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Sunday, January 15, 2023


For the first time in a few weeks, we returned to work on Monday morning, having a full week before the first official 'set' bank (public) holiday of the year.  Perhaps, I should really make that public (bank) considering the holiday and the country in which it is set!  Be that as it may, Monday morning was a normal work day, and all was well!

The weather was a little chilly to start, but warmed up and I set about my usual tasks before being collected and driven, in style, to the office.  I was a little late! On my walk, I had bumped into a neighbour, who had insisted I come and view her new kitchen. Her excitement was such that I felt should I say "No", or indicate I did not have time, she would have been extremely disappointed.  Her enthusiasm was warranted, as the kitchen was very pretty.  I was given a tour of the downstairs part of the house, which was quite compact but very cozy, and then headed back down the hill to get ready for work.

Piling up my bags with chicken soup, that I had made the previous day, as I decided a 'fridge soup' was on the menu for lunch this week, due to the excess of 'old' things in my cooler!  I came out laden with bags and was unavoidably late!  Perhaps 'unavoidably' is not legitimate, as I could have disappointed my neighbour, or left the remainder of the hoovering for later in the day!

Our 'constructive' Sunday afternoon, comprising of fixing the dryer, was not successful.  Although it appeared the reason for the dryer's temperamental tantrum was because the hose had become dislodged, this was obviously not the case.  I turned it on, and it turned itself off after a very short period of time.  The common consensus of opinion, after all the facts were given, was that it was too old!  As soon as I explained all the symptoms, I added, "And it does come of age this year.  It will be twenty one!"  Repairing is probably not an option as parts would be obsolete, and a call out charge together with any labour may exceed the price of a new dryer!  Having said cheerio to my washing machine last year, (or was it the year before,) we came to the conclusion that it was deceased.  Like the parrot in Monty Python's famous sketch, my dryer was 'No more!'

Lunch was rather delightful.  "You really do put everything into that soup", commented Grant.  Baby sweet corn, tomatoes, lettuce, avocado, cucumber, and cheese.  I commented that Tortilla soup was no different, and he concluded that I was right.  My soup was rather like Tortilla soup.  Perhaps it should be renamed?  Perhaps not!

Getting ready for visitors is always a bit of an upheaval.  Getting ready for three little visitors was rather moreso.  Edward was heading out to a meeting 'out of town', and Samantha had asked if she could come and stay for a couple of nights.  Although I was quite sure she could manage the baby and the dogs on her own, Edward was concerned she may be overwhelmed.  I think the truth of the matter was that Edward was a little more overwhelmed with the thought that she would be overwhelmed!  However, mum to the rescue, and the cot was made up, baby supplies in place, and pads down for the dogs, should they decide to be contrary!  

Cooking for seven should not have been such a hard task, especially as all were going to eat the same thing, but when the original target is five and two are added throughout the day, portion control becomes more of a dilemma!  I had decided to cook a roast dinner, with all the trimmings, and there was enough meat to feed five, with more than enough for left overs the following evening.  When the five became seven, and the two for the following evening became three, a trip to the shops to buy an additional piece of meat became a necessity.  I would rather freeze the left overs than ration the guests!  

Everything turned out fine, despite the beef being perfectly cooked for dinner time, and two of the guests being late!  It must be a Texas thing!  "Dinner at six?" is a question.  "Sure thing", to me is an affirmation statement.  At six thirty, when dinner is sitting waiting to be eaten, and no one has heard from two of the guests, two things come to mind.  "Where are they?" and "Are they okay?"  When a message is sent enquiring, and an answer is given, "We are about twenty minutes out", a third, less concerning thought blurts out.  "Why didn't they message?"  Perhaps that last sentence should have had the suffix, "Or words to that effect!"  I can see why 'Pot roast' and 'stew' is a much preferred option!  At least I was not serving up 'soft boiled eggs'!  However, all was good, and all enjoyed!

The baby was quite well behaved.  I only heard him whimper once.  The dogs on the other hand were not!  Perhaps I should say one of the dogs.  The littler one of the two would not settle.  He is very protective of the baby and was quite happy to stay with me for a while, but then whimpered all night.  He did not sit by the door, and when I got up to see what was wrong, he bounded on to the bed.  Suffice it to say, I slept very little.

Dana took the animals with him on Thursday when he left the house, and I was able to get my chores done.  Samantha came with me for a walk, and we pushed the pram up and down the hill several times!  She had been given the 'all clear' the previous day and was ready to start getting 'back in shape'.   I left my house in disarray!  

