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Sunday, January 26, 2025


I ventured down to the pool to clean out the skimmers on Sunday afternoon, rubber gloves in my pocket, wrapped up warm.  It seemed a little odd, to be so sheltered from the cold, only to dip my hands into cold water, but as the 'pool monitor', I cannot let a little change in the air from the important tasks!

Waking up on Monday morning to sub zero temperatures was expected.  However, I had planned to take myself out on a shopping spree.  It was the second 'bank' national holiday of the year, if you count the '1st' as the first.  As Edward had pumped up my (almost) flat tyre on Saturday, checked the remaining three, and my husband had made sure that there were no 'leaks', I was prepared to go south to the mall, and just have a leisurely day.  The best laid plans, etc., etc., was once again the phrase of the day!  

Waiting until we reached 'zero', I headed out, with a thick coat, boots, hat, gloves and scarf, and started my journey.  About half way, and passing another 'outdoor' mall, I decided I did not really have to travel all the way down to San Marcos, for just a couple of shops.  It was not the sort of day that would be conducive to walking around, as the 'feels like' was way lower than the 'actual'.  As I tell my neighbours when the ask if I am still swimming in the winter, "I am a bit mad, but not stupid!"  (Although I am sure they all have their opinion on that!)  I turned around and headed back.  

Roadworks have been the bain of the Austinites life for must be almost a decade.  Even the Rodeo clown joked that in a few million years, when the sun burns out, the workers on the Interstate will have to work in the dark!  As I crossed over the main road, and headed  back north, I felt like those contestants in 'Cool Runnings', with the 'slalom' that had been created.  One lane, with tall walls either side, and sharp twists and turns, the road was more like an Olympic challenge than a 'frontage' road for the all important major thoroughfare!  

Stopping at the store that was previously called the Coat Factory, I exited my car, wrapped my scarf tightly around my face, and marched quickly into the shop.  It was not particularly busy, but this was not a surprise.  There was more than the cold weather happening today.  I wondered if the weather had been warmer, if more people would have ventured out and watched the events later on a re-run.  I browsed, picked up, put back, wandered, and eventually checked out.  Everyone was in a very happy mood, and very friendly.  Most people considered that due to the threat of snow, tomorrow would be an additional holiday!

Back on the road, I planned my next stop, and headed north. I called my daughter, as I knew she was going to be home, being that she had used the weekend to 'potty train'.  I was headed her way, and she asked me to pick up a couple of things for her, if I was going to 'pop in'.  The best laid plans, etc., etc., once again came to mind.  I chose not to stop two or three times, but continued along the Interstate.  I came off at the wrong exit, but was quite confident that I was not lost!  I picked up my daughter's wares, and was complimented on my scarf, for the second time.  I chatted with the lady at the check out longer than I spent in the shop, proper!  

Once I had fulfilled all my duties, dropped off the shopping, filled up my car, and quenched my thirst for retail therapy, I headed back home.  Instead of 'Cool Runnings', I was now in 'The Italian Job'!  The epitome of 'Sunday Drivers' were all on the road!  I bobbed and weaved, as another mini followed suit.  We were going home, and a few 'ditherers' were not going to stop us.  I arrived at my house, and suggested to my husband that we make the most of the day, and go to the Cheesecake factory, as my 'free slice' offer was running out at the end of the month.  

As predicted, the restaurant was not busy, but this was probably due to more than the cold and the events of the day, but because it was Monday.  Despite it being a 'bank'/national holiday, Monday is a slow day for Austin restaurants.  As we sat, a group of women were led to a table adjacent to ours.  One was wearing a beautiful white fur jacket, over an equally beautiful white fluffy sweater.  Another wore a fur hat band.  As we left, I commented on how delightful the women looked, and how I especially liked the coat, and hat.  One of them commented that the reason they had come out for dinner was to 'show off' the hat!  I replied, "What better reason" which led to a bit more banter and conversation.  My husband looked on and pondered, as he sometimes does, at how easy it is for women to chat and laugh at what men consider to be 'nothing at all'.  "Love the scarf!" came another compliment!  My scarf, I would hasten to add, was selected because of the length, not the style, but I knitted it several years ago with some 'left over' wool, so it is always an honour to be told it is 'beautiful'.

I woke several times during the night, checking to see if there was any snow.  By seven, the ground was covered with a thin layer, and the temperature was well below freezing. We would be working from home!  However, by ten thirty, the sun had been out for a while, and whilst we had not quite hit 32 degrees Fahrenheit, the roads were clear, and the exit from our unit was dry and ice free!  We headed into the office, and found others there too.  Apparently, the south fared worse than the north of the state.  

As the week progressed, the horror of the cold started to subside.  We were heading out of the winter (which had lasted all of a week) and were going back to cool (some would think warm) temperatures, which were more tolerable!  Wearing my coats, hats, boots, scarves and gloves, I wonder at why this is such a problem for the locals!  Walking from the house to the car, from the car to the office and back again, is not an arctic trip to find the north pole!  Captain Oates had it worse!  (Off the soapbox!)

Our Annual General Meeting was held for our association and we shuffled into a small meeting room in the local library.  Coffee and pastries were provided, and we waited for everyone (who were going to show up) to show up!  It ran for longer than I had expected, and when it was over, we headed out to go to the office, where Samantha was going to meet me and take me shopping. However, she was sitting in the car park of the library and we went on our way!  It was now about fifty degrees and dry.  People were venturing out! 

The shops were very busy.  The warehouses were extremely busy.  I was in rather a boisterous mood!  Having sat for a couple of hours, I was feeling a little 'stir crazy'.  I am not sure what it was that made me feel as if I had to 'police' the queues, but it was as if I was drunk with freedom!  "These poeple have been waiting for a long time!" I said to a couple that came from the side.  Apologies were forthcoming.  Each stand that had something rather sumptuous, there was a queue, and each time, there was a queue jumper!  As we continued around, Samantha, who presumably also felt that freedom, was telling people, "I am sorry for my mother's behaviour!"  By the time we left the stores, many people were laughing!  I think they may have thought they were on a reality television show.  "You queue jump when you drive!" I was reminded.  "I can't help those who will not help themselves", I responded!

It rained Sunday morning, and I took an umbrella out for my post breakfast walk.  Today I plan to put  my plants back out into the garden!  They have been inside for a week, and it is time to reintroduce them to the elements.  They have definitely thrived inside, but ultimately, they need to go back to their natural habitat!  Drizzle has stopped me being able to sit and read outside, but I do not plan to use my day unwisely.  Whether I succeed in my 'best laid plans', will be something to be revealed, in......... another story!

Sunday, January 19, 2025


January!   Despite having been historically, politically, and devastatingly eventful,  each adverb being mutually exclusive, is usually, personally uneventful. 'Happy new year' turns into 'new year'. It is when I reduce my posts to 'the weather' that I know, things are really, uneventful, but I will try to lighten, or brighten your January!

