappeared into the wooded area that is between the road and the edge of a steep cliff.  We stayed between the trees and the road, and started to decorate our shrub.  Blue and white was the theme this year.  Once finished, we stood back and admired our handiwork.  The tree next door had been adorned in red and white, and to the left two trees had been decorated one in red only, and one in white only, so we felt in good company!  The other people who had arrived at the same time as us were having their pictures taken by a tree deeper into the wooded area.  Perhaps it was an engagement?  Perhaps just Christmas card photos.  There was no sign that they were going to deface our fantastic product!  

Driving away, we noticed there were a lot of decorated trees along the cliff face, just by the 'iron bridge'.  Grant had not climbed to the top of the cliff, so we did a u-turn, parked the car, and walked to the top. The day was perfect and the views splendid.  I stayed well away from the edge, and took pictures as best I could!  It is not my favourite past time but if you want to see the views, you have to get out of your comfort zone.  Right?  Or should that be, right!  Either way, I saw the views!

Shopping was fun.  I sampled some wine before it was put through the 'defuser', the demonstrator was trying to sell, and then sampled the same wine after it had been defused, but could not see the difference.  However, I had drunk two mouthfuls, and became quite mellow.  "Find everything okay?" asked the guy at the exit checking receipts, as we left Costco.  "Found these two.  Will I be able to return them?" I asked, tongue in cheek.  "No!" he said, emphatically!  

We arrived home and unloaded the car.  Dana and Sparks appeared and the former set up the balls on the pool table so he and Grant could have a 'rematch', after Dana lost so miserably on Wednesday night. 

"Honestly.  I really do not want to go", said my husband, when I pressed him, yet again.  "I will go if you want me to, but you asked me to be honest, and I am being honest".  I appreciated it.  At the same time, Samantha had been texting Edward.  "I will go with you", she said.  "Edward said I should take you", she continued.  I felt like a five year old, having been told that I couldn't go to a birthday party, because no one could get me to the venue, but everyone knew how much I wanted to go, so all gathered around to make it happen.  Although I was looking forward to the event, it was mainly because it was something different.  I knew we would probably be the oldest people there, but this was one break in routine that I was relishing!  I knew Samantha did not want to go.  Grant almost hid when I asked if he wanted the tickets!  "I shall ask the girls next door!", I said.

I stood on the doorstep of my neighbours.  One of the girls came to the door, in her scrubs, and gasped as she looked at what I had in my hand.  "I only have two, but I have tickets....", I started.  "I am going to work, but Ashleigh and Kenzie are here.  They may want them", she said, without my having to say who was performing.  I thought I detected a note of disappointment, but was not sure.  There was a little bit of whispering and wondered if they were discussing how they could say "No" politely.  Before coming back to the door, I heard a female voice, "Get out!"  Was that a, "Get out! Why would we?" or "Get out! Really?"  The term 'get out' has become 'one of those' phrases that can go either way!  Ashleigh and Kenzie came to the door, almost apologetically, their faces flushed, and their limbs almost unable to carry them.  "You have tickets", they whispered, almost in unison.  I waved them.  They both screamed in delight!  The noises made were so profuse, it brought all from my house to the door step, to see what had happened.  The two girls explained, together, that they had been dying to see the group, and had checked all ticket sights, but the tickets were just too expensive.  They were still looking for last minute bargains when I had knocked on the door. "Take them", I said, as they all stood, afraid of touching the cards, in case they should disintegrate when touched.   "They are yours".  Ashleigh lurched forward and hugged me, as if I had just given her the 'golden goose'.  Kenzie all but pushed her out of the way and gave me hug.  Lizzie was so excited for her friends that she gave me a hug too.  I wished them 'Merry Christmas', and went back inside my house, after ushering the three stunned faces that had exited, back across the threshold.  The excitement could still be heard through the walls!

After a few more games of pool, Grant left, and Samantha went on her way.  Dana seemed a little quiet.  "I am sorry", he offered.  "I know you wanted to go to the concert."  I assured him that although I had wanted to 'do something different', there was no need to apologise.  The gift I had apparently given to the girls next door was worth more than a break from the norm.  I would look forward to the report on the show!  I spent the rest of the evening smiling, as their excitement was very contagious!

My evening was not particularly different.  We did try a new restaurant, which was pleasant. However, I fell asleep in front of the television and decided that I was quite content!

Sunday morning started late. Edward and Samantha dropped the dogs off as they had 'plans'.  Dana and I took them for a walk.  As we headed back to our unit, we saw Cassie, our next door neighbour.  "Oh my goodness!  The girls had such fun last night. They were posting pictures, and having a blast.  You could not have given them a better gift!"  She seemed as excited for her friends as Lizzie.  Obviously, very true friends.  Just then, Ashleigh and Kenzie pulled into a parking space.  "It was the best night of my life!" said Kenzie.  I asked whether they were good seats, as they appeared to be on the map but I could not tell.  "They were great, but we got upgraded!"  The night, it appears, was a great success and I knew for certain that the right decision had been made for me not to go!  

"Best night of her life?" questioned Dana.  "Really?"  Not 'really!'  "Do you remember when you were 20?" I asked.  Perhaps she should have said, "So far!"  

A beautiful, crisp, winter's day in Austin was taunting me.  I felt a lot better than I did midweek, and had contemplated a visit to the pool, but was not sure the water would be warm enough to swim.  I was not sure I want to subject myself to another round of torture!  The week seems to have posed enough dilemmas to last me a life time (so far!).  

Once again, the weekend has flown by.  I am currently deciding whether to bake Christmas goodies or basic cakes.  Why?  Because I have time on my hands, and two dogs to contend with!  News that one of my friends became a grandma again, and another a future mother-in-law, made the last of the frowns to go.  I can hear summer sounds outside; grass is being cut.  It is a good day to be alive, and a good day to be here in Austin.  Winter meets summer.  Really?  Really!  Hopefully, next week will bring smiles all around. I am sure all will be well, and I shall sit down at the end of it to write ..... another story!

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