Not having a dryer was only part of the problem.  Hanging the washing over a 'clothes horse' is a viable option and one of which I took advantage.  However, after eating dinner, clearing away, hanging up wet laundry somewhere other than usual, as my 'laundry room' was now back to being the 'spare room' and I could not have the baby and damp washing in the same room, added to the fact that I had very little sleep the night before, and the disruption in my household, I was exhausted! When the call came across the landing, "Is Grandma ready to give Teddy a bath?" I felt like running and hiding somewhere.  Anywhere that I could just 'stop'.  However, I came to my senses rather quickly.  These moments will never be repeated.  Perhaps the word 'never' is not quite right, as there will be, I hope, other times, but this particular moment, as my grandson turned six weeks, will never come around again.  Of course Grandma was ready to give Teddy a bath.  

Grandma is a little out of touch with the modern day baby!  A bath used to be putting the baby into water and washing him, getting him out before the water went cold.  "Wrap him in this" said Samantha.  "But it will get wet", I responded.  "Yes, but it will keep him warm while he is in the bath", she said.  How clever!  Of course, space was at a premium, as the 'clothes horse' that was over the bath, because the dryer is not working, had to be moved, along with the other wet washing, because the baby is in the laundry room, and Samatha's old bedroom is full of the things that are usually in the spare room, because the cot is now in the spare room, made everything a little complicated.  However, as I said, this particular moment would not be repeated. As I bathed the little one, something which he enjoyed, his mum went to make up a bottle.  When I used to 'make up a bottle' it was a painstaking exercise.  Scoop the powder as carefully as possible, into a sterilised bottle, which had been sitting for twelve hours in a special box, which had to be filled with boiling water and a 'sterilising' tablet.  The water had to be boiled, and cooled, and then reheated to the correct temperature.  All that is needed now is a 'steamer', 'baby' water, and (get this) a 'Baby Keurig'!  Not a 'small' coffee maker, but a machine that automatically mixes the formula with the water, in perfect proportion, and it is ready to use!  I thought the 'prepared bottles' from the supermarket was innovative!  

After wowing at all the time savers, 'mod-cons' and clever ways to keep a baby warm during bath time, (my contribution was the 'special jug' for hair washing!) I took Teddy out of the bath, dried him and we were ready for bed!  Perhaps, 'we' is not accurate, more like "I" was ready for bed! 

I promptly fell asleep whilst watching something on the the television and work up at a little after midnight.  I panicked as my door was open and there was only one dog in my room.  Where was the other one?  I had slept through the mayhem of Teddy going to bed, and the dog transferring rooms.  He was quite happy guarding the cot!  (From a distance, of course.)

Friday was a good day.  I was dropped at work, and left everything in a mess!  I could tidy up over the weekend.  The collapsible cot could be collapsed another day.  The bed linen could be washed another day, and the washing could be redistributed later!

By the time I returned home, my kitchen had been cleared of all the 'mod-cons', and my washing was hung up neatly, drying on a clothes horse and rack.  My spare room was a laundry again, and Samantha's room was the spare room again!  I was ready for a weekend!

The 'long' weekend started with a shopping trip and then a tussle with the 'collapsible' cot, which was not co-operating.  After putting it back up, and attempting to collapse it several times, I took a deep breath and told myself that I could do this!  I was a (reasonably) intelligent woman, who had brought up two children, who appeared to be doing okay, and who had survived several things in her life that had never been planned, and was strong, fit and (reasonably) able! I could collapse a collapsible cot!  Eureka!  I did it!  I am not sure quite how, but I did!  

Our Saturday evening was very exciting!  We had an outing!  The outing was to the 'Do it yourself' shop to look for a dryer.  Perhaps the word 'exciting' is an overstatement!  Another couple looking for appliances were hovering as we approached the department.  An older man in an electric buggy was at the desk.  Everyone was wondering when the sales assistant would appear.  Eventually, a youngish man appeared, with a look on his face that pretty much said, "Great!  I have to deal with all these people!"  We wandered around and looked at the options.  It is amazing how many options there are!  I didn't want one that would separate and organise my clothes, nor one that would fly my clothes to Mars and back.  I wanted something that would simply 'dry'!  Was it possible to find a dryer that simply 'dries'? Apparently not!  It was then that I realised I had forgotten the most crucial element. The size!  We would have to return.  The thought of that did not exactly thrill me!

Sunday started slow.  I had measured the dryer, and was ready to make the trip to the warehouse.  We did not make the trip to the warehouse.  Instead, we found the exact model I was looking for on the shop's website.  I would have preferred to have given the salesman something to do, but he didn't look like he wanted anyone to give him something to do!  

The wind picked up around lunchtime.  I took my new book down to the pool, and started to read.  The wind started to gust and I decided that an afternoon in the open air was probably not such a good idea.  Instead, I came back upstairs and moved things out of the way, for when the new dryer comes.  

I am quite looking forward to another day off.  I am not sure what is planned, apart from waiting in for a delivery person, but whatever I do, I am sure it will be interesting!  Perhaps 'interesting' is a little over ambitious.  It had been quite a full week, and hopefully next week will be full of fun.  Perhaps I will have an adventure to write about in ............ another story!

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