After spending longer than I intended, reading, a couple of weeks ago, I returned to 'weatherproof' my plants.  It had been an interesting afternoon, with the wind blowing gustily, and me thinking, "Now is the time to pack up", only for the gusts to stop and the sun to shine warmly.  Edging my way up, I finally ran out of patio, and the sun was no longer available.  

At three in the afternoon, it was too early to cover the plants.  The sun was still quite prominent in my sunroom and it was still very warm.  I arranged, and rearranged all the pots, to keep them in 'groups' and emptied some pots that held dirt and weeds.  Finally, I was able to cover the pots and put the special protective material my daughter had bought me (a few years ago) over the little groups I had made.  It was all very organised!

Bringing my Maringa plant inside, was my decision.  Edgar is now quite tall, and despite having very few leaves, would not have liked the drop in temperature, and it would have been impossible to cover him.  Maneuvering him to a place that would accommodate his height, I headed back out to make sure everything was secure.  When I left my patio, it was lovely and warm, with a mild breeze.

Around ten in the evening, we heard the not too subtle wrath of the wind.  Our doors did not rattle as they had before they were replaced, but we knew it was a good time to be inside!  The temperature had started to drop and we were promised a sub-zero start to the morning.

Although there did not seem to be a great deal of damage to our community, our 'Luminaires' would another Christmas not see!  Those on my front porch were ripped to shreds.  Those across the road had suffered the same fate.  Although I did not think the lights would be taken down immediately after 'twelfth night', they would not have been removed before Monday morning.  I chose not to take an 'al fresco' exercise, as the 'chill factor' was (reportedly)  dangerously low.  However, I did have to venture out.  

Thankfully, my ability to 'dress for the part' was in tact!  Coat, hat, gloves, scarf, boots and a quick hop, skip and jump to the car, saw me on my way.  The roads were surprisingly busy, considering the temperature, and work was not slow.

The week, although eventful in many ways, historically, politically, and devastatingly,  each adverb being mutually exclusive, was uneventful for me.  I plodded through, catching pieces of news, as each of the individual events unfolded, and watched the weather forecast to determine the thickness of coat, or height of boot, and the send of hibernation for my plants. It was 'new year'.  Was I happy?  I was not unhappy!

Living most of my life (or two thirds so far) in a country that has four seasons, suffers from damp and cold, (snow on occasions,) and summers that (generally) do not exceed the century in heat, it seems at times, a little strange to heed the advice of those who tell me not to venture out for a morning walk if it is too cold.  Defining 'too cold' can be a challenge.  If my husband wears shoes and socks, as opposed to flip flops, I know he would consider it inadvisable to go for a walk!  However, I chose to accept that it may have been a good idea.  

Although there appears to be not so much emphasis on the twelve days of Christmas, as the day after sees shelves being stripped of tinsel and baubles, and replaced with hearts and pink and red candy, the second week of the year certainly did not spark any evidence that the general population was ready to head straight into the 'love' season.  It was cold!  Austinites do not do cold!  

We entered another week, and the threat of a winter storm for the following weekend was being strongly hinted.  Despite my experience the previous weekend, when you wear short sleeves and the sun is beaming down, making everywhere quite warm, it is still almost impossible to imagine, but imagine I did.  Although my plants had survived a couple of sub zero nights, they would not survive the following weekend.  

The covers came off my plants, as the temperatures rose, although I noticed that some of my neighbours kept theirs secured.  I am still amused as how I find sixty degrees to be chilly, and require a jacket, if not a coat.  I wonder if I would acclimatise back so quickly!  I think it would be a case of having to do so!  

Our Christmas lights were all removed, and all vestige of the holiday season disappeared along with them. The last to go were those at the entrance to our little community, and whilst it is helpful to have them announcing the usually almost hidden ingress, it is also nice to be slightly obscure!  No-one takes a wrong turn into our complex, as if you don't know it is here, it is not here!  "Perhaps we need a sign, or an arrow" has been thrown around, "Perhaps not!" has been the response.  However, Christmas, or at least the Yuletide season was over, and the season of goodwill was replaced with the season of ambivalence.  Where is the 'happy'?

January is such an unpredictable month.  Sometimes warm, sometimes cold, always slightly underwhelming.  After the build up to the end of the year, the 'happy new year' has definitely lost the 'happy' somewhere along the way.  It is not that people are miserable, per say, but it is like they all have a hangover and are slightly fragile!

"How was your positively awful surprise trip to Las Vegas?" I asked our office neighbour.  He had appeared in the corridor the day before New Years Eve, and announced, with a sense of woe and shoulder weight, that his wife had arranged a surprise visit to the place that is often referred to as 'Sin City'.  "Oh no!" I had responded, "How terrible for you!  I couldn't think of anything worse!"  His response to my question was, at first, a look of intrigue, but then he (presumably) remembered his remark and continued, "It was....awesome!"  He was now back at work, and (presumably) the 'happy' new year, to him was just the 'new year'.

As the week progressed, the temperatures rose, and so did the cheer!  A little bit of sunshine manages to change everyone's mood.  

By the time the weekend arrived, again, coats were left in the cupboard.  Although I wore a jacket on Saturday morning, I left it in the car by the time I was at the store.  A beautiful afternoon followed, and I caught a few rays whilst reading.  I then went about preparing for the cold, again, and once again, I wondered at the heat and glorious sunshine.  In came the plants.  Covering them was not an option.  If the temperatures were going to drop to the sub zero numbers that had been reported, a mere sheet, or even a more substantial shelter would not be enough.  I covered my floor with sheets and boxes, and made my kitchen into a temporary greenhouse!  Edgar remained on the stairs, oblivious to his peers predicament!  

We ventured out for dinner, and by the time we returned, the wind had picked up and as the sun disappeared, so did the heat.  By Sunday morning, the sub zero temperatures had returned.  Welcome to Texas!  Y'all!!  

I did not venture out first thing, and take care of the skimmers as is my usual job on a weekend morning.  January!  What happens in January!  Obviously, a lot!  Politically, historically and devastatingly, eventful it may be, but for me, it has been 'new year', and 'January'!  

We are heading into the 'real' winter of the season, and the 'new year' has become 'anxious new year', or perhaps 'apprehensive new year'.  Happy has not been a word that has been passed around!  This coming week will definitely be eventful!  Politically, historically....... Monday is a national holiday.  It will be below freezing.  How will this phenomenon play out in my life?  Perhaps ..... another story!

Sunday, January 5, 2025


The Christmas week was, thankfully, uneventful.  We finished work on Monday evening and I thought we might take the opportunity to do something fun on the Tuesday, but despite having plans to make the most of my time off, we sat and watched a couple of films, ate left overs and had a relaxing Christmas Eve.  

