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Sunday, July 14, 2019


Recovering from an overnight flight coming back to the lower forty eight, was a little different.  Having slept most of the way from Alaska to Houston did help, albeit interrupted sleep.  I remember little of the trip from Houston to Austin as I slept before take off, waking what must have been every few seconds, unless the travel along the runway really did take the hours it seemed to before the wheels finally left the ground.  

As I said last week, Dana went into the office almost immediately upon our return home, and I unpacked, and chose to have a very easy afternoon by the pool.  After my (self imposed) obligatory laps, and visit from my daughter, who arrived shortly after our homecoming, with a bouquet of beautiful flowers in her hand, I slept.  

Monday morning was very busy.  It appeared that the historical records were altered, and whereas in the past, when the fifth day of the seventh months fell on a Friday, most people chose to take the day as annual leave, this year they chose the opposite!  My 'in box' was overflowing, and the workload made it seem as if I have been exploiting the word 'prolific'!  Busy was an understatement, and I set to work.  Swimming was a brief interlude at lunchtime, albeit somewhat later than anticipated, and I did not get a chance to thank Raul for taking care of my plants, as his lunchtime had come and gone by the time I got home.  Samantha left early to collect her friends from the airport.  Laura (with whom she started and completed secondary {high} school) and Shelley.  The girls were travelling from London to spend ten days in the glorious capital city of Texas.  Laura had visited some eleven years ago, with her mum, and had promised to return.  

We did not leave the office until nearly nine on Monday evening, and not only did I not feel like cooking, I didn't feel like eating!  It had been a very long day, and I was not really 'with the programme'.  At ten to six it occurred to me that I had not taken the post at my usual time, and it was now far too late to take it to the post office. It would have to wait for another day. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and outdoorTuesday morning was an early start.  I rose at the first alarm call, and set about making some pastry for what was going to be an 'experiment' for dinner on Wednesday.  Traditional savory mince (ground) beef pies.  I was still a little woozy and could not focus very well.  It was a little disconcerting to think that a 'red eye' flight and a three hour time difference could cause such uproar!  However, today was going to be a little different for another reason.  It was a 'not' day.  Since we have lived here, the tradition has been to take part in as many 'local' events as possible.  Today was 'Cow Appreciation Day', devised by 'Chic-fil-A', which translates to 'customer appreciation day'.  For the first time in fourteen years, I was not going to have to dress up in bovine attire, and come up with a 'witty' slogan to fool some of the younger generation.  I was having a 'year off'.  Samantha arrived at the office with Laura, Shelley and the dog, and she set Laura to work with some white 'bin' bags, black spots, and a stapler.  Soon, Laura had completed the make shift costumes, and they took Grant to experience his 'first' Cow day!  My daughter, of course, wore her homemade outfit, for the fourteenth year, and apparently made quite an impression!  

Instead of parading around in a black dress, black and white shoes, and black and white jacket, with a sign bearing a cryptic message, I went swimming!  I saw Raul, whom I thanked profusely for taking time to water my plants during my absence last weekend.  I did not like to take advantage of his kindness, but he appeared to be happy to do so, as I take the time to stop and chat.  In a city that is full of people who talk to strangers, and have the time of day for anyone, it appears that some of my neighbours are less than congenial, and do not even say hello, let alone pass the time of day!  I told him that they must be from 'out of state'.  He told me, "But you are more out of state!"  I was glad to be a listening ear, although mindful of how much work was again piling up on my desk!  By the time I returned to the office, everyone (except me) had been fed with the 'appreciation' meals supplied by the 'herd' that had taken part in the celebrations!  I did not feel a sense of loss at not participating, but was slightly miffed that no one had thought to bring me a chicken wrap!  "Oh yeah", said my daughter.  "I forgot"!  The loss was short lived as I would not have had much time to stop and eat, especially after the long conversation with Raul!

At six minutes past four I went down the 'back' steps to the side door of the office and saw the white post van parked outside.  "Were you off yesterday?" said my personal mailman.  I replied that I was at work, but I was very jet lagged, and did not notice the time.  He laughed at my obvious exaggeration of the term, and asked what suite we were in, so if I should forget again, he could come and find me!  I stood dumbfounded.  I could not remember! I started to recite the address, as I do 'parrot fashion' on the phone daily, but stumbled over the room number!  He found this to be highly amusing, and said he would look on one of the envelopes I had given him, as it had the return address in the corner.  "Jet lag" he repeated as he drove down the slope to the box where he retrieves 'everyone else's' mail!

Gail was at Joe's on Wednesday morning which was a lovely surprise.  I spent longer than I should at the 'shop', and then headed back across the river for another fun day at the factory!  When I took the post downstairs in the afternoon, the mailman told me what suite I occupied, and I thanked him very much, letting him know that I managed to find my way back, despite my temporary amnesia!  

The meat pies were a great success.  The pastry had hardened and was hard to manipulate over the top of the mixture, but I had smooshed them into place, and although they looked rather a mess going into the oven, they came out looking like they were 'designed' that way!  They tasted rather good too, even if I say so myself!

A 'mapping' specialist received the full force of my sarcasm on Thursday, as I chose to ignore another 'tradition'.  On the eleventh day of the seventh month, 7-11 stores celebrate a 'customer appreciation day', but giving something away.  Over the past few years, it has been a 'slurpee'.  Previously, it was coffee.  However, I do not know what it was this year, as without my daughter to drag me away from my desk as we 'must not miss' the opportunity, I stayed put!  "Hi, I have a  mapping specialist on the line.  There are discrepancies in your listings that is causing you to lose business!" said the heavily accented voice on the other end of the phone.  Yes.  It is a scam!  I am not quite sure as to how they scam as they have never had the opportunity to explain what they are offering, as they generally hang up on me when I become too burdensome!  However, today, I did not have time.  "If you saw how much work was on my desk, you would agree that the discrepancies are doing me no harm!" I said, and put down the phone.  To add insult to injury they returned the call and apologised for their termination of the call!  Finally, I was told that they would send me a post card, allowing me to take care of the problem myself.  How kind!  I doubt it will be the last call!  