Two years ago, I planned to host an afternoon tea, in honour of my youngest grandson, but due to circumstances beyond my control, it did not happen.  After much deliberation, I decided that the Sunday between Christmas and New Year would be a wonderful time.  My motives were not all together pure!  As we perceived work would be quiet on Thursday and Friday, I thought I would have some time off to prepare, (pure enough,) but I had considered a lot of neighbours may be out of town for the holidays.  (Not so pure!)   Those who are normally out of town answered first, with a resounding, "How wonderful.  We will be there", or "Yes, I have my family coming, we would love to come!"  Not to mention my accosting a couple of neighbours as they drove to and from the complex!  By the time most of the replies had been received, I was looking at about thirty five mouths to feed!  

Christmas morning was spent drinking coffee and organising my living room to allow the best use of space, and bringing in folding chairs from my shed, conscious of the time as we had dinner reservations at two, in deep South Austin.  

Lunch was fun!  It was not perfect, as Dana's dinner was inedible and the little one's order came up wrong, twice, resulting in us canceling his whole meal, as he had been dining off everyone's plate before the second attempt was rejected.  However, the atmosphere was good,  Dana was given an alternative, the company was pleasant and we were not in a hurry.  I took my grandson outside to feed the ducks, whilst his mum ate her dinner in peace.  We all came back to my house, and watched Teddy open his presents.  I had made the decision to only half wrap them, as the element of surprise tends to get lost on a two year old if there is too much work involved!

Thankfully, our prediction was correct.  Work was not completely inactive, but it was slow.  I started to prepare for the weekend.  Mince pies and Bakewell tarts.  As my numbers were rising each day, (or appeared to be,) I had been rethinking my menu.  Of course, an English Afternoon 'High' tea must have a Victoria Sponge.  Finger sandwiches are probably the next 'staple', and of course, scones! It had started!

Much of Friday was spent making trifles and chocolate mousse.  My theory (which turned out to be slightly askew) was that I had to make one of everything for everyone whom I thought was going to attend. That meant thirty odd individual desserts.  My biggest problem was fitting everything into the fridge.  My kitchen took some time to clear up, but by the time Dana came home, it looked as if I had not done much of anything all day!

I had decided that, despite having a lot to prepare, I really should take some 'time out' and go to see my grandson at his 'activity' centre on Friday morning.  It is a structured session where the little ones 'train'.  It is a good way to get them to listen, whilst having fun and performing and learning some developmental skills.  Each week prizes are given to those who performed very well, and to 'encouraging' parents.  I had told my daughter (somewhat tongue in cheek) that it was 'fixed' as I was sure she should win every week!  No one was more encouraging, supporting and active than me on that morning.  I crawled like a bear, roared like a lion, climbed like a possum, leapt like a frog, jumped like a kangeroo, and ran around the obstacle course continually for forty five minutes.  I called to all the kids to let them know they could "do it!" and took part in all the events.  "When they say 'competition', they don't really mean it the way you think", said my daughter, but it was too late.  The tug of war was going to be won by my grandchild's team, and it was!  However, when it came to the prizes, I was overlooked! The person who won the 'most encouraging' called out a couple of times, and barely leaned over!  My daughter and I left, knowing we had really won, and did not need a prize!  "It is fixed!" I told her before we burst into laughter!  Of course, in reality, I did not need to win, but everyone who knows me would have found my participation, and subsequent loss, highly amusing!

After shopping on Saturday, taking my step-daughter out for lunch, and baking a couple of cakes, I finally called it a day, and wrote my list for the following day!  

I spoke to my sister on Sunday morning, in the safety of my kitchen.  She was unconvinced that I would be ready by four!  Samantha came over at three, and helped me organise the space.  We had tea and coffee on the trolley, a St. Clements juice in a glass tree shaped water dispenser, with tea cups and saucers on hand!

The sweet and savory tables (at the risk of being boring by listing the goodies) had four plates of different finger sandwiches, salmon rissoles, individual bite size quiches and of course, sausage rolls.  A lemon drizzle cake, coffee cake, individual trifles and chocolate mousses, mince pies, Bakewell tarts, a chocolate Swiss roll, gingerbread, scones (with cream and jam), and the piece de resistance, the Victoria Sponge.  

A success it was!  The young man whom I accosted at the beginning of the week turned up with his wife, and a couple who said they had tickets to a basketball game came on later.  A few cried off sick, and a couple did not turn up, but there were about twenty (or so) who turned up, and thankfully took some plates of food home!  I was delighted it had gone so well!

The next week started and we were one of the few places open on Monday.  Tuesday started early, and I spent most of my home time getting my 'downstairs' back to normal!  Our maintenance man was still away form work, returning after the new year, so I was taking care of the skimmers.  After being totally satisfied that everything had been put away and returned to its place, I went down to take care of the pool.  As well as emptying the pales, I took the brush down from its rack, and brushed the filters on the bottom.  My water bottle slipped out of my pocket, where I had put it whilst doing my 'job'.  I stretched out to stop it falling in, at the same time, twisting just enough to allow my phone, which was in the other pocket, to fall out, and head down to the bottom of the pool!  I stood for a second and shouted, "No!"  I then tried to brush it to the side, but it was in (probably) the only actual 'dip' in the surface.  Taking off my coat, and sweatshirt, shoes and socks, wearing what looked like a swimsuit and t-shirt, I dived into the water.  It really was the only way.  However, I had not considered how cold it would be, and could not hold my breath for as long as I thought.  I had to come to the surface to take a breath, and saw that the phone had been moved out of the 'dip'.  I cajoled it to the shallow end, and went in again to retrieve it.  Never again will I doubt the benefits of a cold plunge!  

Relating the story, once at work, I started to laugh.  Thankfully, only one person saw me, and she thought I was there in my costume, swimming.  What a way to end the year!

Our new year was uneventful, and the rest of the week continued with us babysitting on Friday night enjoying a couple of days off at the weekend.  The weather was pleasant and it was warm on Sunday morning.  However, a cold front was promised.  Temperatures threatened to drop below zero overnight and my plants needed to be covered and protected.  

Once again, happy, and healthy new year to all!  I do not have any resolutions.  I just hope that it will be eventful in good ways and uneventful in bad!  Whatever your new year brings, mine will probably bring ........... another story!

Monday, December 23, 2024


I received a message from my sister, about ninety minutes before our usual 'chat' time.  She was going to a carol concert, and wondered if I could call early.  We had been out very early, and were just enjoying a cup of tea and a sit down when she 'pinged'.  It was perfect timing.  I had wanted to make a Christmas cake, and whilst there were many recipes from all sorts of books and online chefs, I wanted to make the cake my mother made; A traditional Dundee cake!  

We used to go through my mother's cookery book, and would 'oooh' and 'ahhh' at the pictures, and as the desserts led into cakes, and cakes into wedding cakes, the sounds became louder and more enthusiastic.  She was looking for the recipe I wanted, but although I wanted to make the 'Dundee', I could not remember what it was called.  We 'oooh'd' and 'ahhh'd' together, although I could not see the pictures.  My memory served well!  Eventually, she found the Christmas cake recipe, which called for 'Any rich fruit cake'.  She listed a few and finally she found the one I was looking for.

Having snapped a picture and sent it to me, I got to work!  Of course, there were a few differences.  The recipe book is circa 1955, and when the oven temperature said 350, the ovens did not maintain the heat as they do now.  A loud noise, or a clatter could cause a cake to 'fall' as the technology of insulation was not the same.  However, despite having to make a few adjustments for the ingredients, I did not think about the oven.  I baked it at the temperature given, and really should have checked with Mary Berry first!  It is a shame I do not have her and a few other bakers on speed dial!  Twenty or thirty degrees lower would have been ideal!

Twenty or thirty degrees higher was the outside temperature on Monday.  Sunday afternoon had rained, and I had put the cake in the oven before attempting to have  little 'me' time by the pool.  After the third downpour, I decided to come back to my kitchen and 'play'  More English recipes, like the little chocolate 'Christmas puddings' and the classic gingerbread men, were made and put aside for the office staff and delivery men.  Before I came in from the rain, I checked the water temperature, which seemed to have risen quite considerably due to the milder days.  Therefore, Monday morning I decided to risk an early morning swim.  It was glorious!  As I walked back to my condo, I was spotted by neighbours who, naturally, thought I was completely mad, but expected no less!  Mad, maybe, but I did point out, not stupid!  If it had been a particularly chilly morning, I would not have ventured into the water.  

Four tickets were ready to be accepted in my emails.  It was the first time I had won tickets to a hockey match, and I was quite excited.  Amazingly, Grant had also won four tickets. However, the game was on Wednesday, and we had plans.  Fortunately, no one objected to a change of day, and we decided to accept the prize.  

The mild mornings allowed me to swim for another two days.  As I floated for a few minutes on Wednesday, I was aware that this really may be the last swim of the season.  The high for the day was pretty much what I was experiencing, laying on my back, being held up by a buoyant suit.  

Our workday finished, and I got changed into more suitable attire.  The red and black dress, with green jacket and silver boots were swapped for a pair of jeans and jumper.  I went from being a Christmas tree to a regular Texan, with boots and hat, albeit with a tartan jacket!  

Samantha and her family were already at the venue when Grant, Cyndie and I turned up.  Dana did not really want to go, and I did not pout and stamp my feet.  If he did not want to go, then so be it.  He was happy for me to enjoy myself and I was happy for him to stay home.  The promised hot chocolate and cookies had run out, even though they were only forty five minutes into the two hours before the game! There was still coffee, and if you were quick enough, it was possible to ask the guy at the cookie stand to squirt some of the canned cream he had left over.  I sipped my coffee and went in search for the smores.  Santa and Mrs Claus sat on a bench, and I took my grandson for a picture.  "Do we get a present?" I asked.  Reluctantly, Santa took a box from his sack and handed it to me.  He had one box left and seventy five minutes to say "Sorry" to anyone else who asked for a present!  The lady at the smores stand was concerned she would run out of cookies and chocolate, but she had enough marshmallows for a week.  "Let them toast the marshmallows!" said the lady to whom she complained. I entered the venue with my hands full!  Once inside, I spotted the H-E-B stand.  The supermarket that sponsors, and presumably owns, the venue.  Pins, ice packs, highlighters and other goodies were all on a table for everyone to take.  I pulled Cyndie over and said, "Take a highlighter".  I needed her to have something to commemorate her first experience at a sporting (or any other) venue!  

I had asked Samantha, previously, what was in the box from Santa.  "A t-shirt and a button" she said.  Just before the game started, I looked at her.  "A button?  really?"  A button here is what we would call a 'badge' at home.  I know she has an American child, but....  She looked at me.  "You are just now realising that I made a mistake!" she said.  Of course, no one else knew to what we referred.

The game started, after honouring the military, and National Anthem (led by a local school choir) and we all cheered for the Texas Stars.  In between plays, as the referee spoke to players, or the ice was cleared, the screen showed different areas of the stadium, and those on the screen all waved or danced, or copied something that had been performed on the screen before they were shown.  As soon as the puck was dropped, the music and entertainment stopped and the game was the focus.  It certainly kept everyone's attention.  

Our section won the 'selected section' prize of a free snow cone, (received in the form of a voucher,) and
as the game ended in a draw, we were all given a voucher for fries at a local fast food restaurant, because the game went into overtime.  My grandson lapped up the attention he was getting from all the adults, as well as the entertainment.  He clapped, shouted, squealed and was thoroughly delighted!  

The 'Stars' won the game, and we all went home happy.  Cyndie had also thoroughly enjoyed her first ever 'venue' experience.  I arrived home a little after ten, which was fairly good for a school night!

Thursday morning was once again very chilly.  I walked around our complex and cleaned the skimmers as Raul was off for the holidays.  The water temperature had dropped considerably overnight, and I was happy I did not brave the elements, thinking it would be as warm as the previous day.  This really was the end of the season....perhaps!

Work had started to slack off midweek, and we were lulled into a false sense of security.  We thought that many people had cleared their desks, and were headed out to wherever they wanted to be.  The airports had warned of the excessive crowds, and many people decided to go 'home' early.  Emails were being responded to with, 'out of office' replies, and the traffic had slowed down quite a bit.  However, as is normally the case, Friday afternoon exploded!  We were back to the "We need this done!" category!  "They closed at noon, and do not reopen until the Monday after Christmas", we reported on one thing.  "Why didn't you go earlier?" came the agitated response.  "Because you sent them after twelve!"  All sense of reason flies out of the window when the holiday season approaches.  We did not leave the office until quite late, which was not altogether surprising!

Super Saturday came around, and Samantha asked me if I wanted to go to the outlet!  "Do you?" I responded.  I really did not feel like spending hours at the mall, that is about forty five minutes a way, on the Saturday before Christmas.  She called me.  "No!" she said, as I answered my phone.  We reminisced about the days when we returned home for the holidays, and bought presents for everyone, and then bought presents for everyone to give to others!  My sister had commented to her son's mother-in-law, how simple life was when she gave me a list, and I did the shopping!  Everyone received 'American'!  Super Saturday no longer holds the alure that it once did.  We visited our usual haunts, not even adding extra places.  I arrived home, put away my shopping and watched a film with my husband. Our evening was wonderful, as we met friends for dinner, and came home much later than we would normally on a Saturday.  UT won their game, which means they go forward to the 'knockouts' for the College Championship title!  We are still hopeful this year!  Perhaps I am a little skeptical about their chances, but what do I know.  I'm British!