Sparks came for his first 'sleep over' on Thursday night.  He was not happy.  Momma had gone to San Antonio with her friend, and Edward.  They went to the theme park, and were going to stay overnight and lunch by the River Walk the following day.  I was also not happy!  I took him out for a walk after dinner, and he met Isabella, a female dachshund, several years his senior.  This was his first encounter with a female of the same size and breed, I believe, and although only a few months old, the male instinct kicked in.  So much so, that after a minute or two, Isabella, in all but words insinuated that she 'had a headache' and walked away.  Sparks was slightly confused, and tried to follow.  Isabella's owner and myself found this to be rather amusing, but the poor puppy was most forlorn!

Thankfully, sleep was an option on Thursday, but it was broken as I was concerned about the dog's happiness.  He seemed to be emotionally exhausted, and fell asleep.  Friday was another long day.  

Samantha returned to the office a little after five, and the dog was delighted to see her.  I was even more delighted to see her, as I was looking forward to a quiet evening with my husband!  We had dinner, watched a film, and fell asleep very early.  

My Saturday morning was routine.  I felt quite happy with the boring routine of ironing and shopping.  I was going to 'hook up' with the ladies at Sam's warehouse later, and they were going to come to my pool for the afternoon.  My first stop was the Dollar Tree.  "Hey, how y'all doing", said the saleslady.  "Where is yo' daughter?"  I explained that she had friends in town.  "Well, you be sho' to tell her howdy, y'hear!" she responded.  I promised I would!  "Be nice to be remembered somewhere other than the Dollar Tree!" said my daughter, with a wry grin, when I fulfilled my promise!  I thought it was nice to be remembered, no matter where!  She agreed it was very complimentary!

We spent a fair bit of time in Sam's.  The lady who usually checks the receipt to wares at the door was wandering around the store.  She is also very nice, and friendly.  However, she always says the same thing.  "Where's the rum?" she asks, when Samantha purchases bottles of coke.  When we tell her it is at home, she says, "I will be around later!"  Today she was not at the door, but roaming the store.  "Where's the rum and coke?" she asked one of the promoters.  The lady looked at her with a blank stare.  "I was told there was rum and coke, that is why I am here", she said.  The same blank stare was the response.  Samantha and I were walking past.  "I was told there was a stand with rum and coke", she said to me, with a very (fake) serious look upon her face.  "That's what we were told.  Where is it?" I asked her.  The laughter was strenuous. "I can't find it.  If you find it, hollah at me!" she said, patted me on the shoulder, and walked away, still chuckling.  The blank stare was still upon the promoters face!

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, outdoor and waterSaturday afternoon was delightful.  Walking down to the pool, laden with bags and boxes, the four of us entered the area.  Samantha took her foot pump and inflated her aged cow!  She waited for the two other residents to leave the area before inflating the giant unicorn!  Her and Laura sat upon their respective floaters and floated!  Eventually, they anchored them by tying them to a chair.  We were alone for about three hours, and then a couple of ladies came down to use the pool.  They were made aware of the rope that tied the flotation device to the chair, and stepped over them as if it were a perfectly normal event!  "I appreciate you reminding me", said one, earnestly, as she walked back along the path to leave, after we all shouted, "Mind the rope!"  

I swam my usual regulatory laps, and we chatted about many things.  I asked how they had enjoyed their trip so far.  "Line dancing wasn't what we thought it would be!" said Shelley, as she told me of their experience, and how an old Texan had asked her to dance, and how she had realised he was just there to dance, and not to 'pick up' anyone.  "It was perfectly natural for him", she said, as she retold the story, and said how everyone was laughing as she did not know the steps.  It was a positive experience.  He apparently taught her the 'two step', and she is now fully equipped to take on another partner should she ever go 'Texas' line dancing again!  They really enjoyed the very original, typical Texas hospitality!

At seven o'clock, the Unicorn was deflated, (as I can only cope with one enormous inflatable in my hallway,) the pump boxed, food returned to the icebox, towels folded, noodles collected and bags packed.  We left the pool to return to the condo, looking like we had spent the afternoon Christmas shopping and returning with our wares!  Dana had returned from the office a few hours earlier and was by the door to meet us.  He had been watching 'You Tube' videos of the girl's band, Joanovarc!  He was rather impressed with their talent and told Laura and Shelley of the many positive comments posted about them!

Dinner was delightful.  Dana and I went to a local restaurant, enjoyed 'Tex-Mex' at it's best, with complimentary corn bread, chips and salsa and returned home.  The unwitting puppy was deposited with us around 9:30pm and sulked until Samantha's return just before 1am.  Laura and Shelley had been advised by their band manager to 'check out' the Austin music scene, and he had recommended a venue on South Congress Avenue.  I think they had fun!
Image may contain: sky, cloud, tree, plant, bridge, outdoor, nature and water

The weekend is coming to a close, and I feel no remorse at not taking part in our old 'new' traditions.  I do not yet feel I am taking things for granted, as I am sure next year, my daughter's vigour for such things will be as strong as ever, and I will be the only available partner!  

Travelling through life in Austin is always enhanced when visitors arrive.  Although I appreciate what I have, everyday, the appreciation is somehow magnified when others appreciate it too. Until next week, when there will be ............... another story!

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