All that remains, again, at this time of year, is to wish those who celebrate a very Merry Christmas.  I hope it brings all you want, including peace on earth!  What we do, or don't will have to remain up for grabs, in ........... another story!

Sunday, December 15, 2024


Following an uninterrupted afternoon, I put down my book and headed back to reality.  Perhaps 'reality' is not the right word,
as we were going over to Samantha, and then to see the Christmas lights in Downtown Round Rock.  

We drove to the square, and parked outside the library, which donned a beautiful red bow, made of lights.  It made the building look like a giant package, and was, in my opinion, very tasteful.  There was a hint of elegance about the area, until there was not!

Walking along the road, seeing all the restaurants and bars lit up, and listening to the seasonal music, I mused at the fact that we were wearing jackets, as the temperature had dropped to what I was accustomed to at this time of year.  As we turned the corner to cross the main road, to walk through the arches and have pictures taken by the giant decorations, I heard some classical music being played.  Round Rock Donuts was lit up, and very busy.  (Round Rock Donuts has become world famous for their giant 'ring' and always appears to be busy!)  Across the road from the cake shop was a small church, with a small orchestra playing in the open air, and what appeared to be a nativity scene.  I veered off the beaten track and found myself lured to the presentation.  Suddenly, a larger male, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, ran in front of the band, and hurdled over the steps leading to the 'set up'.  He said something which included the word, "Baby", just as a woman, wearing a large tent like dress appeared in the 'manger' and lay down, legs akimbo, simulating, it appeared, to be giving birth.  It was all very modern, apart from the classical music!  However, someone was missing!  As we turned to go the other way from the 'play', standing at the front of the queue, at the Donut shop, was someone in full period costume!  They were missing a shepherd!  With long robes, a traditional headdress and belt, (I could not see his footwear, but hoped he had some form of sandal, rather than running shoes,) he waited patiently for his order, as the baby was about to appear!  I waited for the orchestra to play, "While Shepherds watched their flock by night"!  This is Texas, and don't I love it!  

The lights were beautiful, tasteful and elegant.  The nativity play, and all that accompanied it was an added treat!  We went to the pizza buffet where my grandson enjoyed a birthday dinner.  It was the perfect end to a holiday weekend!

Long sleeves came out of the cupboard and boots were looked at as a
source of footwear.  A coat was not quite needed at the beginning of the week, but the few days of autumn that we experienced, seemed to be heading to winter quite quickly.  However, this is Texas!

The exit of one tenant from our building, and the arrival of another, albeit in a different suite, was the highlight of our week!  "Are they going?" someone asked.  It was not unusual for them to cart things out on a regular basis.  Their company received samples from suppliers, and after displaying them for a while, (apparently,) donated them to charity.  However, the walls were stripped and the fixtures removed.  The office was empty!  The new company arrived in trucks!  We suddenly looked like the forecourt of a vehicle dealership!  I felt my nose twitching!  Who were these people?  What do they do?  I managed to catch a glimpse of their name which was beautifully etched down the wall inside their room, and looked it up on line.  "Wow!  He looks shorter in real life!" I said, not realising how loud I shouted!  As is normal for today's standard, I knew everything I needed to know at the click of a button!  Not satisfied with the extensive information on the page, I walked out of our side door, across the corridor, and knocked on the open door.  "Hello" I said to three women standing behind a table.  I introduced myself, welcomed them to the building and offered my help, should they need it.  They were most responsive, and thanked me.  However, I could not think of what they would need me to do, should the occasion arise!  

As we headed towards the weekend, I knew I would have no time to spare.  We had promised to look after one dog, as Samantha had a visitor to stay, and they thought that should the dogs get over excited, they may upset the little girl who was coming with her mum.  Oh the joy of night walking!  

I headed out on Saturday, with a list from my daughter, as she was not going to be able to go out.  I was out quite early, finished all the shopping, picked up coffee and was at her home ready to help with preparations for the birthday party in the afternoon.  I spent the next four hours doing what mums do best!  I washed up, dried up, unloaded the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher, made sandwiches, creamed pavlovas, rolled out and filled pastry for sausage rolls, cleared tables, laid tables, and then went home to collect Dana!  

To say I was proud of my daughter would be an understatement.  The 'walking mums' group that she has created, (an off shoot from a well established group, who have acknowledged that her group has far more 'walkers' than any other,) is amazing.  Her house was full to the brim of kids, mums and dads, and all appeared to be enjoying themselves.  For someone who was painfully shy, and came out of her comfort zone to make an effort to find other mums with babies, she has created what is almost a legacy! The food was enjoyed, and the kids all played well together, and my grandson appeared to have a blast!  Everyone was delighted to see my husband, looking so good!  

My daughter introduced me to one of her friends, a lady from England.  Her husband had 'landed' a job in Austin, and they have been here for a year.  We discussed what it was like to leave 'home' and head to a new land.  Obviously, I was a lot older than her when I moved, and my kids (almost) grown.  She asked if I ever regretted the move.  I said I did not.  The more we talked, the more she realised that she really did like it here!  It appeared that they had been given the chance to stay longer, and perhaps be given permanent status.  My only advice was not to rush a decision.  She could always go 'home', but once they decided to leave, and restore their life in England, it would be unlikely they would get another opportunity to live here.  I definitely gave her food for thought!  There are always pros and cons, and I told her that it did take a long time before I called this place 'home'.  Of course, one of the big pros, is the weather!

We returned home, and I took the dog for his long evening walk, before have one more night hanging off the edge of the bed!  I got up early and went for a walk, alone!  It was wet and windy.  However, Tuesday is going to be hot!  I wondered if I would have a chance to wear any 'seasonal' clothes during the season!  

Samantha came to collect the quadruped after dropping her friend at the airport.  I was delighted to say goodbye, even though he really had not been any bother.  It was another damp, dreary day.  I thought of Samantha's friend.  She said she didn't like this weather.....any more!  However, she knew it would not last for too long.  I saw myself going to sit by the pool next weekend, even if I don't swim.  

Another week looms, and we are heading towards the end of another year.  Mortality is staring me in the face!  Whilst I hope to still see several more years, I thought of how many years I have been here, and what a difference it has made.  Last week UT lost their conference game.  How many years ago was it that I had no idea about American Football, and had never even heard of Austin!  This weekend, I sat shouting for Navy to beat Army in their grudge game!  I told my husband that I was keeping up the family rivalry, posthumously, for his brother, who was a Navy man.  I could go on, forever, or leave it for ..............another story!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


As the temperatures dropped, so I donned the suit to swim.  I am not always sure I need it, and the water did not appear to be too cold, but I decided to air on the side of caution. The better suit is rather bouyant, and allows me to float, without having to 'tread water' in any way. The lesser of the two does not have the same tolerance.  I chose to wear the better one in the morning, and opted for the lesser in the afternoon.  I swam my laps, got out and greeted one of my neighbours.  We did not expect to see anyone else, commented on how lovely was the day, and how the water temperature had dropped, considerably.  Suddenly, another neighbour, an octogenarian, came down, with a pair of swimming trunks and a towel over his shoulders.  He waved, folded the towel, placed it on a chair, walked to the steps and promptly marched into the water, dunking down out of sight, before swimming to the end.  As he emerged, he held on to the side, looked over at two women, whose mouths were wide open, chins virtually touching the floor, and simply said, "Water's a bit on the chilly side".  In unison, we said, "A bit".  I said it with an exclamation mark.  My neighbour said it with a questionmark!  He swam a couple of laps, exited the water, wiped himself down with his towel, threw it over his shoulders, and walked up the steps to the gate, giving us a friendly wave as he went.  Still open mouthed, we looked at each other, and then in unison, again, said, "He's brave!"  I felt quite the wimp!  "Oh yes, I am still swimming.  Wearing my wetsuit as it is so cold!"  The fact that he is from New England is really not an excuse!

Although it was not too cold on Monday, I felt shivery as we had to set up service in The North Pole.  Admittedly, it is a place in Alaska, and not on the top of the world, but at this time of year, I would rather not endure either, temperature wise.  Trying to find law enforcement to take care of the project was quite the task. Search the Internet for 'The North Pole' and the obvious comes on the screen.  Lapland, grottos, sleigh rides.  Everything but what we wanted.  Eventually, we found a number.  "Hello.  Is that The North Pole Police Department?" is something that is not heard every day.  (Apart from by The North Pole Police Department!)  It sounded like the beginning of a joke!  "Can I email it?" asked Dana.  Apparently, it was an acceptable method of delivery.  Obviously someone wont make the 'nice' list!  

The preparations for Thanksgiving started early.  I had bought a fresh 'Bertie' this year, as the price was the same, and it seemed like a good option.  It sat in the fridge, taking up an enormous amount of room.  A frozen one would have taken up the same amount of space, and probably been in there for almost as long. I had hoped that we would have a slight lull before the big day, but no one seemed to have the need to go home and prepare!  As usual, we had the inevitable, "We need this done now!" and "Is it possible to have this done on Thursday?"  Our Secretary of State closed their offices on Tuesday evening, so nothing could be delivered on Wednesday.  "Can't you say it is an emergency?"  To whom?  There is no one there!  "But....!"  Of course, everyone else's lack of preparation becomes out problem!  "If you call, I am sure someone will come down and collect it".  Not if no one is there!  People tend to lose a sense of reality around holidays, and whilst we do generally perform the impossible, miracles take a little longer!  "Well, I will find someone who can do it, then."  The threats of taking business elsewhere are usually followed by phone calls from someone who has said the same thing to their preferred servers, and say, "We have phoned around, but no one can do it.  Can you?"  Perhaps they should try The North Pole Police Department.  After all, I have heard that there is often a theme of 'extraordinary' in the air!

Swimming on Thursday was a treat.  Thanksgiving Day was late this year.  Being that the first of November was on a Friday, the fourth Thursday would be late in the month.  The weather had been quite mild up until then, and although the water was cooler, (even cooler than last weekend!) I went to the pool as usual.  After my swim, I floated for a while, despite having a lot to prepare!  Something told me that this may be my last swim of the season, and I wanted to savour every moment.  After a while, I could feel the cold penetrating, and reluctantly got out.  Then disaster struck.  I did not have enough green beans to make my casserole!  I could not believe it.  I always have green beans in the freezer!  I sent my willing husband over to the supermarket, and he arrived back with a small bag.  It appeared that everyone was out of green beans!  After coffee and croisants (he bought those with the beans) I continued cooking.  I had risen early to start getting things ready, but there is never enough time.  I messaged my neighbour to make sure they were not alone, and she said they were going to her brother's house.  She was taking the sausage rolls!  I told her I was making Yorkshire pudding!  Her parents are Scottish, and the British traditions remain!  Eventually, all was ready, Bertie was in the oven, and I had time to spare.  To say I panicked was probably an overstatement, but I thought I must have missed something.  I never have time to spare.  However, it appears that I did!

Dinner was excellent, so I am told!  Teddy was thrilled to come and play with Poppa, and pulled him several times to the piano.  He runs around as Poppa plays, hits the high notes, then the low.  He is fascinated by it!

Friday started with brunch, and then I spend the bulk of the day cleaning out my shed!  I threw a lot away, and managed to make some space, which will no doubt be filled with things I shall throw away in another ten years or so!  Dana and I went to the cinema, and then came back to leftovers.  A perfect day!

Moaning mother-in-law Saturday was a bit of a disappointment.  I am not really looking for 'deals' per se, but there was nothing to even tempt me!  We visited all the usual haunts, were fed on every aisle and received coffee and cakes in one store, where the Constable was promoting his precinct.  I must applaud Starbucks, as they provided the refreshments and were constantly refilling coffee pots and snack plates.  It was a nice treat!  I did not moan once!  I did comment that we seemed to spend a long time in each shop, but it was just a comment!

Finally, I was dropped home, just in time to get ready to go out again!  We met Samantha, Edward and the little one for dinner, and then came home to watch UT beat their arch rivals!  What a perfect end to the holiday!

Having had four days at home, or at least away from the office, I am not excited about returning.  There was so much I wanted to do, and although I did achieve a fair amount, once again, there is never enough time.  As predicted, Thursday was the last swim of the season, as Friday morning was very cold.  In fact, the 'feels like' temperature was freezing!  I checked the water temperature on Thursday and it was sixty four.  Today, it was fifty four.  As the sun sets earlier, and rises earlier, with temperatures barely above sixty, it is not going to recover until spring.  Mourning the end of the season is the norm, but I had a good run!

I hope everyone who partook had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  My door was open to anyone who did not have a seat at any table, but as in most years, no one knocked.  My neighbours all appeared to have plans, which was good for them.  I did message our friends Joe and Gail, (the coffee roaster,) and said I was cooking for fifteen, but only four and a half were going to eat.  Gail said she was also cooking for fifteen, but there were only three and a half at her table!  Perhaps next year we should join forces. another story!

Sunday, November 24, 2024


I know I do not need to make an excuse for not writing my own posts, but I feel it necessary to give an explanation.  I also feel it necessary to make an apology to some whom I did not contact, as I was a little remiss.  Here again, I have an excuse, and feeble as it may possibly appear, it was enormous to me!  "To what is she referring?", very few (may) ask.  My trip back to England. 

After the woes of last year, which I shall not go into, (I intend only to refer to them where absolutely necessary,) the trip home was the final 'memory dumper'.  For the first time, my husband had asked me to return early, and when I did, I found him in a very bad way!  Suffice it to say, all the bad memories have been laid to rest, as we have had almost a year of, 'remember last year when....'.  Although we have not yet got to Thanksgiving and Christmas, to repeat the phrase, the big event was would I be able to 'go home' and leave him for two weeks.  The answer was, categorically, "Yes!"  

I had discussed it with Steph, just before she left here, and then with Samantha, as she was going away in September, and it seemed the earliest I could go was mid October.  However, as it was Samantha's birthday, (and another 'remember last year when....',) I decided to wait until the kids were on 'half term' holidays.  That way, I would have more time with them and be able to help Steph during the day, whilst she was working.  

My plan is usually to catch up with as many people as possible, but my apprehension levels grew higher, the nearer it was time for me to leave.  I decided to just concentrate on getting through the two weeks, and spending time with the boys. I was sure people would understand my reasoning.  

The trip was wonderful, and I spent a lot of time with the boys.  My flights were all on time (although my outward flight to London was delayed after we got on the plane, due to 'technical' difficulties, but that turned out to be in my favour with the car drop off time!  The main thing was that Dana called me every day, mostly twice or three times, and I got to see him when Samantha 'face-timed'.  He was fed lunch by Grant, as I had stocked the work freezer with home cooked meals, and managed to hold his head above water workwise.  It was not only a relief, but smashed all the bad memories from last year.

My first 'job' was to pick the boys up from school.  Steph asked if I would mind (as if!) going to Jamie's Harvest Festival Assembly.  Before I went to the school, I visited the small supermarket attached to the petrol station, to pick up some bread, some real English bread, and doughnuts.  Wearing my usual garb, as it was a little on the cool side, I walked into the shop, Stetson on head, boots on feet, and was stared at by a customer.  By the time I reached the till, another man was standing by the one staring.  I heard one say, "Thinks she is a cowgirl", and the other giggled. I felt like I had arrived at the school before arriving!  It is not worth making a comment.  I am in a 'foreign' land wearing my homebase garb!  Who would think such a thing would happen!  I hadn't thought of the consequences should I have 'made a big deal' of it, but I let them have their moment.  I received the same stares at the school gate, until someone came up and said "You're Richard's mum".  Half statement, half question, it mattered not, as suddenly, I was no longer the old lady trying to be something she was (supposedly) not!

As usual, my bags going over contained lots of goodies for the boys, and coming home contained goodies for the people back here!  One of Steph's friend's arrived one evening, greeted me with a warm hug and asked, "When did you get here.  What snacks did you bring?"  Steph's brother commented that every time I come, he puts on 'pounds'. I told him that he was under no obligation to eat all or any of the goodies.  He agreed, and then took a bite of the strangest looking snack I had bought, and grimaced at the taste.  Two minutes later, he was going back for a second, and then a third.  "It's addictive!" he complained!

The day trip to London with the boys was great fun!  We visited the

Tower of London, as they had both learned about William the Conqueror, and then to Pudding Lane, where the Great Fire of London had started, again, a topic they had learned about.  We visited a small shop and bought some chewing gum.  At a penny under two pounds, I stood and waited for my changed.  The shop keeper sighed heavily, reopened the till and gave me a five pence piece.  My oldest grandson asked why I had insisted on getting my penny.  After all, it was only one penny.  I asked him what would happen if the shopkeeper had taken a hundred people's pennies.  His eyes widened. He then said that he had given me five pence so why didn't I give him four back.  The thought had crossed my mind, but I explained it was the shopkeeper's choice, and those four pennies were probably gained by people not asking for their penny.  His mind was calculating how much could be made over a number of years.  I did not mention Richard Pryor's character in the Superman movie, but he would certainly think twice now about looking after the pennies!  His younger brother looked at me quite sternly, and asked, "Can I have the chewing gum now?"

As we watched mind-numbing reality shows, and laughed throughout, Steph's brother commented that I would be going home with fewer brain cells!  I told him that when 'one' has such a high IQ, it is good to watch something so banal, as it keeps 'one's' feet grounded!  He said with an answer like that, he no longer worried about my brain cells!

Samantha picked me up from the airport, at her request.  One of my bags had split, and she had brought another to transfer the contents.  Unfortunately, the contents of the split bag were very heavy, and the replacement did not have wheels.  She had parked up the truck in the car park, and we had to manoeuvre all the bags, carry on and backpack included, which was not easy.  After my experience last year of having to haul my cases into the car myself, without help, it was quite amusing to say the least!  "Which way?" I asked, as we headed to the covered parking.  "That way" said my daughter, pointing ahead.  "Straight up?" I said.  "No, that way!" she said, without me seeing where to go.  "Where are you headed to, ladies?" asked the driver of the golf cart style people carrier.  "That way!" pointed my daughter.  "That way!" I said, not realising we had to get the lift to the next floor.  The lady driver howled with laughter as she watched us trying to get all the bags into the elevator!  It was a kind laugh.  

My step-daughter had a conference in Central London and was arriving on the Saturday after my departure.  She asked if I could delay my homeward flight so we could spend some time together, and I could be her tour guide for a couple of days, before her meetings began.  Although I would have loved to have done so, there were too many reasons to say no, rather than yes, but it was nice to be asked!  It so happens that her flight was delayed and she missed her connection, so she came into London later than expected.  

Thankfully, it was a bank holiday weekend.  Veteran's Day was on a Monday, and the weather was beautiful.  However, the temperatures dropped dramatically during the week, and I knew my swimming days were numbered, albeit being able to get into the pool in the middle of November is a bonus!

My step-daughter and I had been messaging throughout the week.  I had told her a few places to visit, and Rick and Steph had given her some restaurant suggestions.  I explained about 'our' Remembrance Sunday, where we honour the dead, and veterans, and not only did she catch the end of the parade, but saw the King drive past!  I told her that I would go into tour guide mode as London is my passion, and she simply said, "Please!"  

Despite not seeing everyone I wanted to see, and keeping a moderately low profile, my trip did what it was intended to do. I needed to 'leave town' and have a complete break.  It may sound a bit selfish, as everyone works so hard, but the cycle needed to be broken!  

Getting back into the swing of things was not hard.  I did suffer minutely from jet lag, but when getting straight back 'into it', there is little time to feel tired.  There was so much to do.  Thanksgiving needed to be thought about, and although my pantry was not empty, I still had a list.

The water had cooled tremendously.  The sun was now going down a lot earlier.  I had bought a book on my return home, 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'.  I had seen the film on the plane, and wanted to see if the book was much different.  It was virtually the same other than more detail about the 'players'.  The 'true' story was so compelling that I found it hard to put it down.  I worked my way around the pool to keep in the sun.  This time of year, it goes from one end to the other, and then back again.  I moved from chair to chair until it started to disappear behind one of the buildings.  The last few pages were read with the light of my phone, illuminating the page!  Having finished 'A Tale of Two Cities' the weekend before I left (another page turner - I know, who would have thought it of Dickens!) it was interesting to find another book with such compelling content! 

We are now heading fast into the 'seasons' with Thanksgiving coming up this week, and then December and all it brings.  My adventures will no doubt continue in ............ another story!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


I have maintained for years, in fact since the year of my daughter's birth, and no doubt logged it in this blog, and in numerous other articles, speeches, etc., that after my daughter's birthday, the temperatures plummet, both here and across the pond!  The year she was born was warm up until she was born, and then it was jumpers and jeans!  Sunday afternoon, the sun curved around the pool until it was quite chilly to sit!

Timmy, the cat, has made his way over to our complex, apparently through the storm drains, and has joined me most mornings.  He either perches on the wall as I swim, or sits on one of the chairs.  The fact that 'no pets' are allowed at the pool, is irrelevant, as he is not a resident's pet!  He is the pet of a resident of a different condominium complex!

I was quite shocked at the drop in temperature on Monday and was totally unprepared.  I was not completely disappointed, as I had been put on 'dessert duty' for Saturday, as we were having a baby shower for one of our younger residents; a girl who grew up here, and whom everyone knows.  The 'community' decided to throw the shower, and I think I may have mentioned that the committee was larger than the guest list!  My desserts have become somewhat of a legend as they are continental.  I am probably being rather flippant when I say that there are three desserts here (not including ice-cream).  Brownies, (with ice cream,) pie, (with ice cream,) or cheesecake!  Sometimes there is cobbler, but that is really a variation on pie!  The delights of eclairs, or meringues, or tarts, or other creamy pastries or patisserie delicacies are available in very selective places, and not in the run of the mill eateries. However, I digress!  

Cheesecake is indeed the highlight of The Cheesecake factory.  Samantha had mentioned that she would like to go.  In fact, her words were, "No one takes me there!"  This was a comment after Dana and I had ventured there on a Sunday evening, having found a new found appreciation of the restaurant after Richard and Steph were here in the summer, and my daughter was otherwise occupied.  Of course, she could take herself, or ask her husband to take her, but it seemed like a good choice for her birthday.  Despite being one of the three desserts on offer at most restaurants, most restaurants do not have the variety that is offered in the restaurant.  I believe there are, at any one time, approximately sixty different flavours.  Cheesecake is fairly versatile and most things can be added to make it into a cake, dessert or breakfast!  The secret to a good cheesecake is not the flavour but the cheese......but that is another subject!  We had a really nice evening and went home satisfied.

The weather turned.  The temperatures dropped, as predicted by yours truly, and the creamy delights that I had on my menu for Saturday suddenly looked viable.  If it was raining, we would hold the party indoors but at present, it was going to be set up by the pool.  I had prepared some meringue baskets, and pastry cases, and all that was left was the salted caramel cake and blintz, (a very interesting contrast of cake and meringue baked together,) which would be prepared the day before.

Timmy was not comfortable with the colder weather.  His usual perch, on the bricks, was not now particularly appealing.  The seats were uncomfortable without a towel (normally mine) and he wandered from place to place as I swam.  Eventually, he headed out and up the hill.  The armadillo did not seem to be bothered by either of us, and continued to dig up the grass on the verge outside the railings.  Said armadillo has been quite the pest over the past few weeks, but I am the only one who has seen him/her,  I am not going to determine whether it is male of female, as I do not plan to get that close!  It is a rare thing in Texas to see a live Armadillo.  They are like hedgehogs.  (Not in appearance, of course.) You normally see them as a two dimentional object on the road!

The tickets to Paw Patrol were won last week, but the documentation took a long time to come through.To the winner, it is a big thing, and we wait for the 'release' forms, or 'how to retrieve' emails as soon as we are told we have won.  (At least that is what this winner does!)  However, to the donor, it is probably just another thing to do on a day to day basis; another chore!  I was not going to attend and handed them to Samantha.  This time, the baby needed a ticket.  Anyone who has celebrated their first birthday, needed to have a paid ticket.  'Define celebrate' is probably not a valid argument, although my sister brought up the point, "What if they are born on 29th February!"  However, I doubt any child who was born over a year ago would be admitted without a ticket!  I am sure my grandson will enjoy the show, as he enjoys shows!  Admittedly, after Usher, it will be a bit tame!  

The week marched on and we were finally at the weekend.  I drove to my daughter, as it seemed the best option to make sure we were all ready to be where we needed to be at whatever time we needed to be there!  I had to be back before one, to finish off the desserts.  They had a party to attend in the afternoon, and she wanted the baby to have a decent nap.   We hit all the usual haunts, but different locations, and I did manage to arrive home with about twenty minutes to spare, but I had to unpack my shopping and then complete the treats.

I drove to the pool, car laden with creamy delicacies and walked a couple of containers down the steps.  Ten people.  There were ten people, (seven and a half (the half being the husband) were 'committee' members,) and I had enough desserts to feed possibly thirty.  It is my downfall!  I over cater!  However, they seemed to be eagerly awaited!  As we watched the young mum-to-be open her present, (her and her mother not being on the committee,) a small car drove by.  "They have had Timmy fitted with a GPS tracker") said the half committee member!  "They would be better to use the money on securing their outlets!" joked someone else.  Sure enough, Timmy's dad had driven across the road, into our complex, in search of his feline friend.  He got out of his car, and stood for a couple of seconds, and then bent down to pick up the cat, who had obviously seen him and was happy to be retrieved.  It appears the poor man had come out once during a very cold spell to retrieve Timmy.  On that night, Timmy had played 'hard to get' and his owner spent a good deal of time trying to capture him.  He was not prepared as he had only come out in a sleeveless t-shirt, and the owner of the condo where Timmy had sought refuge had caught him on a security camera.  When reporting the incident to the 'board', our esteemed chairman had recognised the owner and explained his presence, as the camera did not pick up the car.  The owner had thought the owner to be a vagrant in search of shelter.  GPS is great for finding animals, but does not stop them running away once located!  We all then told our 'Timmy' stories, which amounted to more than the number of committee members and those who could have been fed with my desserts.

The party came to an end, as mum (or should that be mom) to be had an appointment to make sure baby was heading in the right direction!  He had been breach but apparently moved, so that was good!  I told  everyone to help themselves to leftovers, and thankfully had very little to take home!  I returned for another swim, and then came home to put away my remaining groceries, which I had left in bags on the floor!

Temperatures were not conducive for Timmy on Sunday.  The water had cooled considerably as well.  It was 'bracing' heading towards 'challenging'.  It will not be long before a wetsuit is required.  It is another couple of weeks before the clocks go back, but the sun is setting before my day is finished!  

Plans for next week do not involve much elaborate cooking, nor cat watching.  I await my daughter's report on the show, and shall go to work tomorrow ready to take on another week.  What will the week bring?  Perhaps a new adventure! That is ......... another story!